At 55 years old and driving about 20,000 miles per year since 18 with NO high speed or injury accidents to my name AND a totally all time clean licence a few points.
(i) A child with a suspected broken arm is NOT a medical "emergency", seriously.
(ii) But in event of a medical emergency I too would drive, if required, and break speed limits, but only if safe to do so.
(iii) The only case where I have broken speed limits was was to attend my fathers death bed, in the early hours of the morning, I did not adhere to the speed limits, but I did NOT crash, and was clearly aware that I risked proscution and points if caught.
I though, in the circumstances, this was an acceptable risk, the possible proscution, but would have pleaded my case, and needs be, taken my punishment.
As Westpig kindly and clearly explained speed limits are set for "worst case" situations, and VERY SAFELY exceeded, circumstancs dictating and permitting.