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Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - perleman
If an N.I.P comes through but we can't remember who was driving out of the two of us, and we fill in the form, do they check it against the photo? What if i am then found to have got it wrong?
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Peter D
Request a copy of any photo's to help identify the driver. Do not elaborate or use the word evidence and see what the photo's tell you. Do this now. That is if you get a NIP. Regards Peter
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Peter D
Reading this again it may appear that you have driven passed a scamera van recently and your awaiting a NIP therefore you must know who was driving. Tell me more. Regards Peter
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - qxman {p}
You ask for the picture. Then, if its not clear who was in the driving seat, you realise that you 'can't remember' who was driving. This kind of temporary amnesia mainly affects people who pay a lawyer £10k for a day's work!
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly
I wish.
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - zookeeper
This kind of temporary amnesia
mainly affects people who pay a lawyer £10k for a day's work!

hey, i'l gladly do the 3 points for a grand ;)
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - jbif
and we fill in the form, do they check it against the photo? What if i am then found to have got it wrong?

It depends on how truthful you were.

"A millionaire couple have been jailed after they lied to help their son avoid a speeding conviction .... "

"Veteran striker Teddy Sheringham was arrested after allegedly giving false details about a speeding offence, it emerged today.
Fellow footballers Bobby Zamora and Shaun Newton have also been arrested on suspicion of perverting the course of justice.
The investigation was launched after one of the players accused pretended to be the driver of a car caught on a speed camera ..."

Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - perleman
The van had two cameras attached to a bar attached to the top of the roof. It didn't have the usual slit in the window with the police man and laser gun pointy thing. It had a speed camera logo on the side. Is there any chance that it was an ANPR van, looking for tax evasion? I didn't see any police bikes or cars waiting further up the road though. I haven't seen one like this before, the ones I have seen seem to be manually opperated. It was at the side of the A40 west just after Hanger Lane. If it was a new type of automated speed camera van, is there any chance of me not being caught?

Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly
ANPR my reckoning.
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - yorkiebar
I assume that you cannot afford the £10k for the day with a legal hero and may there have remembered who was driving?

>>is there any chance of me not being caught?<<

Imo, and I kow it goes against the majority, is that speeding in excess of the specified speed is the law of the land, and people should not therfore only choose to accept the laws they personally like. If you choose to speed and get caught please be man enough to stand up and take the punishment accordingly. Or alternatively do not criticise any other person who tries to get out of any law they have broken that they do not like?

Dons tin helmet and ducks down for the barrage of opposite viewpoints.

I dont agree with scameras, but "pretending" not to remember who comitted the offence is not the way to oppose them. I assume you have written to your MP and complained against them etc. I also assume that all those who post against my viewpoint have done the same letter too?
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - perleman
Does anyone else have a view on whether it sounds like a speed van or ANPR?

Edited by perleman on 11/05/2008 at 22:18

Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly
Some versions have two cameras (one for each lane) pointing at an angle downwards
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - perleman
Sorry Pug, do you mean some versions of ANPR? It was a three lane dual carriageway
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly
I had the "privilege" of going to a Scamara and ANPR factory a few years ago. ANPR can be fitted into almost anything these days, the ones I saw were of the type you describe. Standard Transit type van with camera mounts x 2 above the back doors. The speed cameras need corroboration from a Police Officer in these sort of circumstances i.e. Officer eyeballs car suspects its speeding points a camera/laser combination thing at the car and fires the laser.

Pound to a penny it was ANPR you saw.
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - J Bonington Jagworth
It sounds like ANPR, but you'll know soon enough! If no NIP arrives in a fortnight, you can breathe easier - if it does, request a photo by return. The prosecution has to let you see anything they may rely on in court. If they use the Data Protection Act as a smokescreen (which they did to me) remind them that there is an exemption for judicial proceedings.

The trouble with the 'don't know who was driving' defence is that it sounds like perjury, even when it isn't...
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly
They process these very quickly you should have an NIP before the end of the week if you're going to get it at all.
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - BobbyG
I take it your original question is irrelevant now as you seem to have remembered who was driving?
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - jbif
Imo, and I kow it goes against the majority, is that speeding ... If you choose to speed and get caught please be man enough to stand up and take the punishment accordingly.

I agree with yorkiebar.
I take it your original question is irrelevant now as you seem to have remembered who was driving?

BoobyG - It looks like Perleman has not learnt the lesson he said he had last year:
"Just noticed that the policeman has put my date of birth incorrectly on the PCN ... I was lucky just to get a PCN after being caught doing over 100 on a motorway "
"Got pulled doing 110 on the M1 today, the policeman said they'd recorded me doing up to 115 at one point. .... they dealt with the matter by issuing a FPN and 60 pound fine. .... I had the luckyest escape ever. Lesson learned. There can't be that many people caught doing that sort of speed & not banned?"

Edited by jbif on 11/05/2008 at 23:14

Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - b308
I agree with yorkiebar.

And me... if you go over the limit and get caught you know the consequenses, accept them...
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Simon
I'd say it sounds like an ANPR van.
Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - zookeeper
i could be wrong but two camera's seems more appropriate to speed detection rather than number plate recognition...

Edited by zookeeper on 11/05/2008 at 23:32

Speed camera - can't remember who was driving - Pugugly

Scroll halfway down this site and there's a white van with two cameras poking out of the back !

Appears that that is an ANPR set-up