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what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - psi
Hi all, the PAS fluid reservoir is scummed up on the inside with what i can only describe as carbonised PAS fluid, so much so that I can't check the level without shining a torch behind it. What is the best product to clean it with? I only intend to empty the reservoir and unclip it to clean it, not flush the whole system.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - bell boy
can i suggest you try everything at your disposal and if succesful report back the findings ;-)
if unsuccesful report back anyway and give us all a laugh :-)
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - Victorbox
Assume it is made of clear plastic? A good rub with WD40 cleans most gunk off under the bonnet without melting plastic or if you are brave you could try carb cleaner but that might be too strong a solvent. I've even heard of people cleaning up plastic radiator header tanks & windscreen washer bottles with a good soak in Persil washing liquid / powder & the like.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - Cliff Pope
Are you intending to remove the reservoir completely and clean it on the bench, or leave it connected but perhaps simply invert it and clean in situ?
I'd be very careful about introducing anything into the system that might contaminate the oil seals in the rack.
Can you just invert it on its pipes and then use a bit of non-fluffy rag wrapped round a stick, with nothing more than clean ATF fluid?
Having cleaned out the reservoir it would be worth flushing out the system anyway, if it hasn't ever been done.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - L'escargot
If you intend to remove the reservoir completely then use a volatile solvent such as meths or ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and allow it to evaporate before you refit the reservoir. The thing I would be most concerned about was whether the rest of the system was in the same state as the reservoir, and why.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - Hamsafar
Some also have a hard honeycomb filter in the bottom of the reservoir. if it's that dirty, maybe you should change this too, especially after cleaning, the bottom, as that may just stir up trapped dirt.
Good luck.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - mss1tw
How do you flush the PAS system? Do you need an additive to use before changing the fluid?
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - Cliff Pope
I've never heard of using additives, simply flushing out with more of the correct stuff, presumably ATF.
There's the turkey baster method, which is basically what you are doing, ie suck out all the fluid in the reservoir, refill, run engine, suck out another lot, repeat, stop when it seems clean.
Or, the thorough method, disconnect the return pipe and route into another container, and run engine while pouring in new fluid and moving the steering wheel - assistance probably needed. Stop when it runs clean.
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - cholin
Whatever you use try it on the outside of the reservoir first. just in case!
what chemical to clean PAS reservoir? - Collos25
I suppose taking the top off and checking the level correctly is a little to hard to do.