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secret squirrel police cars? - UkGuy
I currently work in Oxford /live in london

that means my commute regularly sees me 'observing the speed limit' down the M4 / M3

what did I see heading westwards on the M3 thursday

3 ugly brown audi's (looked like A2's) all new, all with some type of strobe mini light stack on their roof's, all doing well over the ton and racing in convoy.

then I remembered last month on the M4 seeing the EXACT same hue on 4 volvo C class estates (with the same type of light stack) again heading westwards.

Now I travel a lot and havent yet seen (or been stopped by) this type of brown vehicle stopping those with flagrant disregard for the legal road speed limits (lol) so Im guessing they must be some type of 'specialist vehicle' or........

1. Specialist vehicle that you only see if you deal in hard drugs/weapons etc.
2. Being adapted for another country / not being 'issued' yet
3. The brown is an undercoat (I hope so)

My ideas on Why so many

1. They are in convoy with important delegates
2. They are being road tested
3. Saftey in numbers


why always west bound at around 1830?

This is starting to eat at me - can someone give me the answer so I dont have to 'never know'


Edited by Webmaster on 02/05/2008 at 21:01

secret squirrel police cars? - Pugugly {P}
Driver training ?
secret squirrel police cars? - Chris White
Some sort of secret government agency? ;-)
secret squirrel police cars? - Screwloose

Dirty brown? That's a very Army sort of colour.

MOD police? MPs? Military Intelligence? Top-brass security convoy?
secret squirrel police cars? - Mad Maxy
On the M1 the other week a passed a light met-blue Skoda Octavia vRS and thought 'hmm, they really do rather nice.' A few miles later it passed me at a fair old lick, and soon after that it hauled over a Peugeot, driven by a young twonk, that had overtaken me at about 90 and which had been performing various undertaking manoeuvres to maintain its rapid progress. M1 plod has a nice taste in cars these days. I'm not sure I rate dirt-brown motors, though.
secret squirrel police cars? - Dwight Van Driver
T- PAC ?

Tatical Pursuit and Containment.

...the boxers for a rolling stop.

secret squirrel police cars? - Altea Ego
And who is running all these brand new black VW passats with hidden blue lights front and rear?

(and I mean hidden you cant see them till they are on)
< Ex RF, Ex TVM >
secret squirrel police cars? - UkGuy

Yes I saw one of these black numbers on the A34 last week early (0630)

Its getting so that you never know what cars 'they' use -I cant be the only idiot thats shifted lanes and decellerated cos some twonk has wanted to de well over a ton up my 'rear'

I still remember the days when the registration plate used to be a give away (well london/surrey area) as they all had CY in index (they used to get them all registered at swansea)
secret squirrel police cars? - UkGuy

definately not MOD

Cant tell you where I work in Oxford but DEFINATELY NOT MOD ;)

secret squirrel police cars? - Old Navy
In my experiene the people who really know what these vheicles are will be consrained by the Official Secrets Act and will not give accurate answers here.
secret squirrel police cars? - bell boy
>>>>This is starting to eat at me

what the squirel or the nuts?
secret squirrel police cars? - Lud
I like squirrels up to a point, but what have they got to do with police cars or any other sort of official-looking vehicles?
secret squirrel police cars? - Altea Ego
< Ex RF, Ex TVM >
secret squirrel police cars? - Lud
Thank you AE for filling that hole in my literary culture. I was afraid it might be something like that.
secret squirrel police cars? - Pugugly {P}

I hope you had to use Google to find that !

secret squirrel police cars? - Lud
Of course he didn't PU. This forum can boast many a well-stocked intellect. And it is to everyone's advantage that they aren't all stocked with the same carp :o)
secret squirrel police cars? - mazdaboy
Police Surveillance team: either doing a rapid redeployment/trying to beat a train containing their target/whatever.
secret squirrel police cars? - Altea Ego
I hope you had to use Google to find that !

Of course not - How dare you. How could you ever forget a programe with the theme tune that has lyrics like.....

What an agent, what a squirrel
He's got the country in a whirl.
What's his name?
Shhh...Secret Squirrel.
He's got tricks, up his sleeve,
Most bad guys, won't believe.
A bullet proof coat, a cannon hat,
A machine gun cane with a rat tat tat tat.

Fights foreign spies
In his disquise,
Takes him many places,
He's a squirrel of many faces,
Who's that?
Who's that?
Who's that?
Shhh...Secret Squirrel.

< Ex RF, Ex TVM >
secret squirrel police cars? - Lud
The first rhyme shows clearly that Secret Squirrel is from across the pond and is probably a chipmunk really. Clearly the word is pronounced 'squirl' to rhyme with 'whirl'. Indeed in Southern black demotic the word is sometimes rendered 'squoil'.
secret squirrel police cars? - Pugugly {P}
Meanwhile back on planet BR.....