TD '99 problems with water/steam - dench
Hi i wonder if someone could please help....

I have a '99 meridian TD 306 with 120k on clock. never had any problems for 3 years until now.

On a long journey my pug started smoking heavily, on further inspection it seems to be steam rather than smoke. water levels constantly dropping.

My first thought was head gasket but the car starts fine and there is absolutely no loss in performance whatsoever - drives perfectly only prob is coolant constantly needs top up and just chucks it out the back in steam.

there seems to be fuel/water mix somewhere as well. fuel in water???

Iv heard things about fuel filter problems... any ideas???

Please help me fix my kettle on wheels!!!!!


Peugeot 306 TD problems with water/steam HELP!!!!! - Peter D
I Start the car form cold and rev at 2000 rpm ish for 30 secs. Now check the pressure in the water hoses if they are firm to hard then the HG is leaking into a water way and pressurising the stem. A decent garage can use a sensing fluid or a gas analyser to 'Stiff the ehader tank to identify if there are burnt fuel products in the header tank. Regards Peter