Ford Verve - Pugugly {P}
Stop Press- PU likes the look of a Ford....
Ford Verve - tyro
Horrible. Reminds me of the current 5-series ;-)
Ford Verve - Pugugly {P}
Haha. I have to say it has a certain flair...
Ford Verve - cheddar
Dont like the pug grin, otherwise looks good.
Ford Verve - tyro
Having read more, I now see why I don't like it:

Who is the Verve aimed at?

Under Smith?s watch, Ford has had a total rethink of how it designs cars. 'We asked ourselves what kind of people we wanted to sell cars to, and then when we knew the answer, we built their car,' says Smith.

The Verve is aimed squarely at smart, confident and successful European women aged 25 to 30.

No, doesn't really describe me.

To be honest, I didn't think it described Pugugly either.
Ford Verve - Pugugly {P}
perhaps not !
Ford Verve - flunky
Dont like the pug grin otherwise looks good.

not sure about the drug dealer wheels either
Ford Verve - cheddar
>> Dont like the pug grin otherwise looks good.
not sure about the drug dealer wheels either

I now have a mental picture of a 4007 with a spliff hanging out of it's "teeth" ;-)