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How long do you have to reject a car? - GrahamI
I bought a new car in Sept 2000 which has, once again, had an engine failure.

After owning the car for 6,000 miles the oil pressure went down to 0.0 due to a sheared woodruff (sp?) key, after a 9 week rebuild at the factory, I duly ran the engine in again (as per the manufacturers handbook) only to have the cam shaft finger followers fail after approx 5,000 miles. Again back to the factory for a rebuild, 8 weeks this time. Once more, after less than 5,000 miles, the finger followers went again - this time the repair was completed in 3 weeks.

Now I find that the valves are stretched and so the car is likely to need another trip back to the factory for more repair work.

Where do I stand with rejecting the car? Is it too long in to it's life? (20 months and 19,000 miles) Obviously I have still been paying the finance payements all this time, despite being without the car for extended periods. I have always followed the manufacturers running in procedure and regularly check the oil and water levels

Any help would be much appreciated

How long do you have to reject a car? - Robert Fleming

Any car over a month old struggles to qualify for rejection, usually because of a single fault which cannot be rectified.

You may be able to reject the car to the finance company if it is on hire purchase.

What sort of car is it, Graham - TVR?
How long do you have to reject a car? - GrahamI
What sort of car is it, Graham - TVR?

Yep - what gave it away? The lengthy rebuilds or the Finger Followers? :o)

I guess a call to the finance company could be worth while - I am just trying to get all my options clear at the moment - ideally I would like a new engine, one that will last more than a few thousand miles between trips back to Blackpool, but if TVR are not willing to do that I want to have some options ready

How long do you have to reject a car? - Robert Fleming
>>what gave it away? The lengthy rebuilds or the Finger Followers?

There were plenty of hints! Also I couldn't think of another car manufacturer that still has running in periods, and does factory rebuilds.

In terms of legal rights, you're at best only entitled to a repair, not entire replacement of the engine.

You are probably (or certainly were the car brand spanking new) entitled to a comparable car while yours is off the road, and I would push for the loan of another TVR.

Is the finance hire purchase, or some other arrangement?
How long do you have to reject a car? - GrahamI
The car was bought brand spanking new - in fact I ordered it 2 years prior at the motorshow....

The finance is one of those balloon types - does this make a difference?
How long do you have to reject a car? - David Lacey
What a sad story, indeed.

Rejection isn't an option at this point in time :-(

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