Imagine, A12 London bound, 65mph decent car lengths behind Green Jag' X type. Nothing in front of Jag' outside lane. Brake lights come on, I ease off and for some reason now down to 45mph in o/s lane. I pull to inside lane and draw along side Jag' to see blond lady, mid 30's driving, male as pax, young child in back seat. Of course, she was texting and completely oblivious to all around her. I shot off and she stayed in the o/s lane texting as people flashed her and undertook her obviously still doing 45.
Later overtook me, and guess what...another obviously really important text to send/receive in outside lane. Quite why her pax didn't text for her....or punch her in side of head for being so crass I don't know. But anyway, well done you stupid anti-social cow and an accident waiting to happen.
I can better that tack. Waiting to cross a busy road with my 7 yo son yesterday a police Fiesta seemed to be leaving a gap to help us across. As we were about to step off the kerb she sped up. Why had she not noticed? A large format AtoZ open across the wheel!
Either she's textin her partner or using a navigational service via her phone which isn't on hands free.
should have noted and mentioned her Reg. No ....
as I was alone and had nothing to write on close to hand, I made a mental note of the number. However, having the memory of a goldfish where was I?
Quite why her pax didn't text for her .............
What's a pax?
Name & shame. What is the car registration?
What's a pax?
Passenger, according to a google search.
I managed to get one the other day-coming off a roundabout following an Escort Cabrio which was wandering across all three lanes-why? mobile screwed into right ear-then I noticed her window was open-big blast on air horns-I still wonder what the person on the other end thought!
tack, read this the other day, and tut tutted.
However, on a trip down to Wigan today, just north of Preston, suffered similar thing on the M6.
So, if you are the owner of an 08 ford mondeo, light metallic blue, and the proud owner of a LG phone, please use your glasses when texting, or take someone competent, and who doesn't need to control the vehicle, rather than myopically staring at a mobile phone while straggling the white line between the middle and outside lane.
Overtaking someone then slowing down and lovingly blocking the way ahead will either kill you, or someone else.The M6 is not a scalextric set.
Other than that, 410 miles round trip of relaxing motoring. (I only had to make 8 turns to get to my destination from the door,and a similar number back - now there's an idea for thread.)
Over the last couple of years, London has filled up with Ford or VW people carriers bearing in the lower o/s corner of their rear screens a sort of dull little London Transport logo in the wrong colours. I assume that this logo has something to do with TfL licensing and that they are new-generation minicabs.
We used to have a word for the drivers of these things when I was in minicabbing in the last century. They never move for several seconds after the lights go green; they accelerate like snails; they never reach more than two thirds or so of the speed limit; and they follow as a rule a meandering course, unpredictable and never using only one lane when it is possible to obstruct two or even three. This mimsing, invariably carried to extremes when one is driving behind them, is dropped only when one is crossing the road on foot in front of them. Then they drive straight at one using rocket-like acceleration.
I imagine a lot of the drivers are from places like Mogadishu, Kabul and the West Midlands, and are driving in this way because their eyes are glued to their satnavs (overdue for a burst of idiot legislation from our rulers). Give me a WAG-piloted Chelsea tractor or a barmy unlicensed chavmobile any day.
What with texting, phoning, sat-navvying and having the grandchildren watch their matching DVD screens, as someone was posting about the other day, I wondered what bits of electronic gear are left to be used while driving.
Is the practice of having an amplification system powerful enough to run a small radio station now going out of fashion? I can't remember the last time my appendix was rattled as someone in a cut and shut Audi drove by with several strips of blue neon slung underneath it and a noise loud enough to be on the soundtrack for The World at War.
What about a microwave? Then you could heat up a pasty while waiting for someone to text back.
A young lady I work with was laughing about her friend who felt a 'bit of a jolt' doing 60 in the outside lane whilst texting. Thinking she'd ran over someone again (yes, again!), it turns out she'd gone straight over the middle of a roundabout and off the other side, carrying on regardless.
Caught using a mobile at the wheel = instant and non-negotiable 12 month ban? That would be nice.
Caught using a mobile at the wheel = instant and non-negotiable 12 month ban? That
would be nice.>>
A 12-year ban would be better!
And preferably also a 12 year ban on mobile use as well!
I was staggered to drive past a driving school car a few weeks back. Didnt think anything of him dordling along at less than 30 in a 50 assuming it was a learner. In fact it was the instructor texting away.
If this is the attitude of instructers then what hope is there for future generations of drivers
Wot you all doin gawping out the side winders into other folks cars??
gorpin oilrag, gorpin...
(No offence mikeyb)
Edited by Lud on 21/06/2008 at 22:22
gorpin oilrag gorpin... (No offence mikeyb)
Perfect English Lud, just perfect.