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1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - doctorchris
Are we being realistic to expect £1500 from the private sale of my daughter's Ford Fiesta 1.25LX, Oct 1999, full MOT and in excellent condition?
Selling Fiesta - local yokel
Check Autotrader - I just did and can't believe the variation in prices.
Selling Fiesta - Aprilia
Not enough info to say.

My own experience of selling cars is that small cars of that vintage, with low owners, good history and condition, will have the phone ringing off the hook. If its a good one then it will probably go for that. Lots of mums and dads wanting first car for 17/18 Y.O.
Selling Fiesta - Vin {P}
Sell it to "man without a plan" - see his thread on trying to buy a new one.

You get a sale. His daughter gets a car plus saves enough to buy enough petrol to drive it 60,000 miles.

Selling Fiesta - Saltrampen
IF it is under 60K, 5 door, no rust and FSH, I'd snap it up! (if I was looking for replacement car) .
I'd expect S and T reg 1.25LX's to go for £1200 - £1800 at dealers with warranty. Oct 1999 is that a V or W reg?
Private sale value - need to know more, but it sounds like you are in the right ball park if you are willing to be haggled by £50 - £100.
Selling Fiesta - madf
If you spend 10 mins writing a sensible advert emphasising all the selling points. fsh, colour,condition - then yes.

If you sell it with a bland advert with badly written copy.. no.

You cannot make a bad car good, but well written copy will make a good car fetch a good price...
Selling Fiesta - GregSwain
As others have said, if it's a nice shiny V-reg that's been photographed for the advert, you'll sell it easily for that price. It's not got the old pushrod engine so it'll be easier to sell anyway. If the rust's not set in, you should get your asking price (or very near) provided the bodywork's in good condition and it's not been driven to the moon and back.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - rich66
Assuming it's the newer of the 2 '99 models and is a V reg and 3 dr with 70k miles , parkers says £1,400 (parkers.co.uk)
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - daveyjp
"You cannot make a bad car good, but well written copy will make a good car fetch a good price"

I saw an advert recently for a P reg Volvo estate which had about 6 column inches of text describing it in full detail, how it was fantastic, cared for etc etc. The asking price of £4,000 seemed excessive for a 100,000 mile 10+ year old car, regardless of the flowery language.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - DP
If it's 60k or less, and really in excellent condition, you'd be mad not to put it up for £1800 and take offers. Dealers are still asking £2k+ for these at this age and mileage. Yeah, they're out there for a grand, but these will be rotten and probably last serviced before the warranty ran out.

I got £1250 for our 97,000 mile P plate 1.4 Chicane a couple of months ago when all the "official" guides told me it was worth £900. Service history like the Encyclopedia Britannica and in excellent condition. Sold within a week to the first caller who came out. Advertised at £1400. It happened when we bought it too - I had to pay well over the odds to find a decent one. The stuff at the guide price was all rubbish.

04 Grand Scenic 1.9 dCi Dynamique
00 Mondeo 1.8TD LX
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - doctorchris
Thanx for all your comments.
More info:- It's a 3 door, 52,000miles, MOT to OCT 2008, rust free. We live in Sunderland, I believe car prices are lower up here than further South.
Jennie, my daughter, has put it on Autotrader @ £1650 with some nice photos. It would be a V but as it began its life in NI it has a plate with lots of numbers and Zs. Could be a USP as NI regs. have a value, though MOT garage proprieter yesterday thought plate might put folk off.
Thanx again, Jennie just read your comments and wishes she had asked for £1800.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - jase1
It shouldn't be a problem, BUT your main issue is that Sunderland thing. For some reason cars are cheap in Sunderland (my dad lives there and I tend to go to that area when I buy a car to save a few hundred quid).

If you could sell it in the sticks you'd get around 10-20% more than in Sunderland, if my experience is anything to go by.

But, from what you have said, £1500 is a fair price. £1650 is a bit rich, but you should get people coming to see it -- Fiestas always sell easily.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - pendulum
I sold my 1998 1.25 Fiesta for £800. I originally had it up for £1,400 but it wouldn't sell. Dropped it down to £1200, still no sale. It had 12 Months of MoT on it, and it was in pretty good nick too.

The only thing was it had 97k miles on it, and was due a cambelt change.

The cars are supposed to fetch high prices, but I didn't see it. Maybe I should have held out for a higher price for it, but in the end I just got sick of it and wanted rid. The battery had gone flat with it being sat out on the drive so long. I sold it to a dealer though and saw it later on with a price tag of £1400 on it. Good luck to him, I valued it about the same to begin with, but couldn't sell it to save my life.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - zm
I sold my 1998 1.25 Fiesta for £800. I originally had it up for £1
400 but it wouldn't sell. Dropped it down to £1200 still no sale. It had
12 Months of MoT on it and it was in pretty good nick too.
The only thing was it had 97k miles on it and was due a cambelt

You have just answered your own question with the last paragraph. Over 80000 miles and these cars (same with Ka's) take a big knock in value. Earlier this year I was advertising an R Reg Punto 1.1 that had done 116000 miles with stacks of SH and invoices (all the common failure items had been rectified at someone elses expense) for just £695. I could not give it away, so ended up selling to another trader who had a pitch sell it from. The only small car that I find I can still sell at 6 figure mileages is the Polo. I have today sold an N reg 1.3CL 5dr (2 owners, FSH, 6 mnths test) that has done 109000 miles for £1050, and have had a few calls on it as well.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - jase1
Earlier this year I
was advertising an R Reg Punto 1.1 that had done 116000 miles with stacks of
SH and invoices (all the common failure items had been rectified at someone elses expense)
for just £695. I could not give it away so ended up selling to another
trader who had a pitch sell it from. The only small car that I find
I can still sell at 6 figure mileages is the Polo. I have today sold
an N reg 1.3CL 5dr (2 owners FSH 6 mnths test) that has done 109000
miles for £1050 and have had a few calls on it as well.

Nowt so strange as folk.

Nothing remarkable about the Polo -- I'd have been far more inclined to offer £500 for the Fiat than spend more than double that on an older car. Indeed if the car had full test and was in good order that's cheap IMO.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - doctorchris
Sold this car yesterday for £1475 to a couple who were delighted with it.
1.25LX, Oct 1999 - Private sale. Worth £1500? - Pugugly {P}
Well done - Classified Ad. removed.