Are there any veterans out there who can fill me in with background family information on the pioneer, James Radley. He owned a Silver Ghost and also built, and raced, modified Bleriot XI monoplanes from his base at Huntingdon. I am researching his partner, Wm. B Rhodes-Moorhouse and require further material relating to their association. All replies acknowledged. Thank you.
I have somewhere a book on the history of Huntingdon which deals with Rhodes Moorhouse and his contemporaries who, in the early 1900s, built their one-off machines in town and flew them from Portholme in Godmanchester. One even reached Parker's Piece in Cambridge. If you have this book you will recognise it from the above. If not, let me know and I will dig it out for you.
Thanks for the reply, John. I would welcome sight of the book. I have a copy of `Huntingdon The Aviation Centre` but there is no reference to Rhodes-Moorhouse or Radley. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Brian.