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Dating Direct.com - Alyn Beattie
Am I the only one being plagued by these adverts on this site? Every time I click on anything this, advert appears first.

I know HJ has to have the revenue but does this advert have to be so intrusive?
Alyn Beattie

I\'m sane, it\'s the rest of the world that\'s mad.
Dating Direct.com - Sponge
Generating revenue from advertising is one thing, but 'pop-ups' are as bad as spam (email) in my book and don't belong on websites, especially discussion fora.
Dating Direct.com - Xileno {P}
Really annoying, although quite interesting to see if there's someone (else) out there for me...
Dating Direct.com - Jonathan {p}
Generating revenue from advertising is one thing, but 'pop-ups' are as
bad as spam (email) in my book and don't belong on
websites, especially discussion fora.

Especially when your wife walks into the home office and asks why you are looking at a dating site!
Dating Direct.com - Hamsafar
Yes, when someone creeps up at work I close the HJ window, but then there's a bright pink dating one behind which is in full view of the person who just creeped up! Had to switch pop up blocking on.
Dating Direct.com - helicopter
I thought it was just me had the problem but its the same on both my home and office computers.

I hate the smug look on the blokes face - looks a right smarmy so and so .

I have only just logged in and already have four Dating Direct windows open, one pops up every time I look at a different thread. If I ever ditch SWMBO I won't be using Dating Direct

Whilst I appreciate the need to generate revenue it is very irritating ( and time consuming) to have to close down a dozen of these pop up windows after lurking in the backroom.

Dating Direct.com - carl_a
Generating revenue from advertising is one thing, but 'pop-ups' are as
bad as spam (email) in my book and don't belong on
websites, especially discussion fora.

Son't confuse something that is useful with those terrible people that do spam. Spam is uncalled for and a waste of millions of man hours each year, you choose to use this site, don't like that ads don't use it. I Don't want spam but have no choice, its forced on me !
Dating Direct.com - Baskerville
I'm staggered that anyone still sees popup ads. Even Microsoft provides popup blocking these days. Can't you just switch it on? If we block them they'll stop doing it.
Dating Direct.com - Murphy The Cat
or use Mozilla Firefox and the problem disappears
Dating Direct.com - Neiltoo
I've got a popup blocker turned on and the alert noise is annoying: yes, I know I can turn the volume down, but I like to know.

What does HJ say?

I too think it's inappropriate, and suggest it's removed

Dating Direct.com - Westpig
i can block the things at home, but can't do anything with the work one...... and like many on here don't really want people at work to think i'm looking at a dating site.......they suspect i'm fairly sad anyway, i don't want it confirmed.
Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
I'm staggered that anyone still sees popup ads.

I'm the computer duffer on this forum and even I don't get popups!
Dating Direct.com - mjm
I've now got to explain to my mrs that I can't make it home for the next fortnight!
Dating Direct.com - drbe
>> >> I'm the computer duffer on this forum and even I don't
get popups!


You get behind me, snail-like one!

I am the computer duffer on this forum and I've got badges to prove it.

I do not get pop-ups - dating or otherwise.
Dating Direct.com - helicopter
Well I thought I was the computer duffer but I have just downloaded the Google toolbar into my browser at work and it seems to have cured the problem - in the last 15 minutes or so it has blocked 26 popups on this site.
Dating Direct.com - No FM2R
The pop-up level on this site is, and always has been, totally ludicrous. Clearly it is also a pretty incompetent and ineffectual advertising agency who are doing their clients a whole bunch of no good.

However, rubbish though it is, HJ needs to make his money and we can take it or leave it.. I tend to believe that it is a short-sighted, ill-informed and inappropriate approach, but that's the approach he has chosen. As usual.
Dating Direct.com - LeePower
Im feeling well left out, I cant get any pop ups to work on here :-(
Dating Direct.com - Xileno {P}
But what is the alternative? Some sort of subscription?
Dating Direct.com - No FM2R
Subscription is an alternative, although probably unworkable.

Sensible advertising is another alternative. Like the ones at the bottom or around the edges. Pop-ups are just stupid and really the last resort of a porn site.
Dating Direct.com - nick
I never get any, just using aol's own pop-up stopper.
Dating Direct.com - mike hannon
Dating Direct.com - Dulwich Estate
Call me old fashioned if you like, but why should I go out of my way to avoid rubbish advertising thrown my way. If I block pop-ups then a few sites that I use are unworkable. I sometimes book trains on the GNER website - pop-up blocker on and I don't get train times.

Those moving hoardings on the big football matches are a right turn off too - literally for me. I just can't watch a match with a glowing moving sign giving betting odds on the next scorer flashing across my line of vision.

It's either an age thing (50+) where we just don't understand this modern world anymore or advertising agencies just don't have a clue about what they are doing. e.g. I wouldn' t buy a D*ll computer just because of the way it's rammed down my throat here every day.

In summary HJ, I only just about tolerate the ads on this site because the content is so good.

Compliment or what !
Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
I sometimes book trains on the GNER website
- pop-up blocker on and I don't get train times.

If you have XP you can allow specific pop-ups via Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Pop-up Blocker Settings.
Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
>> I sometimes book trains on the GNER website
>> - pop-up blocker on and I don't get train times.
If you have XP you can allow specific pop-ups via Tools
> Pop-up Blocker > Pop-up Blocker Settings.

Sorry, I meant to say if you have Internet Explorer ...........
Dating Direct.com - Baskerville
But what is the alternative? Some sort of subscription?

Google has grown into a multi-billion dollar company on the back of two things: great products which they give away for nothing, and text-based advertising.
Dating Direct.com - Sprice
>> But what is the alternative? Some sort of subscription?
Google has grown into a multi-billion dollar company on the back
of two things: great products which they give away for nothing,

What would these 'great products' be then?
Dating Direct.com - Baskerville
What would these 'great products' be then?

Take a guess. You could even google it if you're stuck.
Dating Direct.com - storme
i agree that there are toooo many pop ups on this site

at home i can stop them but at work it really is a pain....i dont care for ocean finance or dating someone ive never met before

all ads should viewed by me when I want to

however, HJ does need revenue and the ads on the side bars are good and viewable when i decide..

also as a suggestion...and i'll gladly donate the 1st £10....why not have a paypal box..."donate using paypal" as seen on some other websites????

i for one wouldnt want to lose this site, as it is the most factual, most friendly, most accurate, most informative etc etc that i have seen
sometimes a little bit too much opinion....but its only because i care !!!
Dating Direct.com - adverse camber
I have the pop-ups blocked, but recently there has been something causing firefox to crash. Only happens on this site and only when selecting a thread (I read threads flat).

Probably happens every 15-20 threads. Because I know this site uses so many irritating adverts I assume its some runtime trying to do something with shockwave or some such.

I am running firefox 2 on ubuntu edgy.
Dating Direct.com - smokie
That's interesting AC cos I've been getting very intermittent crashes too, but I use IE7. IIRC it's telling me about flash something being the cause, and I had suspected but never proved it was from this site.
Dating Direct.com - jonno
I've used this site a couple of times on work computers which have no pop-up blockers, and I couldn't believe the popups - a new one was spawned by every click on a link, be it topic title, post within topic, anything. If you didn't close each one between clicks, after reading a few threads the screen would be overrun with the things, not to mention the taskbar rapidly filling up with all the new instances of IE. There's just no need for it, particularly when all of the popups are more or less the same anyway. I'm sure it can be tweaked so you only get the popup when you visit the domain for the first time, and not on every click within the domain as it seems to be currently.
Dating Direct.com - GroovyMucker
As someone said above ...


Opera is as good, I believe.
Lakland 44-02 Sunburst
Yamaha YTS-23
Dating Direct.com - Marc
I don't want to get drawn into the argument of whether there should be advertising or not on this site - that's up to HJ. However I will say that the "Dating Direct" one is inappropriate IMO, the content of the rest doesn't bother me.

I, like others, block all popups at home but can't do this at work so I end up with tens of IE windows open when navigating the HJ site at work - it's a pain having to close them all.

Also, since about two months ago, this site nearly always causes IE to close down wanting to "send an error report" at work. I'm reckoning it's falling foul of my company's firewalls or something, but I'm no IT expert.
Dating Direct.com - tyro
I would just like to say what a really good site this is. It was through this very site that I (another computer duffer), learned about Firefox.

And by the way, I wonder if the smug fellow that Helicopter is complaining about is also using Firefox. I can't think of any other reason why a chap would look smug. :-)
Dating Direct.com - Altea Ego
Why not I thought.

Anyway I ended up on a date with Mark. He did look cute with the flower in his button hole tho.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Dating Direct.com - No FM2R
I was going to ask you for a date over the holiday. Thought I might buy you a fried breakfast. Did we ever work out if that Little Chef was open ?

I don't mind being seen with Stumpy. It makes me feel magnaminous.

p.s. that wasn't my button hole.
Dating Direct.com - Marc
I've been having a think about this, I reckon it was the "Party poker" popup that was/is crashing my work PC. Online gambling is against my company's internet policy...
Dating Direct.com - Wales Forester
Yes I got the 'Page blocked - Gambling' warning on my work PC when this pop-up tried to load.

Must admit I don't go on HJ much when in work but the Dating pop-up is mighty annoying when I do.
Dating Direct.com - Aprilia
I have pop-up blocker and it works fine. My PC was crashing over the last couple of weeks when on HJ - Flash related apparently. Its been OK recently.
I am very surprised at the number of people who access this site from work - very surprised that it is permitted? I thought most companies would treat personal Internet use as a disciplinary matter??
Dating Direct.com - Wales Forester
My place of work allows personal use of the internet during unpaid breaks, although most people use it as and when they feel like it.
Dating Direct.com - Muggy
I do not object to the occasional pop up per se; if the advert appears only once on each section - fine. Not a problem.


On some days, today is an example, it pops up every time one moves from one part of site to another. With the result that if one reads 10 threads, one gets the pop up 20 times [ not counting the home page and entry to the back room itself! ].

Read 20 threads and that's 40 times it pops up...!!!

And as every open window slows the computer down slightly, this means 40 times right clicking and 40 times selecting "close" just to keep going.

Oh yes - it then also pops up again every time you post a message.

This is, without a doubt, overdoing it.
Dating Direct.com - smokie
I have drawn it to HJs attention, he usually has a word with the agency and the problem is resolved pdq.
Dating Direct.com - No FM2R
I thought most companies would treat personal Internet use as a disciplinary matter??

That would be quite unusual these days.

Essentially the issue can be split into two parts; type of usage and level of usage.

Type of usage (porn, gambling, harrassment, running a business, etc. etc.) is normally the subject of policy and procedure and frequently, if not always, results in disciplinary procedures.

Level of usage is a productivity issue not an IT usage issue. The majority of companies see advantage in their employees having internet access - more time at their desk not shoppping or on the phone, happier, better able to balance work/life, internet shopping (including supermarket) again keeps people at their desks, and overall results in happier staff. Whereas arbitrary prevention causes resentment, discontentment, etc. etc.

In addition with increasing flexible working, then who is to knwo when is your work time, break time, overtime, whaetver time.

Typically therefore the approach to usage level is one of tolerance and reasonableness.

Contrastingly the approach to type of usage has become draconian with ever increasing penalties. The understanding of the law, and the law itself, has shifted slightly allowing more monitoring, more access to your accounts, activity and machine and more random checking. And with reasonable need, anything you do, write or keep on your work IT equipment may be monitored, accessed, copied, retreived, deleted or retained.

We're out there, we're watching, and we KNOW what you're doing !

As I always say to everybody, if you are not prepared to print out your screen mid-internet browse or mid-email, write your name on it and pin it to the office noticeboard - THEN DON'T DO IT AT ALL !!!
Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
That's interesting AC cos I've been getting very intermittent crashes too ......
........... flash something
being the cause .......

Try disabling Shockwave Flash Object via Tools > Manage Add - ons.
Dating Direct.com - PhilW
"Try disabling Shockwave Flash Object via Tools > Manage Add - ons."

That's no way for a computer duffer to talk!
Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
That's no way for a computer duffer to talk!

I've withdrawn my head into my shell in shame!
Dating Direct.com - Clanger
Dating, Windows Internet Explorer, cute backroomers, flowers not in buttonholes; blimey, it's another world out there. How do you lot cope with the excitement?

Fortunately completely invisible behind Firefox.
Stranger in a strange land
Dating Direct.com - PatrickO
One page when you first get to the site is fine but i get a new one open every time I click on something on the site. I've get 7 seven dating direct pages open now, I'm desperate, but no that desperate....
Dating Direct.com - artful dodger {P}
I used to have a problem with pop-ups (or unders) and it drove me crazy. However if you use Windows XP and Windows Internet Explorer there is a solution. Download from Microsoft the version 7 of Internet Explorer as this has a pop-up blocker built in and it works beautifully. All I now see is the occassional attempt at redirection in the task bar and that always fails.

I can also recommend IE version 7 as you have the facility to use tabs for each page rather than openning a new window. Sometimes in the past I used to have 30 or more windows open. Now I open a new window for a particular subject and all the pages relating to that subject are kept together - brilliant.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
Dating Direct.com - Dulwich Estate
I've just logged on since this morning. Where are all the pop-up ads? They've gone!
Dating Direct.com - Neiltoo
Well, there are still popups at each window change with me, but the blocker is stopping them.

Still very annoying though.

Dating Direct.com - L'escargot
Well, there are still popups at each window change with me,
but the blocker is stopping them.
Still very annoying though.

Uncheck the notifications (Play a sound when a pop-up is blocked, and Show Information Bar when a pop-up is blocked) via Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Pop-up Blocker Settings and you won't even know you've had pop-ups blocked.
Dating Direct.com - Baskerville
... you have the
facility to use tabs for each page rather than openning a
new window. Sometimes in the past I used to have 30
or more windows open. Now I open a new window for
a particular subject and all the pages relating to that subject
are kept together - brilliant.

You hear that sound? That's the sound of pennies dropping inside the heads of Internet Explorer users around the world. I wonder what innovations IE8 will introduce when it is released in 2011? We'll know in the Spring I guess, when Firefox 3 appears.