peugeot 406 110 - mavermik98
I have a 52 plate 406 110 hdi. 40K miles There is a problem with the temperature gauge. The gauge usualy rests half way but can swing down quite suddenly then back up again to center.Sometimes it will go down to zero and stay for a few seconds, This can be accompanied by the "engine coolant to hot" warning and the "stop" light flashing on and off
I am sure the engine is not over hot as it usualy happens about ten minutes from a cold start but runs for a lot longer with the needle at half way most of the time.

There is another minor isue.The rev counter normaly sits at 0.8 at tickover but sometimes goes up to 1.0 for a few secs then settles down to 0.8 again.this seems to be at or around the same time as the temp gauge swinging around

I would be most grateful for any help on this.If it is just a dicky temp gauge or similar then it can swing all it likes - I hope nothing serious as I am skint



peugeot 406 110 - Screwloose

On that year, the temp sensor info will likely be networked through the CAN-Bus; so odd things happening in many systems is normal. I think it's brown[?] and on the gearbox end of the head. Unplugging it should make the fans run.

I've also got a feeling [been a while since I've seen a 406] that there's a cooling control module in the N/S front wing ahead of the wheel. They can get wet [yes, really] and cause various issues.

A code read of the CAN networked data might show something. You could well find 30+ codes scattered about the linked ECUs - all caused by just one temperamental sensor.
peugeot 406 110 - mavermik98

Does this mean I should change change something to see what happens - what course of action would you suggest?

Thanks inadvance

peugeot 406 110 - Screwloose

Facing an intermittent fault, on a system this complex - a code read.

An eyeball check of the cooling module and it's wiring is something that you could do yourself and save the cost of accessing it. Just remove the wheelarch liner.