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Need a customer service email for VW pls - PoloGirl
Can't find a customer service email anywhere on the VW website. I don't want to wait for the post or have to find my way through a call centre. I just want to email. But, unless I am blind, I can't find out how to email.

Anyone able to help please?

:::sits back and waits for the first person to say "of course you can't find an email address, this is just another reason why VW are rubbish and I am smug that I have a Skoda/Ford/Renault/etc:::::
Need a customer service email for VW pls - cheddar
They say:

"How can I contact Volkswagen by email?

If you have a technical enquiry about the website please email webmaster@volkswagen.co.uk. We are sorry but we are unable to answer further enquiries by email so please contact us by telephone or post."


"What is the contact address for Volkswagen UK?

Yeomans Drive
Milton Keynes
MK14 5AN

How do I contact Volkswagen Customer Care?

Telephone: 0800 711 811"

However if a fleet / lease car then .......


........ might do it.
Need a customer service email for VW pls - Rhubarb

Some people have managed to contact UK CS using: paul.willis@volkswagen.co.uk . Failing that, go to the top, use: martin.winterkorn@volkswagen.de .

HTH - Andy

Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
"Failing that, go to the top, use: martin.winterkorn@volkswagen.de".

In this case, given that the contact details given are a tad sketchy, I suppose fair enough. However, working in the industry myself, I cannot abide people who ring in and ask what you do, then say you're "not important enough" and that they "want to speak to the CEO" or similar.

I tell them this (politely): if you do that, he will pass it back to me to deal with AS IT IS MY JOB. It isn't that he doesn't care about customers but customer management/service whatever one calls it is not his direct responsibilty. If he did everything and dealt with everybody, then he wouldn't need to employ anyone else. I am not some faceless drone in a call centre, I can actually get things done, do goodwill gestures etc. etc. I am not one of those chickens on that god-awful advert.

I appreciate people's frustrations and thinking they may be "fobbed off" but how do you know I am not important/good enough until you let me try and help? Doesn't do wonders for your ego doing a CS role, trust me.... although you may think otherwise when you read some of my rants!! : )
Need a customer service email for VW pls - cheddar
Hey Stevie, what do you do?

Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied

: )
Need a customer service email for VW pls - Altea Ego
Ah Stevie,

About my touran.................................
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Need a customer service email for VW pls - adverse camber
More to the point - who for ?
Need a customer service email for VW pls - cheddar

Martin Winterkorn's boss?
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
He wishes.

: )
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
PS Not VW! Sorry TVM....

Some of you may know where I work, but shhhhh... or I'll have to change my name!
Need a customer service email for VW pls - Altea Ego
Ah stevie

About my new Seat thats been delayed to 12 weeks delivery........................
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
: )

Need a customer service email for VW pls - Bill Payer
I can actually get things done...

You're pretty unique in the customer service world, then. Assuming you do do the things that you can get done.
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
"Customer service world": that'll be whatever the customer's perception of it is, rather than what it actually is!

Simple fact is: in the car industry, like it or lump it (and I don't like it, on the quiet, but there you go) for the most part, your main interaction point is your dealer, which (as I cover elsewhere on other posts) is a separate business. So, people ring the world of Customer Services and scream about something the manufacturer often has limited input into. So, I "do do the things" I CAN do, and I am HONEST about the things I can't. People don't always like it, but I am not in the game of saying yes sir no sir three bags full sir if it CANNOT be done. As I implied, I am a Customer Manager not a "call-centre monkey", to use a most charming phrase one of my telecomms industry colleague uses!

It's often a no-win situation, which dealers milk for the most part... but I could be on here all day if I got going on that one! As it stands, we often agree to a goodwill gesture and then argue the logistics with the dealer afterwards.... : ) I am scrupulously fair, if it's our fault I'll pay. I often wish we were returned the same courtesy.... to be fair, some are great.... others not!
Need a customer service email for VW pls - cheddar
Makes mental note: If I get that A3 sportback 2.0T then Steveid can help.

Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
And speaking of work, I need to do some now!


: )
Need a customer service email for VW pls - PoloGirl
Thank you! :)
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
Ha! Unfortunately not, PoloGirl, although I would happily assist if I could. : )
Need a customer service email for VW pls - top turkey
"I appreciate people's frustrations and thinking they may be "fobbed off" but how do you know I am not important/good enough until you let me try and help?"

Hi Stevied

I think in today's society, where the perception is often that the first or even second line of contact with a large organisation is with low paid and poorly trained call centre staff, people want reassurance that they will get their complaint heard. Rightly or wrongly, this is my perception and when I do need to complain (ie having exhausted the normal routes of trying to get things resolved), I consciously go to the highest person. This is not because I think the CEO will be interested, but more because I have more confidence in Mr/Ms Bigg Boss saying, "sort this out" than a letter from me asking the same.

I've done this recently with a large bank (got a letter with days of complaint), a mobile 'phone provider (got letter, again, very quickly) and with a building society (pending a response)

Of course, this does not devalue your job. It's more a symptom of people having distrust in large faceless organisations and seeking reassurance that it goes through due process rather than in the bin.

That's all in my opinion anyway...

Top Turkey - the fastest hands in Brum
Need a customer service email for VW pls - Altea Ego
Thats exactly the way it works.

In my organistion it works thus:

Where X: is customer, A: is senior management, B: is Resolver, C: is entry level customer responder staff.

X: complains to C: gets passed to B:, goes on todo list and outcome depends on how B: is feeling that day (or next day, or day after depending on how many is in the C: to B: input queue.

X: finds out who B: is and contacts B: directly. B: is now dealing with a human face, and if the level of distress and angst is enough B: mile of human kindness shines through and B: becomes a knight in shining armour. If however X: shouts at, insults or otherwise gets up B:s goat, X: is in for more trouble that X: could ever realise.

X: complains to A: A: passes down to B:, and if A: is clever, A: wants a to see resolution information within yy timescale. B: ensures the movement of heaven and earth and parting of the oceans, by saying A: wants it done.

X: complains to A: after upsetting B: first. If B: is clever, when the heaven/earth/oceans order comes down from A: the instant response that X: is a well known nutter allows B: to crap on X: with the knowledge and acceptance of A:

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
That is brilliant! : )

I am B, but work very closely with A. We don't have C, which is both a curse and a blessing, as we often have to explain lack of C to X, who IME often want a C to swear at without having someone vaguely intelligent who may try and solve at source!

This B would like it to be known that he doesn't BS, and hopefully doesn't allow his goat to be upped too often. If BRers feel that B's goat is often up, bear in mind that he can't let his rants be directed at Xs or indeed As (although this is undulged on occasion).

Need a customer service email for VW pls - Bill Payer
Another problem is that the level C type people are more and more employed by 3rd party call centre providers.
I want to know that I'm dealing with somebody employed by the company I'm complaining about!
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
Absolutely spot-on. We only use 3rd party providers for post-sale surveys and prospect enquiries. For this, they undergo a very heavy training schedule so that they are, to use an awful marketing term, "on-message".

We can't do too bad a job as one of our marketing managers was taken from the prospecting company and is doing a great job here now.

I think that the benefits of this are that it is reassuring for a customer to hear (as I have said many times) something as prosaic as "yes I know one of the dolphin valve engineers, in fact went to school with him.. I will get him to give you a call/discuss it with him and call you back".

You're there, you're involved, you know the product.
Need a customer service email for VW pls - PoloGirl
Right, I've just sent my email to Paul Willis.

It wasn't something I could explain over the phone and I'm too impatient to wait for the post - maybe that's a reflection on me rather than VW!

I'll let you know what happens.
Need a customer service email for VW pls - stevied
Top Turkey

I agree with the vast majority of what you say, and it is a sad reflection of the facelessness of which you speak. I hope that a letter from me explaining that the CEO has passed it to me to deal with is reassuring for my customers, especially if they get a quick fix where possible!
Need a customer service email for VW pls - IanJohnson
May be too obvious for some but if the enquiry is technical I have had answers from:


Need a customer service email for VW pls - decart


I understand your point but believe this.

As a director of my own business I want customer feedback when I am getting it wrong and struggle to get appropriate feedback from the team as they can't always be bothered to write one sentance on the bottom of a customer signoff.

If you notice the amount of feeback requestd you get in shops and resturants there is increasing investment to get good feedback. Without feedback you cannot fix an issue and improve your service, this can make the difference between gaining customers or losing them, therefore this is important for companies to survive as so many are going out of business.

If you are in customer service and feedback all of the issues you are given then thats a credit to you but unfortunately not everybody has the same stance, remember its not just resolve the issue its feedback so it can be avoided in the future. Not a plaster but a glove.

And I find it amazing that companies invest so much money in trying to get feeback but so little in having a promptly answered phone line, my daughters boyfriend works in a call centre that had a lead time of 10 seconds to answer a call and relaxed the rules to the 40 second industry standard, please bear in mind that after the long questioning process that takes many minutes to deliver your call appropriatly, that means you are only trying to match your competitors but not exceed them and have an advantage.

I have had an issue with VW where I contacted them to give them a new direct debit when my bank account closed, after over half an hour on the phone it was answered and put down, this happened again a second time. I e mailed customer services 2 months ago as dispite getting an e mail promising a prompt reply still have recieved no response.

On talking to the VW team 4 times in phone calls since I have fedback the other issues involved and no one has done any thing to fix the issue dispite promising me it would be sorted by now, so what do you do, call again. They have all failed to feedback the issues and resolve the situation.

When I talked about changing the bank details I had to do that with over 40 suppliers, if all offered VW's level of service I would have spent a week calling and still not achieved what I needed to do. Evey other company made it easy and I had them done in around 2 hours, including Vauxhall & Citreon.

Now I have 3 vehicles which need to be changed this year, now will they be VW, Vauxhall or Citreon? I will let you come to a suitable conclusion yourself.

So do you think a VW Director wants to know if he is losing £70k of sales, I'll let you make up your own mind.

And then I have wandered onto the internet and shared my experiance with the world, how many other people will make a buying decision based on the service? Now does a Director want to know?

I would

The Customer Service E Mail address is customer.services@vwfs.co.uk but please be patient as there service is not very good.

Edited by decart on 23/05/2013 at 11:11

Need a customer service email for VW pls - Avant
I had a reply by return from the MD of Mercedes-Benz UK - signed by him in blue ink ( I smudged it to see).

If you're complaiang about a fault, the manufacturers will want you to go to the dealer - it's the dealer's job, and your contract is with the dealer. Rightly or wrongly, they don't see it as their job to arbitrate between customer and dealer.

If it's a matter of the design of the car (as it was in my case) then surely it's reasonable to approach the manufacturer. The local M-B dealer in Reading is excellent, and it's not their fault that the diesel B-class is unacceptably noisy.
Need a customer service email for VW pls - Bill Payer
the diesel B-class is unacceptably noisy.

I've heard that before somewhere.....