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corsa diesel engine oil - chrise17
I recently purchased a Vauxhall Corsa 1.3 TDCI,
does anyone know the correct viscosity engine oil?
corsa diesel engine oil - Victorbox
Vauxhall handbook says 0W-30 right up to 10W-50 depending on the temperature extremes you are using the car in. Castrol website says 0W-30 (their brand - Edge) for this model / engine.

www.castrol.com/castrol/castrolhomepage.do?categor...5 click on which oil should I use? Bottom left.

Assume you don't have a handbook with car? You can download a pdf copy from Vauxhall website if you register.
corsa diesel engine oil - bathtub tom
Try the application guide on this website, and then trot off to your local motor factors (I've no connection to this company, only an interest in keeping local motor factors open, to keep me away from the likes of Halfords).
corsa diesel engine oil - John S
Correct oil for this one is to GM LL-025-B spec. Factory fill is fully synthetic 5W-30. Details are in the service book, not the main handbook. GM 'own brand' oil from the dealer probably as good a bet as anywhere.

corsa diesel engine oil - elekie&a/c doctor
This car has the Fiat 16v multijet engine.I would use the Vauxhall 5w/30 fully syn as a good product and value.(even better if you know someone in the Vauxhall Trade club)
corsa diesel engine oil - pafosman
I would be interested at what mileage interval you are going to do an oil/filter change? My Doblo handbook is unclear on this bit!

corsa diesel engine oil - oilrag
Vauxhall seem to have a different spec for the oil. Its 5w40 for fiat. ( unless its changed in the last 18 months)
corsa diesel engine oil - pafosman
I have just consulted the almost useless Doblo handbook, not for the oil but the battery failed today and a well known national dealer have fitted a 60 Ah replacement. (it appears a 50 Ah is the correct rating) The handbook doesn't tell me which battery I need! Anyway, back to the oil - my handbook states fully synth 10W-40 unless starting at below -35 deg C and then use 5W-40. It suggests Selenia 20K for petrol engines to allow changes at 20K Km but doesn't mention diesel engines.
I really don't find a lot of answers in this handbook.

corsa diesel engine oil - GregSwain
....a well known national dealer have fitted a 60 Ah replacement.
(it appears a 50 Ah is the correct rating)

Better fitting a higher-rated battery than one without the oomph to start it on a cold morning! 50Ah is basically a minimum rating - any 12 volt battery above this rating will be fine. Most batteries recommended for use with a given vehicle far outperform the manufacturer's spec. Recently replaced the battery on a Pug 306, the replacement was considerably smaller than the old one (which worried me), but both exceeded Peugeot's minimum rating.
Anyway back to the oil - my handbook states fully synth 10W-40
unless starting at below -35 deg C and then use 5W-40.

Basically either should be fine. Most engines can use a range of different viscosities in given temperature ranges. My Almera will accept anything from 5w30 up to 20w50 if the outside temperature is right (I wouldn't fancy 20w50 on an icy morning, may as well have a sump full of grease!). I take the middle ground and feed it 10w40. You'll probably find that the 10w40 will be cheaper than the 5w40 anyway, as thinner oils tend to be more expensive.
corsa diesel engine oil - John S
It's the performance specification that's important. The latest Vx service book actually says, 'Engine oil viscosities are of secondary importance'. 10-40 might be cheaper but that's because it's usually a semi-synthetic and many modern engines are specified to use fully-synthetic. The new Vx engines are an example. The Vx factory fill is a 5W/30, the same viscosity grade as recommended by Ford. However, Vx specifically forbid the use of ACEA A1/B1 oils, which is typically the spec met by the Ford oils. So, look beyond the viscosity and check the required service specification.

corsa diesel engine oil - jc2
Very few factory fills are the same oil as recommended for service;most are special blends with less additives to aid in the bedding-in of new engines.