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1999 1.4. Constant Issue driving me mad. - Whitey1986

Hi Guys and Gals,

Could really use some advice, basically my Saxo 99? S Reg 1.4 WestCoast has caused me no end of problems over the last few months. It all started when the car would no longer idle. I?d start the ignition and it?d drop below 1000 and cut out- this got gradually worse over time- I could drive it if I revved it hard. Took it to the garage and the head gasket had gone. That set me back £500 and everything looked sorted until about 2 weeks later it started cutting out again, whenever I?d slow down at traffic lights/slip roads it?d cut out (sometimes restarting as if a cable were loose) I took it back to the garage who said it was a sensor. The air intake control valve (starter motor) they replaced this and the problem persisted. I can drive down the motorway, through town but if I brake/go below 1000 it will cut out. I have also had the problem when I slow down its almost revving itself. download.yousendit.com/59BE246173E1B281 <-- Video of it doing it. literally the rev needle bouncing up and down on its own when I?m stationary. Since then the garage have had the problem for a number of weeks and replaced the back box and the exhaust as he believed it was full of stuff not allowing the fumes to pass through choking the engine casing it to stall. Now the problem has carried on and he has said he believes it to be the catalytic converter. I believe this to be absolute crap as I have replaced it about 6 months ago. My cat was cracked and I replaced it however I was still able to drive it normally (it just sounded like a chav mobile). Therefore I have to ask how this catalytic converter failing could be the cause of it. I believe he knows it?s the part another garage have done so therefore it?s easy to blame on that. Only problem it?s at home and if I get them to replace it on warranty its going to cost me to get it back there. I really need to know what other people think it could be I feel like I have replaced everything on the car and I?m not spending another penny as I see it its down to the garages to fix it as I?ve paid them shed loads and its down to them to fix the problem. I really really would like to know if anyone?s got any advice to what it could be though as it?s the most frustrating thing in the world and constantly on my mind.


Edited by Dynamic Dave on 07/11/2007 at 21:20

Please Please help! Constant Issue driving me mad. - Screwloose

A sad, but all too common, tale of a garage that's completely out of it's depth throwing random bits at the car - unsurprisingly, without success. No mention of even a fault-code check?

No way was a head gasket going to cause an idle problem like that. Idle issues are common on these; but it will take an experienced garage with good diagnostic interface equipment to isolate which, of several, causes are relevant.

Just ask your useless garage whether they think it's the phase detection system at fault and watch the blank looks and the desperate flannelling.

ECU damage from a failing Sagem coilpack; an air leak from clumsy manifold fitting; or even non-genuine sparkplugs are some of the possibles. Live-data from the ECU will give the clues to anyone that knows what they're looking for.

Edited by Screwloose on 07/11/2007 at 19:49

1999 1.4. Constant Issue driving me mad. - bignick2
It may sound a stupid question but have they checked/replaced the idle control stepper motor?
Once you lift your foot off the accelerator the throttle butterfly closes completely which starves the engine - to prevent this and allow idling the butterfly is held open by the stepper motor.

On the side of the throttle housing is a small clindrical unit held on with 2 bolts - this has a plunger which sets the position of the throttle butterfly at idle (i.e. when not held open by the throttle cable) - they arent cheap around £90 I think.