Der Kleiner Wunder. (Spellcheck from Andy Bairsto required)
I'm sure you are right Mark. From the 50's I remember the EMC Puch (Erlich Motorcycles ?) where there was a new front fork design, ie, swinging arm, and they used a "split single" engine of German manufacture, possible DKW. Two pistons, in seperate, parallel, vertical cylinders, with the rear cylinder (I think) charging the front cylinder. Two stroke cycle with the rear cylinder acting like the pressurised crankcase of a conventional two stroke.
this was Dr Joes obsession, in the late 40's he produced a 350 2 stroke engine with 2 pistons on a forked con rod with a common combustion chamber.
By 1960 he had support from De Haviland and was racing in the world championship series with some success.
I eventually found my encyclopedia as you may well surmise.
as ever