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'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - artful dodger {P}
Richmond are considering plans to increase charges for parking permits for large engined cars (4x4's) and second cars.


Full details of the proposal at:

Is this the start of new levels of taxes on motorists?

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Thommo
Hopefully electoral suicide.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - IanJohnson
I think a better way would be to make all the streets pay and display - then we would have somewhere to park when we visit Kew and they would have the hassle of not being able to park near their homes!

After all we don't have any entitlement to park outside our houses do we!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Dipstick
In general terms the Lib Dems are talking of a national increase in road tax, in order to pay for income tax cuts.

As the owners of the larger cars that will be hit by increased road tax are likely to be paying more income tax in the first place - that's all right then.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
define "gas guzzler". Is it related to the size of the vehicle, its fuel consumption, how many driven wheels it has, its emissions or just on whether or nto the Sun likes it ?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - SteVee
another tax for the law-abiding to pay, and for others to ignore.
It will definitely be worth concreting your front garden in Richmond.

I guess the neighbouring boroughs have resident only schemes to stop the Richmond crowd parking on their streets ?

One of my local (Farnham) car parks has a vehicle weight limit - never, ever seen it enforced. I can't see how they will enforce this - there will be so many loopholes.

That's not to say we shouldn't pay heavily for driving a vehicle that's massively over-specified for the job, but this piecemeal legislation is just so silly.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
pay heavily for driving a vehicle that's massively over-specified for the job

Out of interest what do you drive, is that specified exactly for just what you need, how do you feel about being taxed for anything extra - aircon, expensive stero, leather seats, slightly bigger than a Nova etc. etc.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Roly93
define "gas guzzler". Is it related to the size of the
vehicle, its fuel consumption, how many driven wheels it has, its
emissions or just on whether or nto the Sun likes it

In general terms, it is difficult to see why anyone needs a car above 3 litres in capacity these days, apart from some farmers or tradesmen. So this would be my starting point for the definition of a gas guzzler.
I know that some of the so-called green fraternity would have us driving 1.0 litre micro-cars but this is unreasonable as they are not fit for purpose in many instances. I think people have become very hung up on the 4X4 topic, but there are polenty of other large-engined cars apart from 4X4's to worry about.
I would welcome anyone to explain to me why they need a 3 litre plus vehicle for normal driving ?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Adam {P}
>>I would welcome anyone to explain to me why they need a 3 litre plus vehicle for normal driving ?<<

Because people want to...and can. With the greatest of respect (and I'm not having a go at you here), what business is it of yours what other people drive or why they need to?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
>>what business is it of yours what other people drive or why they need to?

Because that is an attitude which is becoming increasingly prevalent in the UK and positively dominant in the Backroom.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Dipstick
I have a three litre car - as was the previous one.

I like it. And that is sufficient, in my view. You are welcome to your view too of course.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
>>I would welcome anyone to explain to me why they need a 3 litre plus vehicle for normal driving

Because I want one.

What do you drive and why do you *NEED* it ?

What happens if we compare a 3.5 litre vehicle with a 2.5 litre vehicle where the consumption on the larger engine is better ?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - PR {P}
I have to disagree with that. Where do you draw the line? Put a 1.0 or 1.2 in any car, it will hit 70mph, so why need anything else?
If they really want to cut carbon emissions then motoring isn't the biggest culprit by far. I have a 3.2 litre car but dont travel by air much (once in the last 4 years). I therefore have contributed far less to carbon emissions from transport than someone who has say a 1litre car and travels by plane more.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - PR {P}
That is I disagree with Roly93!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Roly93
I think we've lost the plot here a bit, I thought we were supposed to be thinking of 'reasonable' ways of reducing pollution, if you are not then thats of course your right. I too don't like being told what to do, but we have to reach a position of compromise for the environments sake I think, otherwise we will end up being told what to do to a much greater degree.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - PR {P}
I see your point Roly93, but what you think is reasonable someone else won't. I personally don't like flying, so think it should be taxed to the hilt to stop unneccesary travel. Many will think this is unreasonable.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Adam {P}
>>but we have to reach a position of compromise for the environments sake<<

Do we though? The planet is a pretty big place. It's had ice ages before. Meteors hit it before. And it will still be here millions of years after we die. To think that we could save the planet is a little naive. That doesn't mean to say I disagree with some sort of energy conservation but me getting a Fiesta instead of a Mondeo isn't going to solve anything.

A blinkered view? Probably. But if we carry on getting rid of fun things because they're dangeous/environmentally unfriendly etc...then what's the point in having a planet to live on?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Red Baron
Another effect of heavy charging for parking permits is that people may think twice about how many cars they keep. Two cars per household seems normal these days. How many do you need?!?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Adam {P}
>>How many do you need?!?<<

We need three. And believe me, we wouldn't have them if we didn't need them. Not while Mum's in charge.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Big Bad Dave
"I thought we were supposed to be thinking of 'reasonable' ways of reducing pollution"

Are we? Not on my agenda. Not a seminal objective in my life.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Jono_99
I think this is an interesting debate.

One question - why is it that Richmond believe they have a specific emissions problem? If there was a view (which I know some hold) that said gas guzzlers are bad for the environment, then that is something that should be dealt with on a national level. I am not clear why it is anything to do with Richmond council.

I can understand that they may have to operate a system for billing cars to park on some roads - surely a fair way to deal with this is by virtue of the length of the car. You pay per cm of car you have, and incentivise smaller cars that way.

It appears a mis-directed tax, and in my view, strays outside of the remit of the council. I am sure that they have a mandate to 'imrpove the environment of Richmond' or the like, but I am sure there are more effective ways they could do that, and still control parking on the streets / raise money.

Are they going to tax the aeroplanes that fly over Richmond - they must be quite a problem.....

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Big Bad Dave
"I would welcome anyone to explain to me why they need a 3 litre plus vehicle for normal driving ?"

I wanted it. I can afford it. I don't mug people or deal drugs to pay for it. I like it. I enjoy the power and I like the sound it makes. It comes with heated leather seats and a fantastic stereo. It makes me feel good about myself. I spend a lot of time in it, I wanted the best for my budget. It's mine, and my choice. It's fully paid for. It's completely legal, taxed and insured. I pay for the petrol and the tax on the petrol.

It's "massively overspecced" in that it could carry five adults and their luggage while towing a caravan across Europe all week long sure but I use it for work/Tescos/pleasure. I'd like to hear from anyone on this forum who drives something designed for minimum purpose i.e. a one-seated, 250cc three-wheeled wooden chair with a steering wheel cos unless you do, I don't owe you an explanation and you've no right to criticse me.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Xileno {P}
We should all rejoice that we live in a free country and can go out and choose what (legal) things we want to buy. Many in the world are not so lucky.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Red Baron
We do not live in a free-a-country as you think. There are consequences for choices that we make. For the Richmond residents this means more 'tax'. Public transport in Richmond is good. Out in the sticks, fine, but in London do you really need a car.

I lived in London for eight years without a car and managed quite happily.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Big Bad Dave
"I lived in London for eight years without a car and managed quite happily"

But you are Red Baron and I'm Big Bad Dave

My needs are different from yours and our choices reflect that. I lived in London for 15 years and only for the first year I didn't have a car. Life was much easier for me with one.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
>>We do not live in a free-a-country as you think

But certainly freer than RedBaron wishes.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - v0n
There are consequences for choices that we make. For the
Richmond residents this means more 'tax'. Public transport in Richmond
is good. Out in the sticks, fine, but in London
do you really need a car.

And that is precisely why gas guzzlers should have DISCOUNT on parking. To encourage them to park and use public transport. When parked, they don't polute and don't emit. Instead, the idiots propose you get free parking permit if you agree to leave your electric car at home. But you have to believe its actually about environment.
[Nissan 2.2 dCi are NOT Renault engines. Grrr...]
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Micky
">'d like to hear from anyone on this forum who drives something designed for minimum purpose i.e. a one-seated, 250cc three-wheeled wooden chair with a steering wheel cos unless you do, I don't owe you an explanation and you've no right to criticse me.<"

I use a pushbike, does that count?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - No FM2R
>>I use a pushbike, does that count?

Two pedals ?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Micky
">Two pedals ?<"

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Group B
The opposing BBC article to the one above is here: "Drivers are a Soft Target": news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6083290.stm

The AA Motoring Trust said it feared the plan to penalise the owners of gas-guzzling vehicles would not target the right drivers.
Spokesman Paul Watters said: "To use them to encourage some sort of shift in car ownership type is probably going a bit too far.
"Residents who rarely use their vehicles would be hit because of what their car is, not what it does.
"Some people only use their cars at weekends so they are actually being penalised for what they own and not how they use it."
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Micky
">Richmond are considering plans to increase charges for parking permits for large engined cars (4x4's) and second cars.<"


From the BBC report:

">"Climate change is the single greatest challenge facing the world today," said council leader Serge Lourie.<"

It's the usual attempted tinkering at the margins. No-one in authority is serious about reducing CO2, and if the Gulf Stream is switching off then the UK can be named New Newfoundland in - perhaps - 20 years. Still, at least we can then leave our foglights switched on at all times.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - madf
well I gues we all have to start somewhere.

But lets face it. IF our CO2 emissions are causing climate change and we need to reduce them by 60% to prevent it, who will be the one to switch off the lights permanently?

Cos coal and gas powered power stations and emissions...

And halve all flying?

And who wants to reduce the UK population by 40% through death by hypothermia in the winter so the population is more sustainable and heating usage halves

If our politicians were more open... :-((((

Instead we're building a new Olympic stadium which will be another cost over-run ridden white elephant with attendess travellling 1000s of miles .. by plane...

Says it all. Fine words.. no actions...
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - SteVee
NO_FM2R asked what I drive:
I've got a Mazda6 1.8 - rated at 185g/km. However, most of the time I walk or ride a push bike. If I'm traveling longer distance alone then I will usually use my motorcycle.
My Mazda rarely goes anywhere with just me in it.
The Mazda is larger than I usually need, but I did try using a small Rover for many years and hiring the bigger car when needed. This really didn't work, unfortunately.

I'm not asking any individuals to justify their choice of cars - it's currently a free choice, with very little penalty for choosing something much more extravagant than needed.
We're constantly told how we're all go to hell unless we change, and there's new legislation coming ...

If so, then let's have it in black and wite for everyone, and stop twiddling with silly by-lawst
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - wemyss
I think Madf has it about right. Whilst I believe there is huge danger from global warming I also believe that every action taken is about making money from somewhere for someone.
Nobody mentions the huge amount of pollution necessary to manufacture new cars to replace the old ones. Government and Local Authorities are seizing on global warming issues to simply rake in more money despite their assurances that this is not the case.
Reminds me when some old veterans died at a conference of legionella. Nobody had heard of this new disease at the time but working in a Government department we were soon inundated with new legislation instigated by Consultants.
Huge amounts of taxpayers money was spent in stripping out all equipment which they deemed to be a danger. These constituted anything which didn?t correspond to the new dictate.
You would have thought that black death had reappeared and yet statistics showed that only tiny numbers had been affected.
Countless millions were spent on this by ourselves. Same when the millennium turned over. consultants crawled over piece of equipment carrying out tests on every piece of equipment, most of which didn?t matter in the slightest if it didn?t recognise the date.
You get more cynical as one gets older and increasingly I remember the phrase that everything in life is to do with either sex or money

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - sierraman
'Nobody mentions the huge amount of pollution necessary to manufacture new cars to replace the old ones. '

This point was raised on Newsnight last night-comparing an electric car to conventional,the former creates a massively greater amount of pollution during manufacture,mainly due to electrics and batteries.Also stated that if we all stopped driving tomorrow it would only take 86 days for the Chinese to make up the difference in pollution saved,due to their rapid development.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Group B
">Richmond are considering plans to increase charges for parking permits for
large engined cars (4x4's) and second cars.<"

Yes, you could own a big engined car that emits 230g/km CO2, but you only do 5k miles per year in it, and get penalised for it (in Richmond anyway). Your neighbour could own a Band D car that emits 160g/km but he does 30k miles per year, so it produces 4 times the CO2 per annum. But its not a "gas guzzler" so thats okay...
I'm glad I don't live in Richmond!

I absolutely hate that phrase "gas guzzler". It gets bandied about all the time now by the ill-informed media.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Vin {P}
My 2.5 Jag does 30-odd mpg. My mate's old 1.3 Corsa automatic did 23mpg. My car's classed as a gas-guzzler. His isn't.


'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - daveyjp
The example above is caused because BBC journalism is getting to the misinformed levels of the printed media. As we know the charge is not based on the amount of fuel a car uses, it's based on emissions and the report goes on to explain this, but the BBC is now so bad they prefer to grab you through a false headline.

As you have shown high CO2 output does not necessarily mean high fuel consumption. My 1979 Fiesta Mk1 did 40+ mpg, but I dread to think how much CO2 it produced in doing so - probably more than your 2.5 Jag.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - smallfish
Well I know I wouldn't vote for that if if i lived in richmond!

I have a high-ish emitting car (Leon Cupra) but as my wife and I both cycle to work and cover a relatively low annual mileage - almost all on longish trips - i'd like to think we are at the lower end of the polluter scale, (and I've earned the right to go out for the odd blast now and then by generally being responsible!)

There's a girl who lives opposite to us who drives a battered old 106 which looks like it's never ever been serviced and goes everywhere by car - I watch her struggling to turn around in our narrow street (5 or 6 point turn) to drive 200m to the off licence then do the same again to drive back. As well as driving to wherever she works she makes several short trips most evenings. I swear that if she came to visit me she'd get in her car and drive accross the road!

I'd be stunned if our driving habits gave off more C02 annually than hers yet presumably her little 106 would get a tax reduction and we'd be in the 200% bracket.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Bagpuss
If the big gas guzzling car is parked, it's not generating any harmful emissions, so shouldn't they be encouraging people to leave their cars parked?

In terms of cars are being driven, the "gas guzzlers" are already subjected to an additional tax burden compared to smaller engined cars through the tax paid on the additional petrol used. This seems to me a very good, consumption dependent, method of taxing larger engined cars.

For the record I personally enjoy driving my 3.2 litre 340bhp car to the local supermarket even though it's a bit overspecified for this purpose.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Falkirk Bairn
In the end of the day it is all about money

Richmond Council want to raise more cash just like Gordon Brown @ No 11 - he hid a £30 RFL uplift as a tax to help the environment but like Ricmond Council it will hit Mr Mondeo man/woman more than Mr Range Rover man.

Richmond resident in a £500K to £2m house and a £50,00 RR or Porsche Cayenne - whether the parking fee is £200 or £600 is neither here nor there just like the £30 hike in RFL was not noticed.

The hike in Parking & RFL may be more of a problem to Mr Astra/Mondeo man than the RR/Cayenne driver who can afford to pay a few £00's of £££s and not notice it as he pays 25p / mile for petrol anyway another £1 / day is nothing..
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Mr.Tee.43
This is all about raising revenue,masked with the virtue of being green and saving the planet.

If all the money raised under the guise of reducing CO2 were seen to be used for such purpose then I might be convinced,but what exactly will happen to all the millions raised ?

Is there some magic machine can suck out the CO2 from the atmosphere that needs funding ?

I suspect in reality,the extra revenue will end up in various coffers to be wasted along with lots of others taxes and the funding of politicians perks and superb pension benefits.

Animal Farm anyone ?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Waino
Is there some magic machine can suck out the CO2 from
the atmosphere that needs funding ?

Errr... yes - it's called a tree ;-)
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Lud
Errr... yes - it's called a tree ;-)

D'you mean those brown-and-green jobs they're cutting down by the million acres in Brazil, Indonesia and Central Africa to make carp furniture and blockboard for short-lived use in low-cost, high-income areas like, er, England for example?

I believe they make oxygen as well Waino. Useless damn things.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Waino
I believe they make oxygen as well Waino. Useless damn things.

Sure do, Lud. Trust me, I'm a dendrologist!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - mare
>> Is there some magic machine can suck out the CO2
>> the atmosphere that needs funding ?
Errr... yes - it's called a tree ;-)

Better still, coming to that new flat development near you, a "green" roof - moss on a flat roof, does much the same as a tree in terms of co2 absorption (apparently) and also introduces a habitat. Nice. Here's one:


I'm fighting the planners on my one: i want a nice shiny easily recyclable aluminium roof instead.

Motoring link - um, can't think of one at the moment.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - artful dodger {P}
>>Richmond resident in a £500K to £2m house and a £50,00 RR or Porsche Cayenne - whether the parking fee is £200 or £600 is neither here nor there just like the £30 hike in RFL was not noticed.

I think that anyone with a large house will probably have their own off street car parking, hence will never have to pay for a residents parking licence. An unintended outcome will be more front gardens paved over as they add value to a house by giving guaranteed personal parking, plus they avoid the fee. Also a hike of £200 for a large vehicle will not generally bother the owner, its only a few tanks of fuel - especially if it is a company car!

The good intentions of these parking restrictions are certainly not going to change many drivers choices of car, but more likely to change their voting preferences.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Armitage Shanks {p}
I am with bagpuss. A large car, parked, is no more polluting than any other parked car. If Richmond plan to plant trees, using the extra money collected, I'd support the idea. My bet is that they will use it buy a personalised number plate for the mayor's gas guzzling official limo, which doesn't pay parking charges! Remember, you read it here first!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Sofa Spud
If parking fees are to be varied acording to vehicle types, surely the price should be related to vehicle length. In the case of on-street parking without individually marked bays, if more people used shorter (i.e. smaller) cars, more cars would be able to park within the limited number of spaces.

As someone said above, parked cars do not guzzle any fuel, whether they be a Toyota Prius or a Jeep Grand Cherokee!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - doug_523i
It may might make a good headline to charge gas guzzlers higher taxes when they are new, but they tend to depreciate much faster than other cars and end up owned by poorer people, purely because they are an affordable newer car. The law of unintended consequence could mean this is a tax on below average earners.

I'd suggest a fairer rule, that drivers who don't have off-road parking should only be allowed to drive a car of limited dimensions (eg, Japanese K-class), allowing more vehicles to parked in the same amount of space. Suzuki Cappucino anyone?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - daveyjp
At least HJ came out with a few facts. I was listening to 5 live just before 5pm and they had someone on from the AA Motoring Trust who lied to make a point. She said this would penalise large families who have HAD to go out and buy larger cars because with the new child seat laws every child under 12 now has to use a car seat. This is wrong on two counts and she didn't do herself any favours, once I heard this blatant mistruth I turned the radio off.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - netlang
I run a Ford Mustang V8 4.6L that is really only used at weekends and in fine weather (2000 miles per year) on the last fill up it achieved 28MPG my mates Kia Carens 2.0 diesel achieves 30MPG.

I read an article some time ago regarding a volcanic eruption in the Americas (not sure exactly where but they mentioned it was before the motor car was invented) the CO2 that resulted from this one natural occurrence was far greater than all the CO2 pumped out from all the worlds motor vehicles since the day they were invented.

I also agree it is more about the money and these halfwits at the council should look at putting their own houses in order before they preach to the rest of us. I think its another case of do what I tell you not what I do.

My house flooded in August because the drains and ditches are not properley maintained and could not cope with water falling out of the sky. Are they interested? No

The road outside my home has been full of potholes for more than 2 years are they fixing them? No

A while back I witnessed a house being broken into so I rushed to the Police Station to find it was now only opening part-time (the thieves obviously new the best time to avoid being caught).

My father died a few weeks ago and I telephoned the council to inform them and all they seemed interested in was whether the council tax direct debit was going to be paid!

I recently took some pictures of council sub-contractors asleep outside my house at 11am in the morning and they have the bare faced cheek to tell me they have to close a local library because of lack of funds.

Rant over - but seriously we are all being taken for mugs and they seem to be getting away with it.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Kevin
No one appears to have noticed that they put the Corvette Z06 in the same band as a 1.6 Audi A4.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Blue {P}
So, from reading this, does anyone think I would be better off getting rid of my BMW 323i and getting something a bit bigger and more powerful whilst I can still afford it? :-)

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Cliff Pope
One thing Richmond do have a right to think about is space on the road. I could see the logic of charging for parking according to the space occupied. If you can get two Smart cars in the space taken up by one gas guzzler, then perhaps the charge should be half say.
Forget about emissions, CO2, carbon particles, engine size, etc. Just charge road tax and parking by the foot.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - madf
At the end of the day it's about choice.

IF you must live in Richmond, live with the consequences.
IF you want to live in a new house built on a flood plain, accept you may not get insurance and will be flooded.
IF you want a big car, you will be taxed for it.

The writing has been on the wall for years about big cars and running costs and taxation.

It is obvious the way trends are going. OBVIOUS> that is to anyone who stops to think - for at least 5 minutes.

So I read the debate with interest and have ZERO sympathy with anyone who complains.

I practice what I prach.. a Yaris diesel is easy to park, cheap to run .. and yes it would take 1 adult and 4 kids to school easily if needed.. my wife did that for 10 years with her peugeot 106 diesel under our local informal car pooling for school run arrangements.

So any talk of needing a BIG car for 3 kids is just carp.. a small car can work.. but it's all a matter of choice and living with the consequences...

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - midlifecrisis
Good for you Madf! But when my Vectra 2.2 is put in the same catagory as these so called 'ga guzzlers', I think I've got every right to complain!!
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Aprilia
Well said madf.

Many of the comments I written are frankly infantile - "I want a big car and I've got the money so I'm going to have one and all councils are loony left, jealous of me etc etc". Well, buy a big car, pay the taxes and stop moaning.
I have three cars, all 2000cc+. One is Skyline GT-R with twin-turbo, 400+bhp. It costs a lot to insure and maintain, and I don't use it often. I pay more road tax than someone who drives a 1.0litre Micra and I only use it at weekends - but I don't keep moaning about it, I think of it as the luxury that it really is. The current political situation with regard to large vehicles is obvious to all, and there is little to choose between Labour, Conservatives and Liberals. If you want to run a large car then be prepared to pay for it and stop jumping up and down like a spoilt child in a tantrum. 90% of the population (especially in London) can get by with something a lot smaller than a 3.0 4x4.
Hopefully this might spawn interest in Kei-cars - having seen some of these running around in Tokyo that would be no bad thing - some of them look tremendous fun and highly suited to city driving.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Adam {P}
>>Good for you Madf! But when my Vectra 2.2 is put in the same catagory as these so called 'ga guzzlers', I think I've got every right to complain!!<<

Exactly MLC. I think my car is in the same bracket as a 530 BM, a GS300 Lexus and a 3.0 X5!

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - mark
It seems there is a more fundemental flaw in the thinking of Richmond Council.

Simply put this type of charge is illegal, councils are only allowed to cover their admin costs for permit issue.

See here for more information


Given there is a successful historic appeal against a council that did not comply things arent looking good for Richmond.

BTW have they considered dumping the Mayoral limo in the "green war"?

As always

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - artful dodger {P}
>>It seems there is a more fundemental flaw in the thinking of Richmond Council.

>>Simply put this type of charge is illegal, councils are only allowed to cover their admin costs for permit issue.

Mark, this is a very interesting twist to the discussion. As Neil Herron says "it is illegal under the 1984 Road Traffic Regulation Act for a local authority to make a profit from the provision of such residents parking places. A levy to cover the administration cost is all that can be charged."

I feel sure this will be hitting the news tonight and no doubt some new law will be introduced so this "trial" in Richmond can start.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Tomo
"The real reason behind the onslaught is a pathetic mixture of class warfare, downright envy and a populist, play-to-the gallery stance by politicians." - Alan Cochrane, Daily Telegraph.

Politicians, I would add, infected by the anti-motoringism which has ruined my motoring and seems to infect one or two here, too.

Time to take Toad out and see 1.1 atm on the gauge, methinks.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - DP
I could not agree more!

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - TheOilBurner
For the first time ever, I think I actually agree with the Daily Telegraph. They have missed one thing though...

It's funny how the media in general like to characterise this tax as a 'gas-guzzler' tax. The sad fact is that everyone in that area with anything heavier or more powerful than a 1.4 supermini will be paying more than they currently do.

This strikes me as another form of stealth taxation, obviously illegal as otherwise mentioned here.

And for those that say "Thank God I don't live in Richmond", watch it will come your way too.

And for those of us who say "Who cares, I park on my driveway", watch it, council tax could be increased for properties with driveways and garages for this same reason. Maybe based on number of parking spaces in total? Not sure how that would work for properties with lots of land, probably get capped at 5 cars or something I expect.

I hope this nonsense is stopped quickly before it migrates into the next stages as I have described.

I pay my fuel duty for how polluting my car is and how much I use it. That should be the end of it, the rest is just money making scheme trying to sneak in under the guise of progressive environmentalism. Bad news for us motorists, no real help for the environment either - should it need it.
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Simon (Anne\'s Other Half)
And another one on the bandwaggon. This time York...

POLLUTING lorries and other large-engine vehicles could be banned from the centre of York within five years.

City environment boss and City of York Council deputy leader, Coun Andrew Waller, said today a feasibility study into creating a "low emission zone" within the city centre should be completed within the next 12 months.

If it recommends setting up such a zone, which would effectively ban heavily polluting vehicles from coming within the city walls, there would then be a period of public consultation - with the zone being put in place "in the next five years".

The feasibility study, which is being paid for by a £55,000 grant from the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), will look at whether banning heavy goods vehicles from the city centre will be enough to enable York to meet tough Government targets on air quality.

If not, the council would be "looking at what other vehicles would need to be excluded in order to reach the target on nitrogen dioxide levels", Coun Waller said.

That would not automatically mean big 4x4 vehicles being banned from central York, he stressed. He said: "Some 4x4s are more efficient than ordinary cars - but some are not.

"We are not singling out 4x4s in particular, but rather the size of engines.

"We are looking at the moment of heavy lorries and old buses and don't know yet if cars will be targeted, but we can't rule it out at this stage."

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Aprilia
Obviously another bunch of loony lefties - wanting to reduce pollution and NOX levels in the centre of a famous historic city! What next?
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Westpig
what a load of rubbish...........Citroen 2CV versus brand new whatever you choose to put in the equation.. which one is 'greener' .....

or........ 10 year old badly serviced 1.4 of whatever model, with a roof rack and one under inflated tyre versus brand new anything (within reason).............which one more fuel efficient

diesel versus petrol (that old arguement).......which one is worse

they'd be better off putting their dosh into a charity that upgrades vehicles in India/China etc so that they become more modern and have cats etc.................fair enough won't improve York's atmosphere but would do more to save the world
'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - madf
"they'd be better off putting their dosh into a charity that upgrades vehicles in India/China etc so that they become more modern and have cats etc................."

Nope.. Better off stopping expansion of air travel.

Our Government wants to reduce carbon emissions. Heathrow is expanding to cater for a projected 40% rise in traffic over the next 10 years.

Consistency of policy? Joined up government?

The only response I can think of that will pass the swear filter is hypocrites...

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Dalglish
Nope.. Better off stopping expansion of air travel. ... Heathrow is expanding to cater for a projected 40% rise in >> traffic over the next 10 years. ..

madf - right industry, wrong country. see these items from today's financial news -




just a few extracts from each report -

The factory in eastern China, Airbus's first final assembly plant outside of Europe, will eventually produce as many as four of the A320 planes a month, .....

China Southern carried 14.3 million passengers in the quarter ended Sept. 30, an increase of 12 percent from a year earlier, .....

Chinese airports, including Beijing and Shanghai's Pudong are adding capacity as they handle more traffic than they were designed for, causing delays. Beijing's airport was Asia's second-busiest last year behind Tokyo's Haneda, according to Airports Council International.

China is spending 140 billion yuan by 2010 expanding airfields in the world's second-largest aviation market, according to the nation's aviation regulator. The new terminal and runway, part of a project that costs as much as 25 billion yuan, will more than double capacity of the Chinese capital's airport. Beijing's airport, which opened a second terminal in 1999, handled 41 million passengers last year, exceeding its designed capacity of 35 million.


we are doomed, doomed, doomed.

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - Westpig
oh well look on the bright side...........if the nanny state forces me out of my largish petrol car into something truly awful............... i'll be helping won't i?

widdling in the wind............ but it'll make people feel better

'Gas guzzlers' face parking hike - madf
Waste of time us trying to influence China when UK gov't does not practise what it preaches (Kyoto).
