Hey all,
Husband is away and I would really appreciate some advice regarding the maintenance of our car. the car is 2.2 Titanium X Ford Mondeo Diesel on an 06 plate. I have just checked under the bonnet and noticed the following:
a. The Engine Coolant Reservoir is low. Is this a posh term for the radiator? If so i have some summer anti-freeze from Texaco, can I just top it up with this?
b. The power steering fluid reservoir is on minimum, i cannot find any fluid in our garage, what specification do I need to buy and any advice on the best place to get some (again, do I just top it up once I buy it?)
c. I have some Ford Hydraulic Fluid in the garage, but there is no English on it except to say "hydraulic Fluid"; i take it this is for brake/clutch and not power steering? (sorry!)
I hope you can help as i would hate to break the car while hubby is away!!
Heading amended to be less vague - PU
Heya, i
1) Yes the engine coolent is radiator, but i would NOT put the Texaco anti-freeze in to top it up. Reason being is that Ford use a long life anti-freeze , which should only be topped up with the same stuff. By topping up with something else you will invalidate the car's warranty. It seems odd for such a new car to have a low coolent reservoir without something like a leak in the system, so as the car is under warranty, i would take it to a reliable ford dealer.
2) Once again very odd for power steering fluid to be on minimum without a leak in the system, so i would avoid topping it up and take the car in to see if the system is leaking. (P.S. Ford parts departments are usually quite reasonable when it comes to parts and fluids, and will give you the correct specifications to avoid voiding the warranty)
Hope this helps
Agree that the fluids should not be so low on a car that age. Have it booked into the dealer to top up and investigate. Should be done under warranty, how long ago was it serviced?? You could ask why it was'nt toppped up then! You should'nt need to carry any bottles of top up except for maybe oil but even then only when the engine is running in.
Last serviceed 15 Marc 07, on purchase of the vehicle; i don't recall checking the levels then :(
Ok, sounds like they might have just stamped it and not bothered to do anything, I have had that in the past.
You have two options, take it to dealer to have it sorted and when/if they try to charge you, point out it was serviced a few months ago.
Complain, tell them the service has not been done and you want it serviced again. If its a main dealer they should'nt make a fuss of it. I would be asking whether the oil and filter was done and what else got missed.
Its normal for those fluids to get topped up each year, I would go and check the oil/brake fluid, if that's low then I put money on it that it never got touched. Might we worth asking hubby if he checked anything since you got it. I doubt there is any fault, its just not been topped up.
Good luck and let us know how things go.
Have you dipped the oil level ?
P.S I used to use Ford Rapid Fit when I had my Mondeo (owned two), they are great for servicing and for oil changes/top ups. If you want minimum hassle then just turn up and ask them to check under the bonnet for you. No need to book.
Before everybody goes off at a tangent and accuses the dealer of fraud, let's get some facts. On the Mondeo the coolant reservoir and power steering reservior have a "MAX" and "MIN" line clearly marked on them. When the engine is cold, both the coolant and the power steering levels will be on "MIN". When Hot they may be anywhere between "MIN" and "MAX".
When the OP says they are a bit low, are they below "MIN" ?. IF not then all is OK. If they are below "MIN" then worry.
The coolant can be topped up with Ford Antifreeze or if only a small amount of topping up is required or in an emergency, Deionised water can be used.
The Power steering can be topped up with any make of POWER STEERING fluid, providing it conforms to the Ford specification and under NO circumstances should it be topped up with hydraulic fluid.
Hydraulic fluid is for brakes and should say "Dot 4" on the bottle for use in the Mondeo BRAKING SYSTEM.
hope that helps......keith