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Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Falkirk Bairn
I have 2 x pairs of varifocals, 2 x mobile phones, 2 x cars, 2 x banks accounts, 2 x Credit cards from different banks.........................

What is the connectin to yesterdays Bridge Chaos - all of the above a reliable back-ups for the other in event of a problem.

Yesterday the Forth Road Bridge was closed - the back-up is a 70 yr old Kincardine Bridge compliacted by the construction of a new one. There were 7 mile traffic jams and people from Fife were told to drive through Stirling on A9 to avoid Kincardine950 mile detour!)

Today the Scottish Exec is Green Energy focussed - wind / Sun power to replace coal, gas and nuclear. What happens when the wind fails or the sun does not shine?

We need a practical back-up to roads, bridges, railways - fail-safe solutions for when problems arise.

A few years ago a friend of a friend bought a 2Kw generator as a standby for the house. I had a smile at that. Today my dilemma is:- Is it be the 2Kw Petrol @ £250 or the 5Kw Diesel @ £400?

I rest my case for getting Jeremy to advise , no run, the Governments both N&S of the Border.

PS I recently acquired a Garmin SAT-NAV to augment the speed camera detector / navigation aid one I acquired in 1969 (1945 manufacture date). One has a nagging voice but I refuse to be drawn on which model.
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Altea Ego
You dont need practicle "HOT" backups for transport. There are always alternate routes, and if things are really bad in an emergency private motorists can be banned from the road to aid the movement of emergency goods and services (including troops)

You (as a taxpayer) can not afford to pay for "100 capacity hot" backup transport bridges and routes.

>navigation aid one I acquired in 1969 (1945 manufacture date). One has a nagging voice but >I refuse to be drawn on which model.

Ah that will be the H2S radar from a wellington with POI's of the Rhur and Berlin.
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Pugugly {P}
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Old Navy
When the Forth road Bridge is shut, and the Kincardine Bridge is gridlocked and unusable as a result, my easy 20 minute run to Edinburgh airport becomes a 90 minute (at least) 55 mile detour. Im still glad I live north of Watford, even though the politicians we kept are no better than the ones we exported to England.
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - milkyjoe
its grim up north apparently
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Bill Payer
Wasn't practically the whole of Scotland (according to comments made) gridlocked by a lorry full of chickens overturning on one of the roads a few months ago?
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - Old Navy
its grim up north apparently

Its terrible, I was dragged up in London and when I visit I cant wait to escape. Our southern contingent firmly believe that seeing more than 6 cars at once up here constitutes a traffic jam.
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - BobbyG
But Falkirk, the benefit of this was to keep all the Fifers north of the water!!!!

Still think a tunnel would be better than another bridge getting built.
Wednesday Bridge Chaos in Scotland due to Weather - oilrag
As an English taxpayer, I don`t mind giving Scotland the extra for a small ferry.
