Does anybody know of an alloy wheel repairer who will fix scuffed rime, preferably Sheffield, Yorkshire area
You'll probably find that a good local tyre dealer (or possibly even a national chain) will have a contact to a specialist refurbish. Depending on the alloys, don't expect it to be cheap. I had an alloy on a Saab 9000 which had a dented rim on the inside edge (could have been nasty as it wasn't visible), I think it cost me £30 but this was 6-7 years ago. It looked like new when it came back however.
You'll probably find that a good local tyre dealer (or possibly even a national chain) will have a contact to a specialist refurbish.
Refurbish is one thing, fixing big dings is another.
If the wheel is seriously scuffed, it would be best to replace. Alum 'works' in a different way to steel, and I have seen a few 'fixed' wheels which have disintegrated, with nasty results.
If the wheel just needs a tidy-up, speak to the specialists, and make sure they fix YOUR wheel, and don't try to convince you to take "one we have in stock" - you don't know it's history.
Wise words, Ian.
John S
Wise words, Ian. Regards John S
They should be John - I nicked most of them from you! :>)
Get a copy of your local Autotrader (North East?) - you'll find adverts in the services section.
If Leicester isn't too far for you, try:
Good luck.
A friend in the insurance industry tells me that his company insists that if a car is involved in a collision, damaged alloy wheels are replaced with new ones.
Apparently they had a host of 'comeback' claims when repaired wheels failed - especially on high-performance cars.
He also warned about epoxy-coated 'refurbs' (available in all colours, just to please the boy racers!) - apparently this process is used to cover a multitude of sins by unscrupulous fixers.