Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - Philips Girl

I have a 998 cc Nissan Micra, year 2000 (W reg). It is converted to LPG so it is bi-fuel. In the last couple of weeks it has started stalling, particularly when starting up and slowing down and we don't know what the problem is. We had the distributor replaced as we initially thought it was the ignition coil. However, while this has made it run better, it has not solved the problem. We have also checked the lambda sensor, throttle pot, mass meter, idle control valve which all seem to be okay. The only thing we haven't checked is the coolant temperature sensor but the gauge in the car seems okay.

Has anybody got any other suggestions before I take it to the Nissan Dealer?


Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - bell boy
this is intriguing
who would put lpg on a car that already does 55mpg with its eyes shut
cts is for the ecu not the temp guage (its called an ect just to confuse you further on this model)
i would have thought it was the first port of call not the last

is this a genuine conversion or one of keiths brothers heath robinson? affairs
Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - McP
Is it only running badly on LPG?
If so, then the below is possibly not relevant

I have just posted this for someone else.
Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - Philips Girl
The person who puts LPG ona car that does 55mpg with its eyes shut is the person who drives 30,000 miles per year but does not earn enough to pay for an expensive car. As petrol is 91.9p and LPG is 45.9p, it makes good financial sense. The cost of the conversion is paid off in less than a year. It is a genuine conversion as otherwise my insurers would not cover it.

Problem was solved by the Nissan garage at huge expense. It was the mass flow meter that was faulty.
Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - Screwloose

If you'd come back with the answers, there's a five-minute fix for these Micra throttle body MAFs that would have saved you buying a new one.
Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - SaabFanatic
Can you tell me what the fix is? We've got a Micra in the family and I'm just *waiting* for the MAF failure...

(I've seen the resoldering instructions on


Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - Screwloose

Yes; that's pretty much it. [I've just followed those links and had a look.]

He did make it hard work for himself; just remove the four nuts and lift the T/B up a bit on it's hoses - much easier. Routine roadside job.

I wonder how much the dealers are charging for their re-con units now? They used to be about £400 - what a nice little earner...
Nissan Micra Idling Badly and Stalling - bell boy
luvly jubbly