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motorway signs - rOundel
Seen any good motorway signs recently? M4 near Swansea: matrix sign read 'Oncoming vehicle 40mph' Fortunately the oncoming vehicle never appeared, and I didnt go at 40 or Id have been tailended.
motorway signs - Armitage Shanks {p}
Came up the M3 from Portsmouth in September and all the signs said Gritting in Progress! I just saw the words thru my sunglasses!
motorway signs - daveyjp
M42 yesterday - variable limit 60-50-40 due to an incident- there was flop all there. If the cameras were working the Hyundai driver in the outside lane is probably due a ban.

Last Friday too 'don't drink and drive'. More useful would have been "get your lights on stoopid if you haven't noticed it's throwing it down and nearly dark"
motorway signs - Dynamic Dave
The infamous "secret nuclear bunker"


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 03/01/2008 at 21:37

motorway signs - henry k
M25 Saturday morning. x mins to Junction n ( average 60mph?) except the gantry sign said 40mph and we were not making 10mph.
motorway signs - henry k
And these "helpful advice" signs have screwed up a very useful web facility.

I use this, with a selected area plus " roadside message signs" ticked so that at a glance I can see if there is a problem. Now it is cluttered with garbage.
At present the M25 has three "gritting" signs and a "workforce in road" sign but about 12 distance to J signs.

Rant off.
motorway signs - PoloGirl
I quite like those 'distance to/time' signs. Gives you a target and a break from fuel light bingo...
motorway signs - Harleyman
>> More useful would have been "get your lights
on stoopid if you haven't noticed it's throwing it down and nearly dark"

Make that HEADlights Davey and I'm with you 100% on that.

Funny how some people think that metallic paint (especially silver I've noticed) is also luminous. Personally I blame modern dashboards which are lit all the time, fooling drivers into thinking their lights are on as well. OK I know they've got idiot lights to tell them their lights are on, but most of 'em don't even know which one's which , see fog light thread a while back!

I'd like to see "The fog cleared yesterday lunchtime, you can switch your rear fog lights off now" :-)
motorway signs - normd2
doing 20-25 mph in a blizzard last night on the M90; 'warning - snow forecast'
motorway signs - PhilW
Overhead sign at (I think) J5 of M20 yesterday midday saying "Obstruction in road - 50mph".
Unfortunately the sign was over the bit where the A229 (?) splits from M20 so it was not clear whether the "obstruction" was on M20 or A229. Flashing 50mph central reservation lights until somewhere beyond Ashford (not sure how far that is -20? 30? miles) until an "End" sign. No sign of any obstruction, road clear, sun out, not a lot of traffic and no-one taking a blind bit of notice of the 50 limit.
motorway signs - BobbyG
My Seat has no warning lights on the dashboard to show that either my side or head lights are on. Only indication is a little illumination at the actual switch.

Totally useless.
motorway signs - OldSock
Not forgetting the wonderfully enigmatic

motorway signs - ForumNeedsModerating
..and its first cousin:

'SIGN UNDER TEST' (Yep.. it works!)

This particular sign, at other times, has been happily exhorting drivers to 'DRIVE SAFELY' (in english & welsh) for several years. It's placed on a (semi-blind) bend, approaching 3 consecutive merge points of slip road traffic & 'merge in turn' with a varying speed restriction (dependent on wind strength) for a bridge crossing, often with a queue of varying length. I do wonder, when monoglot drivers 'read' the welsh version - which takes most of the sign area - then the english version beneath, which must take several seconds - whether the cause of safe driving has really been advanced...

May there be cause under the provisions of 'Thou shallt not phone, smoke fags, fiddle with the ICE etc. whilst Driving Act' for displaying a sign that needlessly takes your attention from driving & is positively counterproductive in its effect?
motorway signs - Pugugly {P}
In Blairite times I thought it odd that that they didn't carry messages from the "Dear Leader" more likely to carry slogans from our current chairman.
motorway signs - OldSock
Woodbines - that reminds me of a billboard above a junction back home in the '70s (near Burnley) which read:

"A moment's inattention causes accidents"

I jest not!
motorway signs - gordonbennet
Think probably the saddest sign i've ever seen was near the Skye bridge (one of the country's most beautiful areas imo) and displayed the immortal line ''dont take drugs and drive''.

Shocked me and the goodly SWMBO to think that such a lovely place could hide such evil.

Sorry bit strong but i have a real problem with drug dealers.
motorway signs - ForumNeedsModerating
Sorry bit strong but i have a real problem with drug dealers.

Never go to a pub then?