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Can Bus Drivers report you - bubblegum
I have just been accused by a bus Driver of bad lane discipline... He basically stopped the bus shouted abuse and said he was going to report me I am not sure what I have done but here goes a quick round up 2 lanes I was in the right approaching a roundabout bus in the left was giving way to a car joining the from his left ... road then branches into 3 lanes as I was in the right hand need to go straight bus hadn't moved off so joined....thinking the bus had seen me and was probabley turning left on the round about....he was n't he wass going straight as well...but surely traffice on thr right has right of way ??? I am a bit concerned that he needed to stop the bus have a verbal ...I said I didn't think i was eorng but if I am "sorr" he continued to say he was going to report me.... so I am absolutely petrified....can anyone throw any light??thank you
Can Bus Drivers report you - Stuartli
Merely his word against yours.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Can Bus Drivers report you - bubblegum
I think my fear is that he could report me to the police.. he was quite peeved and this could lead to points etc... and I don't have any...never have ..thank u
Can Bus Drivers report you - Altea Ego
I think my fear is that he could report me to the police..

He could, but he wont. Even if he did he is simply consdered a member of the public and has as many police powers as you do. Nothing is going to come of this.

>>he was quite peeved

He is a bus driver, they are alll poorly paid and peeved all the time

>>and this could lead to points etc...

NO it cant.

TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Can Bus Drivers report you - barney100

No way he can prove anything, police don't even bother about burglaries never mind a bit of road squabble.

Can Bus Drivers report you - FotheringtonThomas
road then branches into 3 lanes
as I was in the right hand need to go straight

Your message is rather difficult to understand, but I gather that you approached the roundabout in the rightmost of three lanes, intending to go straight on?
Can Bus Drivers report you - bubblegum
I changed lanes about 200yds before hand s the lane changes in to 3
Can Bus Drivers report you - Lud
Doubt if you can get points, a fine or any sort of punishment on the mere say-so even of an important citizen like a bus driver. There would have to be several witnesses against you and their story would have to be watertight.

If it is anything like your own account of the events you should be perfectly safe! :o)
Can Bus Drivers report you - Saltrampen
I have had abuse from other road users as well.
The only recourse is to clearly remember what you did and then see what the Highway code says (although in many cases it says nothing). Whoever changed lanes should have signalled and moved over when safe to do so.
My mate is a bus driver and hasn't mentioned reporting anyone for supposedly cutting him up (though he gets annoyed at this), he tells me about idiots doing double speed limits, parking in bus lanes, people expecting buses to reverse down narrow country lanes and dangerous driving.
He has a mobile on the bus but my impression is that he would only be bothered if it was dangerous driving, probably because the Police wouldn't be bothered otherwise.
Can Bus Drivers report you - bubblegum
I have checked the highway code ..and yes you are quite right there is no definitive reply although maybe I could have indicated... but there again there was plenty of space and slow speed ..maybe I was wrong that assuming he would check his right...thanks for your help..
Can Bus Drivers report you - s61sw

AFAIK, anyone can 'report' anyone else for anything, not just driving. As far as driving is concerned, if the 'reporter' is a professional driver, then the authorities may take a closer look - my friend's wife was reported to the police by a driving instructor for overtaking on double white lines (quite rightly too) and she ended up getting three points on her licence for it.

S6 1SW

Can Bus Drivers report you - Sprice
The bus driver is just being a cheeky ****. The way some of them drive too! You should be angry, not worried, I know what I'd have said to him!
Can Bus Drivers report you - bubblegum
I think the fact that the Bus Driver took the time to stop the bus give me a few choice words have left me a bit dumb founded ... I don't claim to be the worlds best driver (what ever that is) but being a mum i pride myself in being a safe driver so maybe this has been questioned and obviously the issue of points on my licence concerns me..thanx
Can Bus Drivers report you - Dynamic Dave
You should have taken details of the bus (registration No. & route No.) and reported the driver to the bus company. His actions won't go down too well with them. eg, bringing the bus company name into disrepute for starters, not to mention inciting road rage.
Can Bus Drivers report you - Lud
Didn't realise you were a woman bubblegum. That puts a different complexion on it. The bus driver was being a bullying git. Some men and some drivers are like that.

Why don't you report him for offensive behaviour? (Joke - don't bother really).
Can Bus Drivers report you - paulb {P}
...my friend's wife was reported to the police by a driving instructor
for overtaking on double white lines (quite rightly too) and she ended up getting three
points on her licence for it.

You could probably distinguish that on the basis that overtaking on double whites is a "You MUST NOT" in the HC and thus illegal, though. Being in what is in someone else's opinion the wrong lane is less likely to be so.
Can Bus Drivers report you - paulb {P}
Anyone can "report" anyone else for pretty much anything, but in the absence of witnesses or evidence it is highly improbable that the police will do anything about it.

As Stuartli says, it will be his word against yours. You have two options here:

1) Put it down to the bus driver having a bad day/being an eejit, then forget about it, pour yourself a large glass of a preferred beverage and enjoy the long weekend.

2) If you can be bothered, turn the thing on its head - ring the bus company and ask if it is their policy to allow their drivers to hurl abuse and threats at other road users. He has, potentially, far more to lose by being reported to his employers.

I must say that 1) would be my preferred choice. Life is too short to allow yourself to be bothered by ill-tempered PSV drivers.
Can Bus Drivers report you - Garethj
A bus driver lecturing someone about lane discipline? Oh my aching sides. The only thing London bus drivers know about lane discipline is how to take up as many lanes as possible!

Maybe you made an error, maybe you didn't. If that bus driver stops every time he sees someone make a mistake on the road it's not going to do his punctuality much good.

Don't worry about it.
Can Bus Drivers report you - Galaxy
Yes, can we report them? ):

Can Bus Drivers report you - top turkey
"I am absolutely petrified...."

Don't be. He sounds like a bus driver with an attitude and he thought you deserved some verbal.

Just laugh to yourself that he is a silly man with an attitude bigger than his bus.

Top Turkey - the fastest hands in Brum
Can Bus Drivers report you - bell boy
if he looked like this bubblegum ,be worried--------

if not then dont give it a second bazooka
Can Bus Drivers report you - Pugugly {P}
If he does make a complaint against you, and if he made you feel harrased alarmed or distressed you may have a counter allegation of a public order offence. He can make a complaint against you of bad driving, you will need to be NIP'd by the Police within 14 days. You don't need special Police powers to complain about any alleged offence. Mind you it might bring crime figures down a tad if we did !
Can Bus Drivers report you - barney100
Think yourself lucky. I saw a coach driver in london perform the following action. He was having a difference of opinion with a car driver and when a red right stopped the traffic flow he got off his coach, indicated to the car driver to lower his window, the guy innocently obliged and got a real thump in the face from the coach man who calmly alighted his vehicle and continued on his way. Saw the same thing between two car drivers in Miami but they really went at it!
Can Bus Drivers report you - Wales Forester
'Maybe i should of indicated' Yes maybe you should. I assume that this piece of road is new to you, or have you done this several times in the past at the same place and got away with it. Maybe the bus driver was letting 99 people get away with doing the same at the same roundabout and you were unlucky number 100 who was gonna get a piece of his mind.
It sickens me that some backroomers think that because bubblegum is female she should be treated any differently to anyone else.
The answer to the question has already been given but I feel better for that.
Can Bus Drivers report you - Micky
Ah, Peter has arrived!
Can Bus Drivers report you - Micky
Anyone can report you to Plod. If there is no collision then it's unlikely that Plod will do anything. If there is a no-injury collision then it's unlikely that Plod will do anything (unless there is a celeb involved, in which case there will be at least 6 Plod in attendance and the press as well) If there's no evidence then it's even more unlikely that Plod will follow up.

Why not complain to the bus company about the aggressive attitude of the bus driver (reg number and time should be sufficient)?
Can Bus Drivers report you - Pugugly {P}
I'd let sleeping dogs lie.
Can Bus Drivers report you - bell boy
I'd let sleeping dogs lie.
and me but i would get on the drivers bus next week with a £20 note speaka no english wave about in a thicko manner and basically wind him up

thats if the wife would let me though
Can Bus Drivers report you - FotheringtonThomas
Why not complain to the bus company about the aggressive attitude of the bus driver

Well, great. Make driving errors, wind people up, and when they complain, try to get them sacked. Another symptom of the ills of the UK at the moment?
Can Bus Drivers report you - Micky
My dear Fotherington Thomas, I am merely attempting to balance the situation. I suspect that the OP - whilst clearly an incompetent driver with a minimal grasp of the principles of English grammar - was attempting to make good progress, much to the disgust of the bus driver.

>shrugs shoulders and wanders off to the garage for yet another sniff of Castrol R before turning in<
Can Bus Drivers report you - FotheringtonThomas
shrugs shoulders and wanders off to the garage for yet another sniff of Castrol R
before turning in<

I agree with you , excepting what I asked the OP earlier. Good thing, sniffing "R" - for goodnes sake, don't drink it, though! Now, where's that "slippery road" sign.....
Can Bus Drivers report you - BNTAGRL
Yeah I literally had this just happen to me. I was going round a blind corner. The bus was on my left at the bus stop so I passed him. But there was parked cars on my right and I was a blind corner but I continued because It was clear. so I continued because it was my priority. Then there was a car coming towards me. Now I’ll admit I was going a bit to fast so I had to break quite harsh and pull to the left to let him through. I got to the shop and parked up. The bus that I passed beeped at me to get my attention. Pulled over, opened the passenger doors, and decided to have a go at me. I expect he saw the whole thing. But it really embarrassed me. Because I bet all them people on that bus heard it to. It’s drivers like that bus driver that really put me off of driving it makes me sad. I’m only hoping he doesn’t report me. ??

Edited by BNTAGRL on 15/09/2021 at 16:16

Can Bus Drivers report you - badbusdriver

It’s drivers like that bus driver that really put me off of driving it makes me sad.

You just said you were going too fast towards a blind corner, and as a result had to brake sharply to avoid colliding with a car coming the opposite direction. I'd imagine it is drivers like you who put the bus driver of driving (and yes, I used to be one!). Maybe you should drive in a more safe and considerate manner rather than complaining when another road user points out your irresponsible/reckless driving?.

I’m only hoping he doesn’t report me. ??

Most buses will have a dash cam, the footage from which could, in theory*, be submitted to the police if he/she felt strongly enough about. *The driver can't do this, it would have to be someone in management. So, TBH, it is probably unlikely the bus driver would bother, or even remember if early on in his/her shift.

Can Bus Drivers report you - bathtub tom
I was going round a blind corner but I continued because It was clear.Now I’ll admit I was going a bit to fast. The bus was on my left at the bus stop so I passed him. But there was parked cars on my right. so I continued because it was my priority.

So, let's get this clear. You were going too fast into a blind corner, down the middle of the road, because there was a bus on your left and parked cars on your right, but you think it was your right of way?

Can Bus Drivers report you - drbe

Anyone can report anyone for anything.

Whether it will get anywhere is another matter.

Can Bus Drivers report you - BNTAGRL
So it went like this. First i overtook the bus. Because he was indicating left because he was at a bus stop. I passed him. After that there was a curve to the right and cars parked on the right so it was my priority. There was only space to fit 1 car through. I was going a bit to fast. I will put my hands up and admit that. There was an oncoming car and I did have to pull over to the left and let him through. Look I know I was in the wrong you don’t need to tell me. I’m not trying to say I wasn’t but tbh I think the bus driver shouldn’t of even got involved. Yeah I get he probably saw what I did and wanted to give me a price of his mind. But I really wish he didn’t. I already felt terrible after I parked up. I am usually a very cautious driver. I won’t blame you if you don’t believe me based on what I’ve put up but in all honesty I am. But today is very clearly not my day at all

Edited by BNTAGRL on 15/09/2021 at 18:10

Can Bus Drivers report you - Andrew-T
But today is very clearly not my day at all

Taking your account at face value, I would guess the bus driver was commenting on your speed rather than anything else. But it illustrates how you can easily get into a pickle when making assumptions about what is (or isn't) round a corner.

Can Bus Drivers report you - FP

Why would anyone hunt down a fourteen-year-old thread and add to it?

Can Bus Drivers report you - BNTAGRL
lol I have made my own thread about this. Look I’m not expecting sympathy for what I did. Just I didn’t think it was right for the bus driver to get involved.
Can Bus Drivers report you - badbusdriver


Not sure the folk in the car coming the other way would think it a laughing matter, especially if you'd actually hit them.

Just I didn’t think it was right for the bus driver to get involved.

Who do you think should get involved?. Or do you feel that as long as the police don't see it you should get away with driving however you please?.

Can Bus Drivers report you - FP

I'm not commenting, apart from what I've already put.

I think there's a bit of trolling going on.

Can Bus Drivers report you - BNTAGRL
Yeah but this is the thing I don’t usually drive bad. I’m actually a relatively new driver so you can guess I don’t drive bad. And no I’m not trolling lol either. Like I said I just don’t think the bus driver should have gone out of his way to make this point
Can Bus Drivers report you - Andrew-T
Yeah but this is the thing I don’t usually drive bad. I’m actually a relatively new driver so you can guess I don’t drive bad.

Unfortunately that guess quite often turns out wrong. New drivers sometimes begin to drive faster than they should because it is fun. Or they may have had a few.

Bus drivers are usually level-headed people because they have to be. This one probably thought your speed was too risky, maybe dangerous - as you have (almost) admitted.

Can Bus Drivers report you - blindspot

sure i read somewhere of a bus driver photoing a car in the bus lane and police taking action

Can Bus Drivers report you - SLO76
People don’t realise it but modern service buses are mobile cctv platforms. We have cameras everywhere, both inside and out. The police are regular visitors asking for camera footage for incidents and yes, drivers can fill in an incident report and ask for the cameras to be pulled. It’s rare though as it involves paperwork, something your average bus driver is allergic to. Be mindful of your surroundings though. You weren’t driving appropriately here and it’s all on camera if a bus is nearby. Slow down, relax, take your time in built up areas. You’ll get there a few seconds on minutes later but you’ll get there with your driving licence intact and you won’t have the death of a child on your conscience for the rest of your life.

Edited by SLO76 on 16/09/2021 at 00:06

Can Bus Drivers report you - Marlin1
People don’t realise it but modern service buses are mobile cctv platforms. We have cameras everywhere, both inside and out. The police are regular visitors asking for camera footage for incidents

I believe a bus cam helped catch Sarah Everard murderer, PC Wayne Couzens.

Edited by Marlin1 on 16/09/2021 at 14:45