OK its starting to make sense.
Engine would not start because the 12V going to the screw lug on the StOP Solenoid disappeared at key start.
Think its cos the injector pump XUD110 on the D8A engine I bought is not exactly same as XUD114 on engine I removed.
XUD110 has a Blue plug which is connected to the wires that go to the Solenoid.
However on the XUD114 later pump there is also a single wire lug that goes to the round cylinder thingie on the side of the injector pump.
When I start the engine cold with the Solenoid wire connected it runs for 5 minutes and then the 12 volts disappears from the solenoid.
This is obviously the wrong 12V feed, I think it is supposed to go to the round cyclinder and maybe is a heater or post start current to get the fuel warm.
So I have to figure out where I am supposed to get the 12 volts from to feed the Stop solenoid.
I will sort it but the wiring diagram in Haynes manual is not too clear.
I am also one connector left over a grey three pin that goes nowhere.
If anyone can tell me the exact difference between the D8A XUD110 and the DHY XUD114 pump would appreciate it.
At least engine goes now and stops after it heats up.
Worse case scenario run wire from ignition switch.
Edited by stevegee on 04/06/2008 at 06:51