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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 17/10/2007 at 22:22
Well i'm impressed top of that hill on its side and got the coolness to be straight under power and back under control. The engine must have stayed running for those few vital seconds do you think or could he possibly have fired it back up in the instant it came right side up? Anyway i take me hat off to the chap.
I was going to say i'll have a pint of what he's on but thinking of where its happening probably not.
And i thought i'd done some serious offroading.
Barchans, if I may say that.
I like the way he manages to roll it UP the hill. Could you imagine what it's like on the road?
It was a lovely recovery though. I love watching the icelandic 4x4 racing up vertical quarry faces!
Blimey thats a big pile of sand!
The engine must have stayed running for those few vital seconds do you think or could he possibly have fired it back up?
If you listen to it with sound on, he keeps the engine running; the wheels keep spinning, resulting in the plume of sand as soon as it touches down.
That is quite a high sand cliff. But a lot of them are that shape, a better than 45 degree slope becoming nearly vertical right at the top.
I have been in a LWB Land Rover carrying five or six people and a lot of gear that climbed a couple of cliffs of the same sort - not as high as the one in the film of course, but quite high enough. To my amazement the driver didn't use 4wd and tried to get up in third gear. The car didn't make it, so he depressed the clutch and ran backwards down to level ground, then did it again in second, and still in 2wd. It was fairly alarming - the car was totally stripped, without even a windscreen - especially at the very top, where I was convinced, as the front wheels kicked up over the vertical last couple of feet, that the car was going to fall over backwards with me under it. However after pawing the air for what seemed like several seconds, it came down with a crash on top and drove merrily on its way.
Some of these desert men are utter lunatics, I kid you not.