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Price of tarmac - Aprilia
OK, this is only peripherally 'car related'. I need my yard and workshop frontage (quite a big area) tarmacing. Had a chap round this morning and I'm being quoted nearly £70/tonne for tarmac. Given I need 60-80 tonnes to cover the area that seems a lot just for raw materials (quarry waste is also needed - about £27/tonne I'm told).
What is happening here? I don't remember tarmac being this expensive (in relative terms). Are the Chinese buying it all and pushing the price up? I should have gone into the construction industry, seems to be a lot of money being made at the moment.
Price of tarmac - commerdriver
Based on logic rather than real knowledge, could it be a supply and demand problem to do with the hundreds of miles of road repairs which will be required following the floods in the next few weeks/months?
Price of tarmac - Aprilia
Based on logic rather than real knowledge could it be a supply and demand problem
to do with the hundreds of miles of road repairs which will be required following
the floods in the next few weeks/months?

Good point, hadn't thought about that.
Price of tarmac - local yokel
Have you considered using tarmac scrapings, and then rolling those in really well? I've seen some very good finishes using scrapings, and a heavy road roller. Scrapings should be about £8-10/tonne delivered for the quantities you need.
Price of tarmac - Nsar
If you do, then mix a bit of diesel in as the planings are being rolled - it helps the planings adhere to each other using the old tarmac left on them. Also do it in the summer the extra warmth helps.
Price of tarmac - DP
Tarmac is also oil based, and the oil price is through the roof again.

04 Grand Scenic 1.9 dCi Dynamique
00 Mondeo 1.8TD LX
Price of tarmac - Aprilia
Have you considered using tarmac scrapings and then rolling those in really well? I've seen
some very good finishes using scrapings and a heavy road roller. Scrapings should be about
£8-10/tonne delivered for the quantities you need.

No, I've had some heavy vehicles come on to the yard so the tarmac has sunk in places and I'm getting great big puddles when it rains. I'm going to scrape all the old stuff off and go down about 6",, put a load of quarry waste on it, get someone to roll it and then put 3" of new tarmac on top. I want to do it properly so it lasts me another 25 years.
Price of tarmac - local yokel
The standard depth of base for HGV usage is 12"/30 cm, so there's no point in scrimping on the base. How deep will the existing base be when you have taken of 6".
Price of tarmac - Aprilia

Mind you, I'm not expecting any more HGV's on it, nothing bigger than a tow-truck.
Price of tarmac - helicopter
Aprilia - You have a pretty large job there which will cost you pretty serious money to do properly.

Like any job , if you really want it to last 25 years then proper preparation , drainage and sub base materials are the the key. Local Yokel is correct - ISTR 12 " Type 1 sub base is required , crushed concrete is good.

You really need to talk to a proper Civil Engineering contractor or road surfacing specialist ( not the local Romanies however tempting the price is )

Alternatively speak to your local road construction or highways department and you should check with them the specifications they use for base materials for HGV loadings and ask them to perhaps recommend three professional companies that they use .

Get a proper Bill of Quantities for the work prepared by a Quantity Surveyor and have the contractors price it so everyone is pricing on the same basis.

Have your QS or an experienced Engineer there when the work is done there when the work is done. Believe me , it may cost you a bit but it will be worth it, there are so many ways you can be ripped off if you do not know what you are doing.

I speak as one who used to buy for one of UK's largest Civil Engineers but I'm talking 20 years ago.
Price of tarmac - s61sw
Aprilia - I'd second what helicopter said about doing the job properly, but would also add (in my opinion) that to do this would entail getting the job done in concrete rather than tarmac. Obviously, I don't know what your budget is, but please accept this advice with the good grace that it is given.

S6 1SW
Price of tarmac - moonshine

I don't know jack about laying tarmac but I would agree with s61sw that concrete would be a preferred choice over tarmac. Concrete will be stronger, easier to patch up and won't crumble away if it gets an oil or fuel spill on it.

Just my personal opionion, I'm not an expert!
Price of tarmac - Hamsafar
I agree with concrete, there is a type available now which has chopped fibreglass mixed into it at the plant. It is nicer looking and much stronger and resistant to cracking.
Price of tarmac - Jonathan {p}
Type 1 MOT is about 25 a tonne when bought in tonne bags. If you're buying 60-70 tonnes bulk prices should be around £15 a tonne, direct from the quarry on tipper trucks. I can't comment on tarmac prices.
Price of tarmac - Martin Devon
Just my personal opionion I'm not an expert!

Done properly it won't need patching will it?

Price of tarmac - Martin Devon
OK this is only peripherally 'car related'. I need my yard and workshop frontage (quite
a big area) tarmacing.

snipquote - AGAIN!

I will make some enquiries tonight or tomorrow. I had a sub Contractor do a tarmac job for me last year and I was both pleased with the work and the cost. BUT you do not want quarry waste if that is going to be used for sub base. Despite what any of them will tell you, you require a proper guaranteed 803 sub base, properly compacted in layers, almost certainly laid on a road mat, Terram or similar which allows water through, but not mud and silt back up. I can buy 803 cheaper than £27.00. per ton. Watch this space.

Price of tarmac - Martin Devon
OK Boss!

Price of tarmac - ijws15
I have a claim from a sub-contractor on my desk at the moment which includes:

MOT (Recycled) £5.35/tonne
6mm Tarmacadam £21/sqm
10mm Tarmacadam £24.50/sqm
HRA £65.05/sqm

All excluding VAT and will be collected prices. We pay re-surfacing at sqm rates to the various highway standards so depth is set by the standard. All these prices are materials only - not including appliction. It will vary depending on where you are in the country and how close to the depot you are.
Price of tarmac - L'escargot
See tinyurl.com/avoxr for details and cost of having tarmac laid.
Price of tarmac - Martin Devon
I can buy 803 cheaper than £27.00. per ton. Watch this space.

Aprilia. There is enough info here now so I don't think that I can add anymore constructive stuff. Good luck with the proposed works.

Price of tarmac - L'escargot
....... constructive stuff.

Good pun MD.