Not much you can do as a third party - presumably he didn't have a "how's my driving" sticker?
If I'd been the victim, though, I'd have dabbed my brake pedal with the other foot, just enough to actuate the lights. That usually does it.
What would I do?
a) Get very, very anxious that nothing moving slower appeared in my path, lest I end up with the Transit in my back seat.
b) Gradually scrub off speed back to 70mph while calling 999 to report him for intimidation - which is why the mobile in the Gromitmobile is always plugged into the hands-free kit.
c) Wish I was driving a Defender with one of those oversize tow bars for hauling three-ton trailers, in which case I'd be sorely tempted to stamp on the anchors...
What the obstinate git in me wouldn't do is pull over into the first tiny gap that emerged in the traffic (which is what the yob in the van is hoping for) - if someone is going to get squashed in a badly-judged lane change, let it be him, not me...
Let's have some praise for the LGV/HGV/PSV/TSB/RAC drivers of this world, though eh?
He was probably under pressure from his boss to move his precious cargo from one end of the country to the other in an unreasonable time, poor lamb. Maybe he hadn't had his full rest periods and was trying to get to the next services to have a sleep/fiddle his tacho.
There were probably loads of examples of bad car drivers as well, it's always White van man that gets picked on.
I can't carry on, as my tongue is going through my cheek.
Funny, this. Since I consistently exceed speed limits I don't often have the experience of being tailgated. When I see someone approaching in the rv mirror who is plainly going faster than me, I look for a middle lane gap so that I can let them past. Seems like the right thing to do.
If I am going fast myself it seems dog-in-the-mangerish to stop someone even more sporting from breaking the sound barrier if they feel like it.
So what would I do? Get out of the damn way, sharpish. White van man's sinful speeding is none of my damn business. I'm not paid to enforce discipline on other drivers. Hate that attitude actually.
The problem is that if everyone moves over when these inconsiderates drive so close, they learn that the behaviour pays, so do it more and more. Then they do it to more and more vulnerable road users.
The government response is heavy fines or prison IF an accident occurs - but that's not addressing the root cause of the problem with education before a tragedy occurs.
I've just heard of a mate who was knocked off his motorbike by a tailgater. Very nasty injuries.