Why is an insurance company allowed to discriminate on grounds of age? SAGA only insures over-50's, yet if you were to discriminate against an over-50 on any other grounds it's illegal. Just wondering! :)
SAGA = Send All Grannies Away.
I'm not sure of the exact answer - but presumably this isn't the same as employment law.
Fortunately, when I reached 50 and SAGA started trying to sell me car insurance, my broker could (and still can) get it more cheaply.
I guess the same reason Diamond only insures females.
ISTR there was going to be a review of this a year or so ago, but it fizzled out.
SAGA = S*x And Games Abroad and they are pricey for any insurance!
I guess you mean discriminate against against under 50's and why should that be illegal?
Outrageous. Next they'll be discriminating on claims history, experience, location, mileage, whether the car is garaged...
wobblyboot - they use things like that to load the premium, which I have no objection to. What they're saying here is "we refuse to insure you because you're not over 50". There's a difference like, innit?
I take your point. To start with I thought it might be some form of insidious politically correct positive discrimination, but having thought about it, I think it's just niche marketing. I remember from my economics degree specialisation is the way to greater productivity, so good luck to them.
Sheila's Wheels gave me the second-lowest quote for car insurance (I'm a man).
I've often wondered this about properties that are sold as 'over 50s only'. As they're virtually the only ones I could afford, I remember being a bit miffed!
Appreciate this is not motoring though - I'll moderate myself in the morning!
You missed out "SAGA LOUTS".Seriously I have Saga insurance,well pleased and ,yes,I could get cheaper quotes but Saga includes continental cover and I go abroad several times a year,I would have to pay for that cover which makes it more expensive.
So do Lloyds TSB at a far cheaper price.
TSB only offer a maximum of 90 days cover as do several other companies!!!