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Honda - Collos25
Did anybody notice the small article by the chief of Honda in the DT finance on saturday where he stated if the UK was not willing to embrace the EU fully it was not prepared to invest anymore in the UK.Make of it what you will but not very encouraging.
Honda - wayne1980
marry that to the comment from Walmart spokes person who said that they were 'concerned' by Britains position with the EU and this is the reason they have yet to mount a challenge to the might of Tesco. for those that dont know, Walmart own Asda.
Honda - Altea Ego
marry that to the comment from Walmart spokes person who said that they were 'concerned'
by Britains position with the EU and this is the reason they have yet to
mount a challenge to the might of Tesco. for those that dont know Walmart own

LOL. There is NO way that european countries would tolerate wallmarts business or empoyment ethics. The fact of the matter is that since Wallmart took over Asda, the gap to Tesco has increased. Make of that, what you will.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Honda - tyro
Yes, I saw it. There are three possible responses

1) Eurosceptics will boycott Honda for making such comments
2) Eurosceptics will buy Hondas to show Honda that Britain is a far more important market than the rest of the EU
3) Eurosceptics will change their minds and decide that Britain must embrace the Euro.
Honda - Pendlebury
I think it was in response to him being asked if Honda would be expanding it's UK operations as Swindon is now running at capacity.
Honda are enjoying a sales increase and if they want to build any more cars for europe in the UK then they will need to expand.
The euro V's pound debate may require them to look elsewhere in europe.
He went on to say that he is very pleased with Swindon and it's future was secure.
Toyota and Nissan have both said exactly the same.
Honda - Baskerville
LOL. There is NO way that european countries would tolerate wallmarts business or empoyment ethics

And yet they tolerate Lidl's, which are just as bad.
Honda - Westpig
And yet they tolerate Lidl's which are just as bad.

and what about Mc D's

can't think of a motoring connection, other than Old McDonald (sic) apparently had a farm, so he must have had a tractor.. :-)
Honda - midlifecrisis
I'm sure they'll happily take a few million in 'grants' in lieu of the Euro.
Honda - Pendlebury
I doubt they will get another penny from the UK government and never have since they finished the factory.
I have never known grants be given after a company is set up and running.
Unfortunately the UK does not do long term support for manufacturing.
Honda - daveyjp
Sounds like Mr Honda is looking for an excuse to build a factory in a former Eastern Bloc Country. Blame the UK, rather than be honest and say they can do it cheaper in Bulgaria, Romania etc - the temptation of possible EU grants cannot be ignored.

I did hear last week of a UK motor component factory whch has just taken work back from Poland as the UK factory can make the engine component cheaper. Wages are higher, but factory output is higher than the Poles can currently achieve.
Honda - Pendlebury
To be honest davey that is a gross misunderstanding of how the Japanese do business.
They will not shut one factory down because they can employ people cheaper elsewhere.
Quality and loyalty is more important to them - they know that way they will get a better product built for the customer.

The Japanese are mainly an honourable culture and support their employees.

The last time Toyota made people redundant the CEO resgined in shame.
Honda - Pendlebury
davey, you may find the attached interesting on how Jap car companies treat employees.
It is a few years old but still very true today.

Honda - Bill Payer
LOL. There is NO way that european countries would tolerate wallmarts business or empoyment ethics.

They tried in Germany and then pulled out.
Honda - daveyjp
"They will not shut one factory down because they can employ people cheaper elsewhere"

Who said anything about shutting anywhere down?

The OP post was about additional investment. If Honda need an additional facility it may not be in the M4 corridor and there are sound economic reasons for it being in a former Eastern Bloc country.
Honda - Pendlebury
apologies davey - I misread your post - I thought you were implying that they were doing a 'Peugout' and clsoing a UK plant to open a eastern european factory.
Clearly you were not implying that.
Honda - tr7v8
To be honest it sounds like Honda are just coming up with an excuse not to expand in the UK. The Co I work for next factory is in Poland, Why? Because that's where the emerging markets are! Why ship from Limerick to the former eastern bloc?
Honda - Pendlebury
Honda currently ship all their accords from Japan to the UK & CRV's from Swindon to Japan and US so I do not really follow your logic - although if as you say more sales are imminent in the eastern bloc then it makes sense to have a factory there.
Having said that at no time has anyone at Honda mentioned another factory elsewhere.
Swindon is booming and we should all be pleased for UK jobs - even if it is Japanese profits.
Honda - mike hannon
I wonder what the CEO of Honda will have to say after about 2010, when he's selling vehicles for Francs, Lira and Pesetas and the Euro (as it is now) is just a bad memory?
Honda - Pendlebury
I think the other thing we are all forgetting (including myself) is that Honda have a plant in Turkey - very close to the eastern bloc countries already and they are expanding that.
They cannot expand Swindon because there is no space to do it.
Honda - Baskerville
I wonder what the CEO of Honda will have to say after about 2010 when
he's selling vehicles for Francs Lira and Pesetas and the Euro (as it is now)
is just a bad memory?

1995 called. It wants its arguments back.