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97 1.8 petrol - engine cutting out - archiep
Hi there, I'm hoping someone might have an idea what is wrong with my 97 megane. It's recently started to cut out on me as I slow down to stop. Just before it cuts out I hear a squealing sound like the brakes. It starts up again straight away. Any ideas? Thanks.
engine cutting out - Screwloose

Petrol or diesel?

Engine size?

8 or 16 valve?
engine cutting out - archiep
It's petrol. 1.6, don't know what valve sorry.
engine cutting out - Screwloose

Possibly idle speed control valve or an air leak. Without knowing which engine, it's difficult to say.

Take it to a good local garage with diagnostic equipment and see what they say.
engine cutting out - archiep
O.K thanks for your help
97 1.8 petrol - engine cutting out - injection doc
wash out throttle body & idle valve , disconnect battery & leave for ten minutes & reconnect & allow to idle for a few minutes before driving, Unless you have an air leak it should solve it. Done loads of these in the past