The following is unsuitable for those of a "liberal" disposition, who should read no further.
After it was censored here because of "motorists" objections I posted the Slippery Slope essay on another motoring forum.
Thought I'd pop back and let you know what they thought of such an off-topic post:
Having read the essay I concur.
This is a must read, and that after only the first few paras.
I too would recommend that everyone reads this article.
All I ask is that you read the article.
And so would I, its very enlightening.
Interesting read - many "familiar" points.
Interesting points which we would do well to consider.
Yes - point taken. We are next in line for being regulated out of existence.
Oh, and perhaps the most telling quote:
As the essay 'All the way down the slippery slope' points out, diverting the attention is a tactical ploy and one often used by the government.
I leave you to draw your own conclusions!:-(
Which motoring site did you post this on?
Post it here Bogush! I want to read it.
Click on the link in Bogushs' post. Full text and plenty of bedtime reading.
Yeah, read it. Beware single-issue lobby groups. Countryside Alliance, where are you?
There's what happened to motoring, too.
This essay is worth reading, even for those woolly liberals such as myself. However, i have a big problem with crying for the protection of civil liberties (which i am the first to demand) behind the agenda of the right to bare arms. We are not 18th centruy wild west hunters, we are not under the threat of iminant attack of the standing army of the Roman Legions, there is not some world conspiracy to take over! If you think that the above is true then you are severely misguided. What is the case is that the gun lobby (America Rifle Associaition) lobbies for right to bare arms beasue it has an economic interest in arms manufatoring, YES, this comes down to money as it always does. ARA wants to proliferate and protect a very lucrative trade in guns and weapons, civil liberities is a conveniant and emotive topic for carrying out this crusade.
Surely there are better reasons for having civil rights then being able to carry a shot gun around. Or are we back to a state of nature, huntin and fishing? Kent is not that bad yet, may be i should go check out Texas!!
enogh of my rant!
You can buy a machine gun, legally, in Houston. All you need is a credit card. The shop will report the sale to the police, but they won't query why you're buying it.
Of course, if you kill someone you may then be killed yourself, by the state (unless you're rich). Small comfort to the victim, but what does that matter, when 'liberty' is at stake?
I like to bare arms in the summer to top up my tan and I also bear arms in the form of a Beretta 12 bore semi-auto shotgun.
Problem is that the only folks, apart from police, who carry handguns in UK are criminals. According to the Cullen report there are between 1,000,000 and 4,000,000 illlegal weapons in UK all, by definition, in the hands of criminals.
We law abiding gun owners would never even think of pointing a gun, even an empty one, at another human being but the criminals often use it as a first resort.
So what do the politicians do? Take all sporting pistols away from sportsmen, some of them Olympic shooters but leave up to 4 million in the hands of criminals.
The gullible public then think they are safer. Oh dear.