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Mondeo Clutch! - biggusalikus
Can someone advise to the dreaded mondeo clutch problem please!! I have 2x mondeos, one with a seriously slipping clutch, the other I?m toying with selling before it gets one!! Both are Mk3?s. The one with the slipping clutch is a 2001 1.8 zetec with 150k miles (I got it ex-fleet with 129k on it, so don?t know if the clutch has been done before), and it started slipping badly going uphill about 50 miles ago. What can I expect to pay to get sorted?
The other is a 2003 2.0 LX with 65k miles. It?s in top nick, and I don?t particularly want to get rid of it, but when can I expect the clutch to need sorting?
Many thanks.
Mondeo Clutch! - Xileno {P}
£300 should sort it out at an independent.

Impossible to say when a clutch needs replacing. It depends on how much it has been used (urban driving v. motorway) or abused (clutch slipping).

In my opinion it makes no sense to get ride of a car you're happy with on the basis of what might go wrong. £300 is hardly a great sum in car terms. You could buy something else and still have bills...
Mondeo Clutch! - biggusalikus
Ta very much - as it happens, just got a local quote (Watford) for £326 inc., so you were pretty much spot on! Thought I was looking at £600-£800!!! Just hope the flywheel is ok....
Mondeo Clutch! - Galaxy
On a Mondeo it's recommended that the internal clutch slave cylinder is changed at the same time as the clutch itself.

Might be worth asking whether this will be included.

Mondeo Clutch! - Saltrampen
According to Ford, Clutch replacement on a Mk3 should include an alignment check on the subframe, which is removed to access clutch. Any quote should factor that in. Make sure anyone doing the work just doesn't bolt the subfame back on "by eye".
Mondeo Clutch! - kithmo
Have you seen the amount of free play in those Subframe alignment tools and the tolerances in the alignment holes in the body ?
I have a set and IMO it's just as accurate to do it "by eye". but make sure you have the wheel alignment checked afterwards.
Mondeo Clutch! - Saltrampen
Probably what ford were referring to, they were not specific on what method they use to check the alignment. But many Mondeo owners have only got a decent handling restored by having the car checked at a full suspension / wheel alignment centre where all the angles are checked and adjusted not just a quick turn on the spanner on the tracking rods. As you say main thing is to have it checked afterwards and one of those full suspension/wheel alignment centres are more likely to do a better job. Biggus should take it for a good test drive afterwards and make sure there are no handling issues.
Mondeo Clutch! - biggusalikus
Thanks for the advice guys - will make sure it drives as weel as it does after the job's done!
Mondeo Clutch! - DP
Have you seen the amount of free play in those Subframe alignment tools and the
tolerances in the alignment holes in the body ?

Yeah, I was surprised to read in the Haynes manual that there is considerable margin for error even when the proper tools are used.

I've never done this job (and having seen what it involves, neither am I likely to), but I would be tempted to make some reference marks on the subframe and bodyshell, and also around the bolt heads before disturbing anything, and possibly back this up with some digi-cam snaps for reference when reassembling. From what I've read of the tolerances on the alignment tools, I can't see it being any less accurate.

Mondeo Clutch! - Fullchat
Thinking the same thing myself. Why not make some alignement marks then you will see that they have put the subframe back in the same position that it was before it was disturbed.
Mondeo Clutch! - kithmo
The holes for the tool in the subframe are bigger than the holes in the body, so all you have to do is spray some white paint up the hole and you can see if you've lined it up the same ;o)
Mondeo Clutch! - injection doc
Yep I agree Kith, I have done hundreds of mondeos & cant see what the drama is, the alignment tools are a joke & eye is much better & I do check the rears as well even though they are not disturbed & its worrying how often the rear sub is a long way out.
Make sure the clutch fitted is a new one & not some cheap skate reckon & fit a new slave & have the wheel alighnment checked as well.
I used to do all with slave for 375
Mondeo Clutch! - TurboD
Do petrol Mondys have the DMF?, I thought it was the Derv Donkeys that had those?
160K seems ok for a wearing item