I notice neither HonestJohn nor this Forum list the corrosion problems.
Minor corrosion.
Around the doorframe under the weatherstrip the seal has not been sealed on 2003 / 2004 cars, resulting in orange corrosion staining.
This may be significant or not - many cars suffer orange corrosion staining around the hinge-to-body areas but it does not progress.
Serious corrosion.
Rear wheel arch is not properly sealed due to place of welds.
Water (& salt) penetrate resulting in inside-to-outside corrosion.
Some report it also happening at boot seams & one reports the same at the windscreen seam and another at the door sills.
UK Mazda forums seem to show 2003 2004 cars suffering it, with heavy blistering evident. USA showing full perforation.
This is significant. Mazda at first touch up (which fails since the corrosion is inside-to-outside) and then replacing the wheelarch and rear quarter panels. Some owners have had the first fix attempted several times, rust obviously returns very quickly.
Q - Anyone know if Mazda resolved this on later models?
Some Mazda3 (hiroshima built) also suffered it in {reformat of post to use full width of message box}
Edited by Dynamic Dave on 03/03/2008 at 00:44