Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - stuartl
The temp guage sender on my 1997 mondeo is caput. If I short the terminals the guage goes upto max, otherwise stays put.

Is the sender unit a main dealer or motor factor part does anyone know?

I'm just impatient till tomorrow!!!
Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - Chris M
Motor factor.
Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - Dynamic Dave
Seeing as you also have a problem with your fuel gauge,

this sounds like a shared problem, as both gauges share certain electronic components on the rear of the speedo housing (or at least they used to)
Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - Sprice
Seeing as you also have a problem with your fuel gauge

Where does he mention this? If this is the case, look at the voltage stabilizer (not checked your link DD)
Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - Dynamic Dave
Where does he mention this?
(not checked your link DD)

The link takes you to the other problem mentioned by the OP.
Mondeo Temp Gauge sender ~ Main Dealer?? - stuartl
Thanks Dave.

I hope this is just the sender as I short the plug across and the guage rises to max.
I understand that these can be a problem so I'll replace it and see what happens.

As far as the fuel gauge goes, I haven't started at that yet.