not content with taking lots of public money to design and implement ever more road thinning, and roundabouts, and cameras
this lot are also taking public money to invetigate (impartially of course) what a good idea it is
democracy it isnt
What's the betting that the conclusions have already been drafted, just needs the "facts" to be fitted!
Anyone want the (dreadful) casualti graohs for Thames Valley?
no, last time I had graohs they gave me terrible indigestion.
I inadvertantly swallowed some graohs recently. They stuck in my craw on the way down. I had to have a large grey camera passed down my osophagus. Apparently the graoh was going down much too fast in a restricted area. The doctor took two flash photos in rapid succession and issued some sort of 'notice of intended prescription'. I have fourteen days within which to go to the pharmacy station to pay the fine assistant there. Evidently everyone complains about paying the fine assistant. They say everyone else should pay, but not them - they are in some way exempt from paying the fine assistant. It's unjust, they were just enjoying themselves - eating graohs rather quickly - indeed faster than was really recommended, but they say they should be able to eat graohs as fast as they want and never mind what the pharmacists say. Just as long as they can carry on enjoying eating graohs as fast as they want, irrespective of anything else thay might unwise enough to get in the graohs way on the way down.
I've been sent a NIP for eating graohs too fast with my 1935 speed cutlery, but they can't prove it was me. I'm off to the court of human rights to defend my right to keep quiet about it. Who knows who it was, after all? I fancy being a campaigner for civil liberties in my twilight years - I'll be a wow at dinner parties.
Reclaim the digestive tract!
Yes, indeed: you never see the pro scamera hypocrites claiming their right to silence, more's the pity.
Golden graohs, or the cinnamon variety?
The Holy Graoh. I'm often in search of them.
One or two have accused me of being Holier than Graoh.
Can't think why.