Had to laugh whilst watching the goggler last night. I understand that John Law has been known to prosecute people for drinking pop, eating sarnies, using phones etc whilst driving along. I don't know what the programme was called but it was all about armed response vehicles. The bit I saw showed the passenger passing a loaded handgun to the driver whilst in motion. The driver then put this into the holster by his side, still whilst in motion. This was a loaded weapon since the commentary stated that the handguns and rifle are kept loaded. Surely, the driver was not concentrating wholly on his driving whilst putting his gun away. Hopefully the safety catch was on but even so surely this is a most dangerous thing to do, especially as the car was travelling at speed on its way to an incident.
One the safety is on. it's impossible for the gun to go off, even accidentally, so it's perfectly safe to handle. I must admit, it did look a bit unsafe.
No worse than getting your hanky out from tight jeans with half closed eyes when sneezing!
easy to knock a saftey catch off or on, however in the case of a semi-automatic pistol you can have rounds in the mag but it'll never go off until its initially cocked and after the first shot it will self load, so you are pretty safe if you know for sure it hasnt been cocked
however all weapons with the magazine in should be treated as loaded
armed police are trained pretty poorly in the country, and i can point you at ranges where 13 year old army cadets can beat them hands down in competition, and in any impartial skills competition you care to watch
and often the inspector in charge of armed officers has next to no idea about them himself
You've obviously never had proper weapons training. Never, never trust a safety catch!!
...or listening to 'Stairway to Heaven' while driving.
or Status-Quo.
Alien Ant Farm this week.
Not planning on doing a bit of air guitaring to a Led Zep classic then?
The police are allowed to do what they like, apparantly
How many have you seen steam past on a motorway, with no lights on?
Go through red lights?
Park on heard sholder?
Use walkie talkie when tanking it one
Generally disregard any laws they dont care to follow.
So I wouldn't be too worried about that......
or driving an inch from the car in front of them at 70 on the motoray
apparently the normal breaking distances dont apply to traffic plod
and if you had to stop it would of course be your fault they went into the back of you
idiots, badly trained and badly led
As they are never around when they are needed anyway, what does it matter if they are tooled up or not ?
What *is* the position on walkie-talkie's, now that mobile phone use is illegal? Not that I disagree, just sauce for the goose...
Yes, but it's probably less dangerous than meeting the (allegedly) armed villains and then having to start fumbling around for the weapons.
His job is to protect the public; that would be you. They were en-route to a possible shoot out with the baddies. The baddies have got God-alone knows what, quite possibly they've got some Eastern block AK-47s or some pump action 12 bores. He had a crappy little hand gun. I wouldn't do it. And we're complaining about a traffic violation here?
Sorry, but on this occasion Mr. Plod gets a round of applause from me.