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Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
Managed to do it. Looks like it won't cost me anything.

Initially it wouldn't recognise me, but with a quick phone call to DVLA's helpdesk got exactly the right advice and a workaround. Finding a password was a problem (really hard to think of one in the criteria required)

I have had it for nothing ! A one letter change in my postcode (foisted upon us by Royal Mail
five years ago) means that in DVLA's eyes it qualifies as an address change. Brilliant.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - David Horn
I'm dreading my next encounter with the DVLA. I've lost the paper part of my license (years ago) and need a new photo on the photocard, but it looks like I can't do both at the same time. On top of that, I can't include my passport because I can't risk it getting lost in the post, and I live 200 miles from anyone able to sign the photo.

Need to get it done before the end of May.

*head explodes*
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
If you have a Passport "lose" the other part. Apply for a lost licence on-line.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - martint123
I hear that photocard licences are coming up to their 10th birthday so lots of folk should renew them - at a cost of ??... Still got my green one that they say should keep me going until I'm 70. I dare say they will force photo ID, at great expense, onto me before then

Edited by martint123 on 01/04/2008 at 22:28

Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
When steps-on lost his license it took a phone call and £19 to get a new one three days later! That is a good service IMHO!

If you need to change photo then it must be more involved.

With the youngest needing his provisional last year I applied online for him. It seemed his passport photo should be usable but we had to send one anyway. But no need to countersign etc.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
They'll "retrieve" your passport photo if you apply on line. I look as if I'm on the run in mine though.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
But my step-son's application still needed photos sending in the end. And he has a digital passport. Maybe early days.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Bill Payer
I live 200 miles from anyone able to sign the photo.

Is it the same rules as Passport photo's? Practically anyone can sign one of those.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
"Is it the same rules as Passport photo's? Practically anyone can sign one of those."

only if they are on the list allowed to sign and know you for a few years.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - gmac
They let you "upgrade" for free so they have you in the system.
You now have to go through the 10 year renewal at a current cost of £17.50 a go x 27 million motorists (who currently have photo + paper licence) = getting on for a half billion pound windfall for the DVLA.
Of course, economies of scale will reduce that cost - don't hold your breath...

Edited by gmac on 01/04/2008 at 23:49

Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Hamsafar
If they force me to get a photo one, I shall demand the fee for my original paper one back, seeing as when I bought that, it was valid until I'm 70.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - zookeeper
do we get a renewal reminder for our photo licences , ive just looked on mine and i cant see its best buy date anywhere.... ive had it since 2000
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - cockle {P}
Being in a strange mood today.....

I could suggest that it'll be a bit like an MOT in that you won't receive a reminder but will be expected to remember when it's due and will commit an offence if you forget, and also a bit like the VED in that they have you on file and know when it runs out and will automatically be able to send you a PCN charge the following month for failing to renew.

But I could just be being cynical; mind you they've turned me into one!

Personally I still have my green licence as DVLA want to charge me £19 for a new one, but, oddly, would give me one for free if I move. Now, I haven't changed address in 28 years but I have a friend who has moved 11 times in the same period and he gets a free one every time!
It is a strange logic that dictates that someone who has incurred the DVLA 11 times the costs that I have doesn't pay a penny whereas I, who hasn't cost them anything has to pay.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - drbe
If they force me to get a photo one I shall demand the fee for
my original paper one back


Yeah, right. You will let us know how you get on - won't you?
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Bill Payer
only if they are on the list allowed to sign and know you for a
few years.

Yes, but it's a loooong list.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - oldgit
I was 70 this year and had to upgrade my old paper licence (not license!!) and also answered the necessary pro forma medical questions. All this was taken to my main Post Office, together with photos and my passport and I used and paid for the Post Office verification service.
All pertinent items were then returned to me and my old licence was kept by them and sent to the DVLA together with necessary forms and photos. Less than a fortnight later I received my new and first Photocard licence.

No hassle this way.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Cliff Pope
"I have had it for nothing ! A one letter change in my postcode (foisted upon us by Royal Mail
five years ago) means that in DVLA's eyes it qualifies as an address change. Brilliant. "

I wonder if I changed my house name from "Abide a wee" to "Dunroamin" I could get a free licence?
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - henry k
I got a photo licence to save money and aggro.

I no longer need to purchase an international driving licence each year.
Pathetic as they were it was better than waving a tatty bit of green paper in front of a BIG uniformed officer at a road block. :-)
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - CGNorwich
All this was taken to my main Post Office

What is this "Post Office" of which you speak. Have searched for one but no trace in these parts
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - oldgit
All this was taken to my main Post Office
What is this "Post Office" of which you speak. Have searched for one but no
trace in these parts

Sorry. Did not realise you were perhaps not near any civilisation!
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - cockle {P}
A one letter change in my postcode (foisted
upon us by Royal Mail
five years ago) means that in DVLA's eyes it qualifies as an address change.

So, Mr Pugugly, I put it to you that you have, by your own admission, for the last five years commited an offence under The Road Traffic Act, 1988, Section 99(5) by failing to comply with the duty placed upon you by the terms of The Road Traffic Act, 1988, Section 99(4).
How plead you? ;-)
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - FotheringtonThomas
I have absolutely no idea where my licence is, apart from that it's in a lot of boxes of paperwork. It would take a morning or so to find it, I suppose.

Never mind, I haven't needed it for the last nn years...

All these things are obsolescent, anyway. When the ID card comes in, we will have no need for such things - all the information about us will be stored on computer database, and instantly available to "The Authorities", and indeed anyone deemed to have a good reason to look at it. One's record will include all such information as licence details, owned vehicles (and their status WRT VED, MOT, CO2 emissions), home address, aliases, convictions, bank details, employment details, etc., etc., etc., etc., and historical information too (same cross-linked to family, friends, and known associates).
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - oldgit
I have absolutely no idea where my licence is apart from that it's in a..........

But presumably, in that case, you'll mislay of lose your identity card as well?
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - madf
But presumably, in that case, you'll mislay of lose your identity card as well?"

We are assured the carrying of an ID card will not become a legal requirement.

And my name is Lord Lucan.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
I've had my photo license since around the time they first became available (I liked the idea of having official photo ID that was not my passport). Because of a few address changes I'm probably on my 2nd or 3rd. I think I got it in 1999 and this is backed up with it valid until June 2009.

Be interesting if I get a reminder...
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - gmac
We are assured the carrying of an ID card will not become a legal requirement.

Don't need one, if you have a GPS phone they already track you.
Keeping this motoring related that is how they update live traffic info as at least one of the big mobile phone co's sells the information about your movement.
Type "reality mining" into your favourite search engine.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
"Don't need one, if you have a GPS phone they already track you."

Delete GPS - not required. If you have a mobile phone your phone's position can be triangulated using the signal to the various cell masts (phones usually communicate with more than one). Early 3G phones on '3' used this to locate you for online services - there was no GPS chipset.

The authorities need to get permission to locate a phone but it can be done. And I think phone records can basically show where you have been.

TomTom's new High Definition Traffic service uses this type of data (anonymously) to work out current traffic flows. It's nothing to GPS devices for that either.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - martint123
No doubt the govt gets a discount price ;)

Edited by martint123 on 02/04/2008 at 23:09

Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Statistical outlier
"Don't need one, if you have a GPS phone they already track you"
Definitely not true, running the GPS reduces battery life to about 40 mins on my phone.

However, for an insight to how close they can get it by triangulation, try running the excellent google maps application on a compatible phone, then get it to locate you without using GPS. Especially in London it's disturbingly good.

I think there is also quite a lot of other real time information they can access. I rang a friend's girlfriend earlier today as I couldn't get hold of him directly. Completely coincidentally she works for a mobile company, was at work, and was able to tell me that he was on the phone to his ma, and had been for the last hour. Quite scary.

I have also been told that the location information is used by credit card companies as one of their inputs into factoring risk on big ticket items. I think they are the only people apart from the police that have access. As well as habit, type of purchase, risk on that type of goods etc, for risky purchases (from a large electrical store for example), they will check the approximate location of your phone if they have the number, to establish if you are potentially with your card. I know of one lad whose housemate was rung on the mobile that had been left at home while he went computer shopping. The difference had flagged the card.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - gmac
"Don't need one if you have a GPS phone they already track you"
Definitely not true running the GPS reduces battery life to about 40 mins on my

My source tinyurl.com/383fgz stated GPS though I have since read any mobile phone using Symbian 60 would do.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Steve Pearce
I'm trying to do the same, my current postcode differs by just one digit. However when I try to enter the old address, it won't recognise the old postcode and I'm forced just to enter the house number, road and town (which the system then imposes the current postcode on). I then go through the rest of the screens but it says since my address hasn't changed nothing needs to be done.

My question is: how did you get it to acknowledge that the old address was different?

Edited by Steve Pearce on 03/04/2008 at 12:57

Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - zookeeper
so when its time to renew i can just give my brothers address because hypothetically ive left me misses and am shacked up at his place then when said new licence arrives i hypothetically take the misses out for dinner and end up going back to hers to live happily ever after
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pica
What if you gave your house a name (like Dunroamin) and then tell the DVLA you have changed your address. I wonder if they would accept it?
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
It was a nightmare ! I phoned the helpline and a charming and knowledgeable call taker guided me through the menu. I got my "Government Gateway" card today sent to the correctly Postcoded. Licence still awaited.

Memory tells me that it was to enter address using town and street option (skipping the Postcode entry part) and then manually changing the Postcode in the box once that presents itself. Phone them they are very good.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
Remarkably a buff envelope dropped onto through the letterbox containing one brand new Photocard licence free of charge. Brilliant service in 3 working days. How's that eh ?
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - rtj70
Last time we needed to get a replacement license (for a lost one of my stepson)... phoned on the Friday and here on the Tuesday. So can we count the "non-working" days.... actually they had a print run on the Sunday I am told.

My wife misplaced a bank card on Wednesday this week. She phoned to cancel at 17:20 Wednesday. New bank card arrived today around 10am. So am impressed with that.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - jbif
was 70 this year and had to upgrade my old paper licence (not license!!)

oldgit - seemingly, there are a lot of Americanized guys on this favorite forum.

Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - Pugugly
I've gotten used to it.
Upgrading paper licence to photocard online. - alfalfa
In N. Ireland we have always (well as far back as 1966 when I got my licence) had photo licences that were renewed every 10 years. We seem to have survived those terrible impositions without harm.
