Just came across a firm called Japan Spares that lists a pollen filter for 1997-2000 Prelude. First I've heard of one - does anyone know if one is actually fitted and, if so, where it is?
thanks DD, that's news to me - I'll have a look.
No mention of it in the service schedule...
I have a Prelude SiR(import) and an Accord (UK). I'm pretty sure the Prelude doesn't have a pollen filter but the one in the Accord is behind the glovebox as stated, but it's a bit of a pain to get at as you have to remove the panel, glovebox and metal braces. There is then a plastic cover approx 8"long by 2" wide which sits in between the two major pieces of plastic trunking. Remove this and you have access to the pollen filter.
Thanks again.
I've dropped the glovebox - that's what makes me love Hondas, none of this 'bend the bit of plastic and it comes off' stuff, there's proper quick-release glovebox stops - and had a look in the back. There's a biggish plastic box with two screws and three spring clips, all of which I removed but nothing felt even loose, let alone likely to open. As the ventilation system seems to be blowing OK I guess I'll leave it in the realms of the unknown.
If you haven't got air conditioning then you probably haven't got a pollen filter.
If the car is 8 years old and the air is still being blown well by the fan(s) then it does seem as if there isn't one fitted, they clog up quite quickly.
Think it's for 99+ models.
That makes sense - mine's 98 with aircon but I don't think pollen filters were an issue before someone like GM with the Astra - IIRC - started plugging them.
It's odd really - other cars seem to need their aircon systems disinfected to stop mould and nasty smells but of all the Hondas I've had with aircon I've never had a whiff of anything unfortunate.
I've never had any aircon smells in the Citroen, either, not even garlic!