Hi All,
Can anyone help? My ford granada has been losing water for sometime and today after a 15 mile journey she started to over heat. There doesn't appear to be any leaks anywhere and has gradually been getting worse.(Having to top the water level up more often). Was going to try and bleed her but can't find where the bleed nipple is? Can anyone help please as to affraid to drive her now at the mo.
Many thanks
HI is it the old type of granada
Hi bob its a granada scorpio.1994,1998cc
thanks ,Debbie
HI sounds like head gasket just like all the other chaps say. if it is the head gasket has gone and you have it all done. get them to change the stat just to be on the safe side. not a bad job to do hope this helps
Hi Bob
Thanks very much
kind regards
There is no bleed nipple on these cars, just undo the bottom hose of the radator on the right hand side, however you haven't said what engine it is and it's more likely a fault with the Thermostat if it's keep overheating, another thing don't keep topping up so much water as it's will reduces the Anti-Freeze/Coolant strenght, use 50% water & 50% Anti-Freeze/Coolant.
Do you noticed any white/grey stream of smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe as they are most common happens on the 2.0i DOHC's, but an air lock in the cooling system can confuse things, thinking it's the Head Gasket problem, a garage can test this for you.
Thanks for reply
Have to keep topping up because water light on almost constantly, do mix it with anti freeze most times.It's a 1998cc engine and yes white smoke does come out but not all the time. I'm really worried it's the head what do you think?Should I try undoing the bottom hose or just take it to the garage?
paddy 1
Sounds like a head gasket.the wates going somwhere !!
Any water in the oil ?
your local garage will be able to test the system.
Gti jo
Thanks for your advice gti jo
best wishes,Debbie
Is it an auto with oil cooler built into radiator?
Yes Steve its an automatic but im not sure about the other.
There is no water in the oil
Quote form paddy1
"It's a 1998cc engine and yes white smoke does come out but not all the time. I'm really worried it's the head what do you think? Should I try undoing the bottom hose or just take it to the garage?"
Condensation is normal on first time starting the car from cold, but not at hot, if there is white/grey smoke coming out of exhaust pipe on hot engine, then it is more likely it's the Head Gasket problem, you would need to take it to the garage to get it fix.
If it's doesn't show up any white/grey smoke on hot engine then that is something else, faulty thermostat or air lock in the system, or need back & front flush clean out stale muck using with garden hose pipe.
Can you confirm which is which ?
it does show grey white at times its hard to know if it does it all the time while im driving.
how would i do a back n front clean out.
IIRC the oil cooler is built into radiator,which may leak internally,check gearbox fluid level is correct.
Thanks everybody for all your suggestions and your prompt replies.
I wish i could buy you all a pint.
thanks again