I Have a Question - Volume 209 - Pugugly {P}

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Edited by Webmaster on 28/11/2007 at 13:02

When do the eels migrate ? - oilrag
I remember seeing thousands of little silver eels on the beach at Brid once in the 50`s as a kid.

Never seen since. I know they go up rivers and to the sargasso sea...

But why only the once? is it that there`s a specific day or two? and why on the beach so far up from the Humber?

Subject line altered to avoid conflict with L'Escargot's tooth problem !

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 15/11/2007 at 10:50

When do the eels migrate ? - billy25
Freshwater Eels (Anguila Anguila) migrate in the Autumn usually on the first moonless nights in October, when they enter saltwater, thier bodies undergo several changes including a colour change and they become known as Silver Eels. They head off to the Sargasso Sea to spawn, where they then die. The young are called glass-elvers because they are "see-thru" in saltwater, and it is only after reaching the Estuarys (it can take them several years to get back here) and entering them, that they change colour, and grow into the Eels you catch when fishing. It is at the time they are starting to run up the Rivers, that the Elver Fishermen net them for sale, and they end up as Jellied-Eel or Elver-pie, yum!

When do the eels migrate ? - billy25
What time of year did you see these eels? it also could have been a shoal of Sand-eel (which are a totally different species - not actually an Eel in fact,) and are totally marine in habitat, which had been chased out of the water and stranded (as Sprats often are) by feeding Predators such as Bass, Mackerel etc.

When do the eels migrate ? - Lud
There used to be a jellied-eel stall in Cambridge Circus, which may still be there for all I know. I tried them once about forty years ago and found them absolutely appalling. 'Pie mash and liquor' was a better bet, sort of minced beef and onion pie with the liquor from cooking the eels poured over the mashed potatoes. All a bit cockney ethnic though.
When do the eels migrate ? - Round The Bend
Tubby Issacs still has a stall just off Middlesex Street.
When do the eels migrate ? - oilrag
sorry about the topic heading Pugugly.

Thanks for the replies

Billy, no idea what time of year, its a memory from around 50 years ago.

No need to apologise - another poster, commented, and I had a mental image of L'Escargot munching a live eel to reduce his discomfort..!

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 15/11/2007 at 17:50

When do the eels migrate ? - njgleeds
Apologies to OP for wandering only slightly away from topic but does anyone remember a plague of ladybirds in Bridlington back in the late seventies? There were thousands of the things in the road, pavement, on parked cars and everywhere?
When do the eels migrate ? - billy25
I remember them! think? it was the red-hot summer of '76, and they were carried across the channel from the continent, on the "Sahara" winds along with all the sand.

When do the eels migrate ? - Stuartli
We had one on the North West coast around the same year - I know it was on July 12th because we had taken the two young offspring to watch the annual Orangemen's Parade through the town.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
When do the eels migrate ? - Altea Ego
The "liquor" in pie and mash, is a thin parsley sauce. You break open the top of your pie, and sprinkle pickle spiced vinegar in it.
< Ulla>
When do the eels migrate ? - Lud
a thin parsley sauce. You break open the
top of your pie and sprinkle pickle spiced vinegar in it.

But the thin parsley sauce is made with eel juice... pickle spiced vinegar eh? I suppose it's what's left when the grown-ups have eaten all the pickled onions out of the jar and are burping contentedly. Sounds good though.
Moving to France / Healthcare Problems - 007
Some friends of mine are due to move to France by the end of December.

A problem has just cropped-up.....the French government have decided that, in future, British ex-pats will no longer be able to receive 'NHS type' medical treatment.

Full details are here: tinyurl.com/245xth

Apart from the obvious suggestion that they will have to pay for care or pop back to the UK as and when neccessary.....can any readers come up with some helpful ideas?

Moving to France / Healthcare Problems - adverse camber
Either work in France and get the healthcare though the equiv of NI or wait until retirement age. I would suggest that totalfrance is a good place to look for info.
Moving to France / Healthcare Problems - JH
007 I heard this on the radio a few weeks ago and the report said that such healthcare was being wirhtdrawn from all of those who retired before normal retirement age, though what that is, UK or French, your company or... I don't know. I think it applied to everyone, including the French, they weren't just picking on us Rosbifs.

So your friends should be ok if they have not retired early.

The hard part of course is that it is not something that you can undo :-(

Moving to France / Healthcare Problems - 007
Thank-you for those replies.

The 'Total France' site is brilliant!
How to complain about a solicitor? - PoloGirl
I've had just about enough of the solicitor who handled everything when I bought my flat. I completed early in September and mid October received a bill for stamp duty of £800 ish. Paying it wont be a problem if I have to (although this close to Christmas I'd prefer not to), as I'd originally budgeted for it and then he told me I could choose not to pay it (it's a shared ownership property, and I don't intend staying long enough to staircase up to the threshold). I received a letter after completion, saying that he was going through the process of registering the sale and would be in touch. Clearly he hasn't done that properly, as I've received the bill, and nobody else I know who has bought a shared ownership property has paid stamp duty at the time of purchase.

Anyway, that specific problem aside, my issue is with the fact that his customer service skills are non-existent.

I phoned the day I got the bill to try and speak to him, and was told he doesn't work on Tuesdays and his secretary goes home at 1pm. Fair enough, and as it was the postal strike mess at the time, I sent an email. His personal email address is on the solicitors' website, and automatically cc-ed to someone else in the firm, so you'd expect to get an acknowledgement if not a full reply straight away.

After a week I'd heard nothing, despite pointing out in my email that there's a deadline on the tax bill, and a penalty for not paying in time. So I printed the email and posted it, with a note attached asking him to please respond. That was over a week ago, and I've still heard nothing. Every time I phone he is either busy or not at work.

If I gave service like this, and didn't even acknowledge communications from my customers, I would get hauled over the coals. So what can I do to complain and get some help from the people I paid to do everything properly? Is there the equivalent of a dealer principal in a solicitors' firm, or some kind of ombudsman?

Edited to add: Just checked the website again and he's a conveyancer, not a solicitor. Or is that just a type of solicitor? Does it make a difference?

Edited by PoloGirl on 18/11/2007 at 20:36

How to complain about a solicitor? - Pugugly {P}
Nah - he's not a Solicitor then. Anyone can do conveyancing these days. I would make an appointment to see one of the Partners to explain the problem, either that find out who's in charge there and write in initially, there's always always the Law Society.

Have a look at the below link.


Oh dear taking days off mid-week - what next ?
How to complain about a solicitor? - PoloGirl
Thanks PU.

I wouldn't mind if it was the occasional day off, but it's every time I phone they say: "ooh, no he's doesn't work today." Well what day does he work then?!

How to complain about a solicitor? - Pugugly {P}
He's probably a retired something. This is my ambition to become the subject of......

"he's not in today, tomorrow or the year after" I joke of course but seriously, I pile a lot of evening work in some weeks, I take time off in the day to compensate, for instance off tomorrow morning, working late see !
How to complain about a solicitor? - bathtub tom
>>working late see

Some people may be expecting you to charge for this ;>)
Old joke, man meets a solicitor at a party etc. I'm sure you've heard it ad finitum.
How to complain about a solicitor? - Pugugly {P}
Yes. :-(
How to complain about a solicitor? - bathtub tom
Sorry :>(
How to complain about a solicitor? - mare
PG, i'm slightly intrigued about the amount of Stamp Duty (SDLT). £800 at 1% extrapolates to a purchase price of £80,000, which is below the threshold. Your statement that "nobody else I know who has bought a shared ownership property has paid stamp duty at the time of purchase." prompts a couple of questions of your solicitor.

Worth a bit of research. HMRC website first i'd suggest.

Annoyingly, i think that this issue will need to be resolved to get your interest in the property registered at the land registry, then HMRC levy fines if the SDLT return is late. Make it clear to your solicitor that you regard any penalties issued for late SDLT returns as his problem, not yours.

For what it's worth, in my experience the stamp duty has been included on the completion statement along with their fees, and you don't physically pay it out.

As regards the service, i'd imagine that the firm would have a complaints procedure, but PU haven't referenced one, so maybe not. Complain to the first name on the footer of the letters i.e. the boss. Then go somewhere else next time.

Hope you get it sorted.
How to complain about a solicitor? - PoloGirl
For what it's worth, in my experience the stamp duty has been included on the completion statement along with their fees, and you don't physically pay it out.


And that's the thing... when I went to complete all the paperwork he gave me my completion statement, and then took it back from me because it showed stamp duty as payable. He said his assistant had got that wrong, I wasn't paying stamp duty, and drafted me a new one with that taken off.

When I phoned the tax people, they said that although my purchase price is under the threshold, because the rent I pay on the bit I don't own is more than £600 per year I have to pay stamp duty. That's the first I or anyone else in the same arrangement as me has heard of that. It has always been the case that you choose to either pay when you purchase, or pay the full amount when you staircase up to the threshold.

As I said, paying it isn't a problem, I just feel a bit hard done by that nobody else has had to, and let down by the conveyancer (he's apparently the conveyancing manager too).

And yes, any penalties will be forwarded straight to him!
How to complain about a solicitor? - L'escargot
he's a conveyancer not a solicitor.

I think you'll find that terms like conveyancer and solicitor are just job titles assigned by the particular firm/company rather then a definition of the person's qualifications, formal or otherwise. The last person to carry out conveyancing for me had the title of Partner. Following the merger of that particular firm with another firm his title became Conveyancing Executive, and his title is now once more Partner.
How to complain about a solicitor? - L'escargot

Here's information regarding stamp duty on shared ownership properties. tinyurl.com/3bfsl
How to complain about a solicitor? - L'escargot
Try this if the original link didn't work. tinyurl.com/3bfsln
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Last week I bought the digital camera that Aldi had on offer, a 7MP traveller camera, primarily for work purposes. When I take pictures inside the office, under fluorescent lights, the picture has horizontal "stripes".

When I took a picture of the front of one of my shops, which has small mosaic tiling on the wall, that part of the picture was blurred.

But this doesn't happen with my own Canon IXUS camera. Is this to do with the higher pixels, maybe emphasising an unsteady hand? Or is it just a poor camera? Is there any settings I could do to compensate it?
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - P.Mason {P}
Bobby G,
You don't say whether the picture is a print or an image on the viewfinder. If it's the viewfinder picture, my camera (Olympus) handbook states that in certain lighting conditions you can get striping on the digital readout (viewfinder), this shouldn't show up on a print, or on your computer editing program. The blurring on the small mosaic could be due to a 'moire' effect due to the apparent size of the mosaic corresponding to the pixel distribution on the readout.
If both these problems occur on a photographic print, it sounds like a camera problem.
Hope this helps,
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Hiya, thanks for your advice which I hadn't considered to be honest as I had just viewed on viewfinder.
I have now transferred to PC and printed (albeit only on low quality paper) but the lines etc are still there.

So the camera is going back to Aldi's tonight! Hopefully without any hassle, I have kept the pictures on the card and also have the printouts to show them.

Thanks for your input.
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - bell boy
'Thanks for your input.'

lets hope another camera has a better output

on a similar note my camera has broken this morning :-( and my radio's gone fuzzy wuzzy
Poor quality digital camera photos - normd2
BobbyG - unless you have a need for a high MP count may I recommend the Sony Ericsson K800i camera phone? Working on the premise that I always carry a mobile it seemed to make sense to replace my damaged Kodak digital camera with a smaller combined phone/camera. It's a very good 'point and press' type 3.2MP camera, the only downside being no optical zoom. If you care to pay more than double you can get its updated brother the K810i (different casing same internals) or the newer 5 mp 850i for even more money.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Cheers for that Norm, believe it or not thats the phone my son is wanting for his xmas! Assuming Aldi refund me without any hassles, I may well borrow his phone after xmas and see if it does the job!

2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - rtj70
What sort of thing do you need to take pictures of. You probably do not need a 7MP camera unless trying to print huge prints. And a compact 7MP camera will have lots of noise due to the tiny sensor.

The camera phone might be okay but if this is for work then the quality might not be up to it. The lens is probably poor, no zoom and flahs is probably useless if needed in doors.

Then again if you only need relatively low quality prints/images this might work out.
Poor quality digital camera photos - normd2
if someone can remind me of the url for HJ's photo gallery I'll stick some pics on it. BTW this camera phone has a xenon flash.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Dynamic Dave


Poor quality digital camera photos - SpamCan61 {P}
Here's a few samples taken with my Nokia N73, I wouldn't blow them up to poster size, but quite reasonable IMHO; the church spire is really bent incidentally. These are full resolution so might look odd if one's browser doesn't re-size :-/



Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
And a compact 7MP camera
will have lots of noise due to the tiny sensor.

How tiny is that, then?

The lens is probably poor no zoom and flahs
is probably useless if needed in doors.

Not IME, thank goodness.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Cardew
People are getting a fixation about MP count. 'If it's bigger - it must be better'

It is the lens that is the really important factor.

Poor quality digital camera photos - rtj70
Cardew, spot on. It was/is the same with computers when Intel had higher GHz than AMD but AMD was faster. Then eventually Intel redesigned the processors and had faster with even lower GHz speeds. Although they are creeping up again they are much faster than the old Penrium 4's.

Personally got a dSLR last year to get better pictures, especially in tricker conditions especially lower light. The better lens and bigger sensor makes a difference. I was happy to get a low end 6MP dSLR but actually like the Sony so ended up with a 10MP. The selling point was inbuilt image stabilisation. Pictures are great.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Guys I didn't get the camera due to the high MP, it was more to do with it being available, Aldi is usually good value for money and sometimes I do print on A4 size as part of presentations etc.

As said previously, have used my own Canon IXUS 60 up till now and been more than happy with that so will revert back to it in the meantime.

2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - rtj70
For something like a camera (even a low cost one) I would want good quality images. It sounds like your Aldi badged Traveller is faulty but I don't think I'd go to Aldi for a camera. I'd also stick to something like Nikon or Canon. For the dSLR I got the Sony but that's actually based on Konika Minolta designs and I can share lenses with my step-son with a film SLR.

I am not faulting Audi. We shop there at times and I got a great pressure washer and leaf blower thingummy too.

But if you don't mind me asking... you already have an IXUS 60.... what does that not do that you need?
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
rtj60, the Canon I have is my own personal one, was wanting to purchase one to be used for work (and for work colleagues to use).
Would get the Canon again but a good bit dearer than the Aldi ones!
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - Altea Ego
Some of the recent things I have bought at Aldi have, quite frankly, been rubbish. This had not been my past experience. I will be buying very carefully there in future.
< Ulla>
Poor quality digital camera photos - henry k
>>Personally got a dSLR last year to get better pictures, especially in tricker conditions especially lower light.
I bought a fixed focus lens for my SLR and it gives me quite a few more f stops for low light tasks.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
>>It's the lens that is the really important factor.>>

Spot on..:-)

My modest six-year-old 2MP Minolta E203 (3x optical zoom) produces files enabling first class prints up to A4 (not printed any larger to date), including subjects containing a considerable level of important detail.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
Telephone the freephone help line, they're very good.

I bought the earlier 8MP DC-8600 "Traveler" badged camera. It's very impressive.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
FT, do you have a note of their freephone number? The number on the box and User's Guide is a 00800 number (not 0800). When I tried phoning from work I was advised its a restricted number so guess its not freephone? Probably an international number?

[Edit - their website says the number is free to call from UK, wonder why our phone system thinks its a restricted number?]

2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS

Edited by BobbyG on 19/11/2007 at 14:58

Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
The number on the box and User's Guide is a 00800 number (not 0800). When I tried
phoning from work I was advised its a restricted number so guess its not freephone?

It seems to be an "international freephone" number. I can't call it from work, either, which confused me - it's an issue with the switchboard. I have called it from an ordinary BT line at home, and yes it is free. My camera, after being bumped about in the cubby hole of the old banger for a month or so, developed a fault - 18 months into the free 3-year guarantee - after a call to the support number, I was told to box it up and send it back. They replaced the camera with a new one - I posted the old one on Saturday, got the new one back Monday of the week after!
Poor quality digital camera photos - cheddar
I have one and agree about the Sony Er'son K800i, it is a great pocket camera as well as a good phone though I reckon Nokia's are easier to use as phones.

I also agree re the point about more pixels not always being better, I have a Canon G5 5.0mp, four years old in Feb, difficult to beat particularly at ISOs of 100 or less.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
FT, got through to them by asking my switchboard to dial the number and then transfer call to my desk.
Traveler are telling me to send it back to them with all the necessary details as they reckon it is a software issue. However, my first port of call will be Aldi tonight to see if they will swap it or just give me a refund.
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
Aldi tonight to see if they will swap it or just give me a refund.

The branch nearest to me has some left, so a swap should be possible, or as you say they should refund your money. Personally, on the basis of the camera which I bought, I'd swap it and see how it goes. The 3-year warranty is a help, as are the extras you get!

There don't seem to be new software downloads on the support site (www.traveler-service.de), although a user manual (pdf) is there.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
I can but ask!
Anyway, going in there tonight anyway as they have USB sticks and bluetooth dongles on offer from yesterday, might pick one of each up!
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - rtj70
If this is for work then they will get the VAT back for a start so I'd go for something decent from Nikon or my preference Canon. Trouble is they are almost all 7+ MP now and suffer from it.

Cannot comment on how good this is but it is cheap including VAT.... I'd have tiny URL'd it but tinyurl.com not working...


Minus VAT that's £58.21.

USB sticks and bluetooth are dirt cheap everywhere aren't they? 2GB USB2 flash drive less than £10.

Massiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee link shrunk so that post fits screen.

Edited by Pugugly {P} on 19/11/2007 at 23:35

Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas

The trouble is that this is far less well specc'd than the one he bought, admittedly cheaper, though.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Robbie
I have recently bought a Fuji Finepix S5700 to supplement my Canon digital SLR which is a bit bulky and awkward to carry around together with the telephoto lens.

It's a superb little camera with 10X optical zoom and 7.1 megpixels. Best buy according to the Daily Telegraph about three weeks ago. Got it from Dabs for £120 + p&p. My local Tesco has it for £129.99.

Here's a pic to see what you think.

Poor quality digital camera photos - cheddar
Here's a pic to see what you think.

Good looking camera that, four legged auto levelling platform, twin lens auto focus, aroma based shake reduction, organic recharging and backside recognition technology ;-)
Poor quality digital camera photos - Robbie
Here's a review of the camera.

Poor quality digital camera photos - PhilW
If it's as good as my Fuji S5600 it is brilliant. Got it for £149 a year ago.
The S5700 is available for £101 here, (£5.10 postage and 2 year guarantee)

Can I also recommend the Canon Ixus V3? Got mine off ebay a few years ago. Size of a packet of fags, metal case, only 3.2 mp but superb photos. I take it everywhere in my pocket.
They go for peanuts (relatively!) these days on ebay but it's a really solid, good quality camera eg
tinyurl.com/2yzslv {shortened link to ebay}

(Sorry, can't get Tiny url to work at the moment) {I couldn't earlier either - back up and running now}

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 19/11/2007 at 20:54

Poor quality digital camera photos - Robbie
I've only had it a few weeks but I'm impressed with the quality of the pics. Not as good as my Canon but very acceptable,

The one of Charley was taken with the 10X zoom.
Poor quality digital camera photos - PhilW
Beautifully clear for 10x zoom - here's my effort at that zoom, taken while sitting at computer and through the window!

Enjoy your camera
Poor quality digital camera photos - Robbie
That's a nice picture, particularly as it was taken through a window. I'll have to see if I can do as well. The bird table and nut holders are near the bottom of the garden.

The one of Charley was taken on a fine, sunny day, so no problem with the light.

Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
Any of the current Canon cameras (A570 upwards to A710) on sale from around £105 to £150) will deliver superb photo files, image stabilisation (model numbers end in IS) and have a range of zoom lenses from 4x to 6x.

They also have "proper" viewfinders...:-)

There are follow up models such as the 720IS, but, obviously, these cost quite a bit more for the new few weeks....:-)

Canon seems to be bringing out new models almost on a weekly basis and it's heaven sent for digital camera buyers as the outgoing models go for virtually giveaway prices.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poor quality digital camera photos - PhilW
"They also have "proper" viewfinders...:-)"

Key point you have made there Stuart - I think viewfinder is essential - I only use the digital screen thing for a look at the taken photo (but I usually use the viewqfinder for that also).
Can't use the screen for taking photos. Maybe it's a sign of age........?

Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
>>Maybe it's a sign of age........?>>

Not really. Most modern digital cameras are very tiny at the best of times and holding one out in front of you to take photographs is, frankly, ludicrous; in bright sunshine it's even worse.

You also miss out without a "proper" viewfinder (such as those of my Nikon or Pentax Spotmatic SLRs) the opportunity to watch facial expressions and grab shots at the right time.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poor quality digital camera photos - Robbie

They also have "proper" viewfinders...:-)

Although the Fuji S5700 doesn't have an optical viewfinder it does have a very good electronic viewfinder. Indeed, it's almost as good as my Canon digital SLR.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
I bought the earlier 8MP DC-8600 "Traveler" badged camera. It's very impressive.>>

At least one earlier Aldi Traveller digital camera has been a rebadged Vivitar model (probably itself a rebadged camera from Taiwan, which produces more than half of the world's digital cameras including some top brand name examples).

Vivitar has been a major Japanese lens manufacturer for decades and I have had one of its 35mm focal length examples for my Ashai Pentax Spotmatic for around 40 years.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poor quality digital camera photos - J Bonington Jagworth
"Vivitar has been a major Japanese lens manufacturer for decades and I have had one of its 35mm focal length examples for my Ashai Pentax Spotmatic for around 40 years"

Not sure if they're still making good lenses, but their digicams are just rebadged generic Taiwanese/Chinese models, sadly. The big camera brands really are better and, as I think you mentioned, Canon are a very safe bet. The OP might be interested, if size isn't an issue, in one of their A6xx models with a swivel LCD. I have one I use for work, and the ability to hold the camera in odd positions, while still being able to see what it can see, can be extremely useful. The 5Mp A610 model is obsolete but readily available as a 'refurb' on Ebay for under £100.
Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
..but their digicams are just rebadged generic
Taiwanese/Chinese models sadly. >>

Which is, of course, what I inferred; however many top brand Japanese camera manufacturers rebadged Taiwanese digital camera designs under their own name for quite some time, including Ashai Pentax..:-)

To be fair, many of the Taiwanese cameras were and still are excellent; the country also produces many of the laptops in worldwide use, again some of them being rebadged by major brand names.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Poor quality digital camera photos - Altea Ego
To be fair many of the Taiwanese cameras were and still are excellent; the country
also produces many of the laptops in worldwide use again some of them being rebadged
by major brand names.

Taiwan actually suprsingly little now. The funy thing is that taiwan makers make most of their stuff in mainland china.

< Ulla>
Poor quality digital camera photos - J Bonington Jagworth
"many top brand Japanese camera manufacturers rebadged"

I don't doubt it, but quality control and key components are still via parent company. Cheap cameras have slow processors (=shutter lag) and vicious battery consumption!

My Kodak P880 is designed in Japan and Germany, assembled in Korea, badged US and supplied with Chinese batteries and power supply!
Poor quality digital camera photos - bell boy
but was the box made in england? JBJ
Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
Cheap cameras have slow processors (=shutter lag) and vicious battery consumption!

You can measure this, compensating for human reaction time, with a big-display on-screen digital clock. Sit in front of your 'puter screen, and put a box, for instance a shoe box, on the table, and lay it lengthwise in front of you. Stick an oblong of cardboard, sticking up, to the side facing you, so that you can rest your hand on the box, and use the cardboard oblong to hide about half of the screen.

Start the clock, and sit (or adjust the position of the cardboard oblong) so that you cannot see the seconds counter, or 1/100ths counter. This is important.

Put your mouse on the box.

Concentrate very hard, and when the minute counter clicks over, press the mouse to stop the clock. Repeat, ignoring any wide variations, and average, to get your reaction time.
You *must not* be able to see the seconds clicking on, or you will anticipate your mouse-click and get an invalid time.

Next, replace the mouse with your camera. "Prime" the thing by partially depressing the button, or whatever - you want to measure shutter lag, not focus time. Make sure the camera is focussed on the clock. Concentrate very hard, and when the minute counter clicks over, take the photograph. Repeat this, and measure the times from your photos, ignoring any wide variations, and average, to get the shutter lag time.

If anyone knows a better way of measuring shutter lag time, I shall be glad to hear it! Many online measurements are worthless, unfortunately, as they don't measure this properly.

Shutter lag delay seems, to a large extent, to be a thing of the past. My badged Vivitar, whilst not "cheap" at £170, 18 months ago (from the same source £140 a couple of months ago) has a negligable shutter lag time, less than 0.1s.
Poor quality digital camera photos - J Bonington Jagworth
"you want to measure shutter lag, not focus time"

I know what you mean, and not everyone is aware of the two-stage arrangement on most digicams, but there are times when you want to grab a picture quickly and the focus time can be pretty important. Some cameras are appallingly slow, especially in low light, when the option to focus manually can be very useful, too, but this isn't so common.

I wasn't singling out Vivitar - I wrote a review of one of their earlier models a while back, here:

and in most respects I liked it. They may be better now, but although I have a whole shelf of digicams, the one I reach for first if I want to be sure of getting a picture is the Casio Z750, because it has the shortest shutter lag of all of them. I have a Canon A620, too, which in some ways is more versatile, and although it only has a post-focus delay of 0.1s, the Casio is noticeably quicker and it does make a difference. Another advantage of the Casio is that if you are real hurry and press the shutter all the way down, it just takes a picture regardless of the focus setting!

Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
I wasn't singling out Vivitar

Didn't think you were!
I wrote a review of one of their earlier models

Heck. Ther've been some developments since then!

the one I reach for first if I want
to be sure of getting a picture is the Casio Z750 because it has the
shortest shutter lag of all of them.

Interestingly, twice as long as my measured value for my Viv. 8600.
Another advantage of the
Casio is that if you are real hurry and press the shutter all the way
down it just takes a picture regardless of the focus setting!

Doesn't it come out all fuzzy (you can tell I'm an expert, can't you?)?

Measuring my camera, total time for the shot including auto-focus indicates 0.3s. - however, then one gets into the field of memory card speed, flash charging, etc. I've just measured my one - by the simple method of pointing it at a digital clock, and letting it take 6 pictures, discarding the first when calculating the time -and with flash, it takes 5 pictures in 26 seconds (fully auto, "burst" mode). Without flash, it takes 5 pictures in 10 seconds (same mode). The memory card is a very cheap 256MB card a couple of years old. The pictures come out at about 4MB each. If ICBA, I'd try a faster one - but "you get the picture"!

I'm not saying that "cheap" cameras are vastly superior, or anything - just that some claims that "they're rubbish", "the lens is will be rubbish", "It will take an aeon to take a picture", "You'll need to connect it to the National Grid", are sometimes quite unfounded.

Anyway. This is a motoring forum, although this is IHAQ, so just to mention I've just taken a pic. of my number plate, to make up a temporary paper one for the small r I'm picking up tomorrow. I bet it rains.
Poor quality digital camera photos - J Bonington Jagworth
"Interestingly, twice as long"

Sorry, my original wording was clumsy - it is the Canon that has the 0.1s lag. The Casio is a tenth of that. Of course, in some circles, they too would be regarded as a 'outside' make, but although some of their stuff errs on the cosmetic, they do know a bit about miniaturisation.

I'm pleased to hear that your Vivitar lives up to expectations. I remember their 35mm lenses well.
Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
"Vivitar (...) digicams are just rebadged generic Taiwanese/Chinese models sadly.

"Sadly"? I've got one. It's very good, at least as good as a colleague's rather more expensive Sony, with more features and bits supplied for the price. I've got a badged Vivitar, so I suppose it's doubly badged. Good, though.

The big camera brands really are better

Sorry, but I think that's rubbish as a generalisation. I might agree with "many badged as well as big name cameras are not much good", though. "Big names" just charge a premium for their name, in many cases.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
And now to the next part of my original question - anyone any experience of taking things back to Aldi without the original receipt? I can't find it anywhere. I could give them a print out of my credit card statement but that will just show I spent money, not on what I spent it on, and it wasn't the exact cost of the camera either as I picked up some groceries at the same time!

I know when I worked in Sainsburys, and if a similar thing happened, we could view the transaction log against the credit card but I am pretty sure Aldi won't have that facility..

Why is life never simple.....
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - FotheringtonThomas
anyone any experience of taking things back to Aldi without the original receipt?

Oh, dear. As it's a very recent purchase, you might be lucky and get a swap. If not, you'll have to go through the hoops, which will take a while.

Aldi's returns policy is, as far as I know, the same as most others.

You could perhaps buy another of these cameras, copy the receipt, and return yours with the new receipt for a refund. Keep the copy of the receipt in case the new one develops a fault. As you're not trying to actually to defraud anyone, I wouldn't personally have a problem with that.

You could, however, spend a happy while searching for the receipt!
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Found the receipt in boot of car - forgot Aldi staple it into a guarantee wallet thingy now just like Currys!

Taking it back tomorrow.

Been very interesting reading all the debate and comments about digi cameras, pros and cons etc. Very informative and much appreciated.
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - rtj70
Surprised you bought it with a credit card - didn't think Aldi accepted credit cards ;-)

Sounds like this camera you got is faulty but I still think a Canon would be a better camera, but that is a personal preference. The example I gave above on paper is lower spec but it was just an example that older Canon's are available and cheap. And MP irrelevant these days.

PU sorry for the mega long URL. I tried for ages to get tinyurl.com to work but it was down and I didn't want to loose the post. Thanks for shortening it. tinyurl obviously came back or was a problem via my ISP.
Poor quality digital camera photos - BobbyG
Hi, they have joined the 21st century and accept cards!

Agree re Canon, I am delighted with my IXUS. Decision may be taken out my hands, with these Aldi offers they usually sell quickly so may not have another one to give me.

Would really like to see how good it is if it works, its a good package, comes with a 512MB card, camera case etc. For £79.99.

Will let you know although by tomorrow we will probably be onto a new IHAQ thread!

Thanks again for all your input.
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Poor quality digital camera photos - Stuartli
The Canon A570IS (4x optical zoom, viewfinder and image stabilisation) can be bought for as little as £104 at present - it's the same body as the higher MP models such as the 6x optical zoom A710IS.

It takes cracking pix, is solidly built and a veritable bargain.
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - maz64
Can anyone recommend a cheap (sub £50) DAB alarm clock radio? I would imagine that the Pure Siesta is one of the better ones, but is it that much better than a cheaper Matsui?
John M
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - Altea Ego
I have a pure Evoke dab radio. Its a stunning bit of kit, pulling in every station available on my local MUX in any room of the house.

If the siesta uses the same tuner its worth the money.
< Ulla>
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - 007
This: tinyurl.com/ywzlsy might be of interest. If you enlarge the image, you can see that it does have an alarm facility. How about letting us know what you decide?
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - maz64
This: tinyurl.com/ywzlsy might be of interest.

Yes, thanks- definitely one to consider along with the Siesta.

Not ready to take the plunge yet...
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - 007
This: tinyurl.com/2pwdhc looks even better and has a good pedigree. Not altogether clear whether it has alarm facility. Blurb refers to timer but one reviewer says that "It has alarm to boot". I presume he means "To boot you out of bed".
cheap DAB alarm clock radio recommendations? - Cardew
Aldi have a alarm/DAB for £27.99.(Tevion I think) Several in my local store today.

No idea how good etc.
Digital Photo Frames - BobbyG
I will be honest and upfront and admit to being lazy here. SWMBO wants to get her dad one of these for xmas. I read the comments in IHAQ 190 back in July this year but was wondering if anyone has bought one recently that can give some advice on what is good on the market just now.

Would want one that had a minimum of 7x5 photo size (not frame size), that is mains operated, cam take a USB stick up to 2GB and that the slideshow can be randon.

I assume resolution will come into this - what else should I consider?
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Digital Photo Frames - J Bonington Jagworth
I'd rather have a collection (collage?) of printed photos, but that may just be me...
Digital Photo Frames - BobbyG
F-I-L would love this, a gadget that he could actually operate!
2007 Seat Altea XL 2.0 TDI (140) Stylance
2005 Skoda Fabia vrS
Sagging paint - Chris S
I've just painted a flat door with gloss paint. It was too thick and is now sagging.

Is there anyway to fix this, apart from waiting for the paint to harden, sanding it down and doing it again?
Sagging paint - J Bonington Jagworth
"apart from waiting for the paint to harden"

Somehow I doubt it, unless it's still soft enough to respond to being turned the other way up!
Sagging paint - Altea Ego
Is there anyway to fix this apart from waiting for the paint to harden sanding
it down and doing it again?


And it will take longer than you think for the "sags" to harden enough to rub down cleanly. Two weeks.

< Ulla>
Sagging paint - FotheringtonThomas
Possibly wipe it off with lots of that cotton-fibre-containing "strong" kitchen paper, and white spirit, or scrape it off with a filling knife.

However, I think're out of luck.

It's a good idea to use a mini-roller to gloss doors - go quickly over the whole thing (it doesn't take long!) and then use a brush (wetted with paint) to lay it off.

Sagging paint - buzbee
For internal doors I take them off, lay them flat, then paint them.
Sagging gloss paint - Chris S
If anyone's still interested I got round this by leaving the door for 48 hours so the sagging paint was still soft but the paint around it was hard.

I then rubbed the sag down with one of those wet and dry sanding blocks, it levelled off really easily.
Ireland's plastic bag tax - tyro
From Daily Telegraph, today:

"... the Government's own advisers, which warned that a bag tax in Ireland led to the use of more plastic."

I googled, but could not find more info on this. Can anyone throw light on this interesting bit of news?
Ireland's plastic bag tax - J Bonington Jagworth
"bag tax in Ireland led to the use of more plastic"

Beware the law of unintended consequences! I don't know the full story, but I heard someone opine recently that they had to buy more rubbish bags when old carrier bags were denied them. Alternatively, the bought bags are heavier gauge, because they're not free (as in Lidl), and people still don't remember to take them when they go shopping.

I would guess that the amount of plastic used for carrier bags is still far less than that used in general packaging. A drinks bottle must be the equivalent of several bags...
Ireland's plastic bag tax - FotheringtonThomas
Alternatively the bought bags are heavier gauge because they're not free (as
in Lidl) and people still don't remember to take them when they go shopping.

Many do... it helps to buy the more expensive bags...

I would guess that the amount of plastic used for carrier bags is still far
less than that used in general packaging.

Quite possibly, but it is possible to reduce plastic bag usage.

A drinks bottle must be the equivalent of several bags...

Yup. They used to make bottles out of glass, y'know, and charge a deposit on 'em, and they were returned and re-used... not just dumped.
Ireland's plastic bag tax - J Bonington Jagworth
"not just dumped"

Indeed. People harp on about bags because they're easily identifiable and measured (a bit like speeding!) but general plastic packaging, especially bottles, has increased far more. Now if it was compostable...
Ireland's plastic bag tax - FotheringtonThomas
plastic packaging especially bottles has increased far more. Now if it was

Some is "degradable" (it doesn't say "bio-degradable", note) - in reality, this means that your carefully-stored things in carrier bags in the garage turn into an assortment of odd mechanical components embedded in what looks like a giant rats-nest, in less than 18 months.

AFAIK creation and use of resource is the main issue, but ICBW.
Ireland's plastic bag tax - Stuartli
because they're not free (as in Lidl),>>

Lidl's bags are not free...:-)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Ireland's plastic bag tax - Welliesorter
Lidl's bags are not free...:-)

I think that's what he meant!

I've only been to Ireland once. I don't remember there being a total absence of plastic bags but shop assistants were selective about giving them out. I recall an M&S checkout operator who seemed to have her own rules about the type of purchase that qualified for a bag. A big piece of fish got you one but a couple of sandwiches didn't.

Most carrier bags were paper, which is fine until it rains. There was a certain amount of amusement to be had from watching people's shopping bags dissolve. I also remember carrier bags, which I still wanted to use, being removed from my hotel room by the cleaner. Maybe they had a certain scarcity value.

Edited by Welliesorter on 21/11/2007 at 00:21

Ireland's plastic bag tax - jbif
Lidl's bags are not free...:-)

Is that not what the OP said?