keeping it simple - the quiet man
Being new to this forum and not being a regular contributor I really do find it fascinating, the vast range of motoring subjects that are discussed. If you need to know anything motoring related, this is the place to be ! I feel the odd one out, my motoring life has thus far been very uneventful compared to a lot of contributors to this forum. I have always been more than happy with my make of vehicle, to the extent that I have for the last 44yrs always purchased the same brand ! This may not suite everyone but the plus side is that I have always been very well treated by my local main agent and in those 44yrs have never experienced any mechanical problems. I exchange every 15 months and my main agent even reminds me a few weeks before hand that "its that time of year again". This may not be to everyones taste but I have found it to be most satisfactory, no mechanical worries, peace of mind motoring. Having been retired for four years now and my milage reduced from approx 30 thousand to now about 8 thousand I feel happy to extend change over period to two years now. At least I still do not have the trauma of M.O.T. to worry about.Although I may not be able to contribute much to the forum I would like to express my sincere thanks to all forum members for giving so much enjoyment to one who sits on the side lines.! Thank you all so much.
keeping it simple - Blue {P}

That's some serious brand devotion you've got going there! I'm a little bit more promiscuous with my motors... :-)

Anyway, pleased you enjoy watching the debate, but do feel free to stick your oar in every so often, it livens things up to have fresh opinions!

keeping it simple - gordonbennet
Quiet man, you should if the title of your thread is correct be in a unique position to give a definitive appraisal of the supposed heyday of MB, their downward spiral into oblivion, circa 96/7 to 01/2 ish, to their realisation that Lexus were taking many of their customers, and their re-ascendence to the top of the quality tree.

Please don't take any offence, non is meant, that was very tongue in cheek.

Seriously now though..

Your ownership time will not have included the rust situation, as even the worst of the MB's should be able to last 18 months before falling to the tin weevil.

Would be very interested to hear more of your ownership experiences.

40 odd years, that goes back to the W111's etc, some of the most desirable MB's ever made.
You were buying these cars before they attained pure badge status and were unique both in design and engineering.

Please tell us how your experiences of these cars and the dealers etc have changed during those years.

You must have very interesting stories about your motoring times, and it will be very different to most of us.

How many of us could be in such a fortunate position as being able to replace new MB's annually for plus 4 decades?

Edited by gordonbennet on 08/06/2008 at 18:17

keeping it simple - barney100
Complete opposite to me. I am on my second ''c'' class and feel MB are not as bad as some paint them. I seldom go to the main dealers but hen I do they are excellent. I have had the present car for 4 years and i call it Boxer after the horse in 'Animal Farm' a it does everything I ask of it but one day...not soon I hope will have to go to the knackers yard.
keeping it simple - gordonbennet
Barney, if you read my second sentence, i make it clear that the first was meant to be taken light heartedly.

keeping it simple - barney100
My post was meant as a response to illustrate two very different philosophies on car buying. The poster's renewing regularly and me hanging on. I don't see anyway my post made the slightest reference to yours.
keeping it simple - gordonbennet
I apologise unreservedly Barney, i assumed you were referring to my first sentence.

My mistake.
keeping it simple - tintin01
Like you Quietman, I was a reader for a long, long time before I posted. I read lots of forums but I find this to be amongst the most friendly and helpful. There are occasional falling-outs but it is never less than interesting.

I would certainly like to hear more of your experiences. Which was the best model? I would hope that you didn't have many reliability issues if you were changing at 18 months, but were there any that gave you problems? I have hankered after a CLK of around 1999/2000 vintage, but the price of fuel is rapidly making that a distant dream.
keeping it simple - the quiet man
My goodness ! I did`nt think that my thread would prompt such interest ! I feel that at this point I should point out that when it comes to motor cars I am a complete ludite, to me a car has always been just a means to an end, getting from A to B in relative comfort. However, I have a 15yr old grandson who like most young men of his age, if he is to be believed, could tell Jeremy Clarkson a thing or two ! He read my thread and the response and started to trawl through photographs of past family holidays showing any of my past motor cars. Every now and then would come a shriek of excitement and cries of,"here`s a 108, 109 " and such like ! I`m afraid it all goes over my head! To me I see a blue car, a red car etc. However he seems to have got the bit between his teeth so to speak so I have handed over to him the task of researching the history of the family transportation. As and when he presents me with any information which I think may be of interest to forum members I shall of course share such nuggets ! In the mean time I shall be absent for some time as it is time for our annual visit to the "colonies" to visit my daughter who for her sins now resides in Washington! I trust you will all keep up the good work and do try not to fall out !! Regards to everyone.
keeping it simple - Collos25
your dealer must love you
keeping it simple - legacylad
quiet man,

Don't be so tough on your daughter! I see nothing wrong with living in Washington. Lovely State, open quiet roads and a beautiful two day drive down through Oregon (the Cascades are a stunning mountain range) to northern California. The downside, as you know, is a certain dampness, but when summer arrives it normally stays for a few months! Enjoy your visit.
keeping it simple - barney100
no problem.