2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Vibration when accelerating - shula
Help please,I have just purchased a 3 year old C-Max 6500 miles only,there is vibration bettween 50 to 60 mph under acceleration only,it is comes from the front of the car,it is not a balancing issue because I have had thoughly checked out.
E320 Coupe

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 10/01/2008 at 13:38

2004 - Wobbly Wheels - milkyjoe
does sound like a classic balancing issue , have you had all the steering joints and suspension checked too?
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - SpamCan61 {P}
I'd swap the wheels left to right and front to back and see if it's still there.
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Peter D
Are you saying that is you cruise at that speed the vibration goes away. So if you dip the clutch at 55 the wobble stops. ?? Regards Peter

corrected clusk to clutch - I assume this is what was meant !

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 10/01/2008 at 16:07

2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Carse

Although the balancing has been checked you could have a warped tyre. I have heard quite a few people complain about this recently. Get the rolling circumference checked.

2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Ravenger
That's interesting. I've had a similar problem with my 2006 C-Max ever since I had the front tyres changed. Had them re-balanced several times, and while the problem has lessened significantly, I still get a bit of vibration at around 70mph.

I did have the steering fixed under warranty when it started creaking, but not sure if that is also a possible cause.
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Alby Back
I would definately get the tyres examined. I had this problem a couple of years ago and all efforts to balance etc. failed. It turned out to be a faulty tyre. It looked fine to the naked eye but was badly moulded apparently.
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - bathtub tom
I've had this to such an extent I now refuse to buy any tyres branded Dunlop or SP.
My experiences include having a tread that visually moved fro side-to-side as the wheel spun. Tyres that showed the wear patterns of tracking problems, but were actually of greater diameter on one side than the other. Blisters appearing on the side wall and tread. All these on tyres I've bought new, and have not mistreated. These are the ONLY brands on which I've experienced problems. In every case the manufacturer has refused to accept any liability, and I've never had the patience to pursue them, other than to tell as many people as possible.
Rant over.

Guess what brand was on my latest car when I bought it! SIGH!
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Waino
I meant to post a note about this a couple of months ago when it happened on my son's '96 Corsa. I'd fixed up to take the car in to my local independent firm for a new battery, but in driving the car the few miles through town, I was horrified at the amount of wobble/vibration on the steering. The tread on the tyres looked OK so I asked the blokes if they'd balance the wheels for me after they'd done the battery job.

When I returned, they told me that they hadn't balanced the wheels because they thought the problems were caused by the deteriorating condition of the tyres - apparently the tread was separating because the metal cords (?) underneath were oxidized by the ingress of water through slits/cuts. With certain suppliers I would have suspected that they were 'trying it on', but I know these guys are a decent bunch. I arranged for new tyres with them - and the problem was instantly solved.

That was the first time that I had heard of dodgy tyres in relation to steering wheel vibration. And to think that only a few months earlier, he had talked of driving it over to France :-(
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Vibration when accelerating - injection doc
is it 6500 or 65000 miles ?Sounds like iether a faulty drive shaft or g/box/engine mount ,,or worn drive shaft if its done 65000 miles asuming the engine isn't misfiring under load causing the judder.
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Vibration when accelerating - shula
Hi Doc
Its done 6500,thank you all for your valuable input.
2004 - Wobbly Wheels - Vibration when accelerating - injection doc
If the car is very low milage it must of sat around quite a bit and may of got flat spots on the tyres & balanceing them won't make any difference. The tyre tread shape may not be visable. So tyre/ drive shaft/engine mount/ misfire thats where you need to be looking.