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Motorcaravans towing - Paul Robinson
I've seen increasing numbers of them towing small cars. I thought the whole point of a motor caravan was that it's a caravan that you don't have to tow, so why tow a car with it? Surely if you don't mind towing you'd just tow a caravan with your car.

Or have I missed the point...?
Motorcaravans towing - Clanger
You need alternative transport with a campervan or else your pitch will disappear when you go down the shops, or for a trip out, especially abroad. You've also got to tidy up and put stuff away before you set off for said shopping. Think about it; "mobile home" ...
Stranger in a strange land
Motorcaravans towing - Paul Robinson
So why not just tow a caravan?
Motorcaravans towing - ForumNeedsModerating
>>You need alternative transport with a campervan or else your pitch will disappear when you go down the shops,
>>or for a trip out, especially abroad.

Many people incorporate 'drive-away' awnings onto thier vans to counter that - mind you, I don't know how many,
if any, of these get stolen.
Motorcaravans towing - ForumNeedsModerating
(spelling typo on last post)

>>You need alternative transport with a campervan or else your pitch will disappear when you go down the shops,
>>or for a trip out, especially abroad.

Many people incorporate 'drive-away' awnings onto their vans to counter that - mind you, I don't know how many,
if any, of these get stolen.
Motorcaravans towing - Westpig
If you have a gert big caravan........you need a gert big tow vehicle........so presumably for most of the year you're driving around in a vehicle far bigger than your needs, for an occasional caravan trip

whereas the gert big camper van solution could tow your second car with it.....which means when you're at home the fuel guzzling camper van stays parked up, your main family car can be relatively normal and you have a small super mini type thing as a second car
Motorcaravans towing - Westpig
personally i think when you weigh up the purchase price of a camper or caravan, then depreciation and parking hassle etc....

it would be easier to use the same money, put it into a savings account and hire one once or twice a year.........or if you're buying it on finance etc, put the same amount of monthly finance money into a holiday savings account and do the same

bet the neighbours would prefer it.......albeit my mate in Devon wouldn't as his farm shed has a fair few of the things in it...... and some never move. Easy income for him.
Motorcaravans towing - PhilW
"If you have a gert big caravan........you need a gert big tow vehicle........so presumably for most of the year you're driving around in a vehicle far bigger than your needs, for an occasional caravan trip"

If you are the type who needs a gert big caravan for your "camping" holiday, you are probably the type who needs a gert big 4x4 to take your kids to school and get the week's shopping.

Odd isn't it that in Britain it seems to be essential to have a big 4x4 to tow your caravan, but on the continent, the French, Dutch and Germans seem to be able to tow with their "normal" family car.

Anyone who can afford a big camper (£50k+) and a small car (Smart, Panda etc) to tow behind it will not be seen driving that small car or a "normal" (to me) car around for the rest of the year as their "shopping" cars.

Motorcaravans towing - Simon
I think that it is a case of what you gain on one hand you lose on another. Neither solution seems like a cheap alternative compared to the other and although I take on board Westpig's point about the great big camper being parked up at home and using the cheaper little car for everyday use, surely this is cancelled out by the fact that you then have two vehicles to tax, insure, MOT and service each year. At least a standard caravan has few running costs associated with it.
Motorcaravans towing - Lud
An anonymous, rapid 5-ton or 7.5-ton boxbody with skylights... Only kind of motor caravan one could conemplate surely? The other thing makes you look like a grockle.
Motorcaravans towing - bell boy
i have 2 recovery vehicles and every year i offer the wife to buy a caravan winch it on the back and go off on our jollies,we can unload the caravan and go shopping in the transporter all legal like and maybe make a few quid if we come across a stranded motorist.

she wont have none of it :-(
Motorcaravans towing - deepwith
We met a couple last year who have sold their house, bought a small flat here on the coast, a camper van and a smart car to tow behind. They are spending most of the colder months poodling around the warmer areas of Europe and North Africa then come back here for the odd month, mainly spent travelling the UK, throughout the year. The flat was bought so they can settle back here, near their children, when they get too decrepit to travel. There thinking was, apparently, that a property overseas might not be a good idea if property prices here keep rising rapidly, so they have kept a toe in here, but spending the extra capital to finance a roving life. Seemed like quite a good life and well worth the extra tax on the 'second' car.
Motorcaravans towing - TurboD
basically there is a lot of spare cash flowing about in the economy.
If you don't spend it before you die, Brown(or his successor) will nick it off you.
Of course by driving he gets a good share anyway.

Isn't it cheaper to use Holiday Inns( etc)?
I think so, and have sold my Motorhome, and got a nice Estate car
Motorcaravans towing - Pugugly {P}
What's wrong with a nice and simple VW "dormobile" type van. National delusions of grandeur that's what.
Motorcaravans towing - Craig_1969
Motorcaravans towing - Altea Ego
The ideal surely is a winebago with a couple of BMW G650 X's strapped on the back?
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Motorcaravans towing - Pugugly {P}
or a 1200GSA and a credit card.
Motorcaravans towing - Kiwi Gary
I agree with TurboD. I was going to hire a motorcaravan for a month's holiday in Europe, but the travel agent said that it was the expensive way of doing it. After a lot of internet hunting, I booked hotels over the net { generally 3 star, occasionally one up or one down depending on what was available in the place where we wanted to stop }, and leased a Pug 307 diesel S.W. through Peugeot here in New Zealand. Total price was significantly cheaper than hiring a van and paying site rentals at the camping grounds.
Motorcaravans towing - waggy
Why do people buy an expensive Motorhome and tow a small car? Because they can!

Many people on this list drive £30/£40k cars (some even pay for them themselves) No one asks why they do not drive Fiestas.

Of course there are cheaper ways to take holidays. Motorhomes have many advantages over caravans.

If they have some spare cash and leisure time after 40 years of working good luck to them I say. Better than leaving it to GB or the kids

There is a lot of intolorence on this forum
Motorcaravans towing - mike hannon
Couple of years ago I spotted a big camper van towing a trailer with a BMW 5 series Touring on it! No arguments, just bonkers...
Motorcaravans towing - Baskerville
Couple of years ago I spotted a big camper van towing a trailer with a
BMW 5 series Touring on it! No arguments just bonkers...

Take a trip to Lake Tahoe on the California/Nevada border and you'll see Winnebagos towing Chevy Suburbans. In terms of size, Suburbans are to any BMW model as a horse is to a hamster.
Motorcaravans towing - Nomag
What about the camper that featured on Top Gear not so long ago, that had a "locker" which allowed an SLK to be carried within the vehicle!