I've bought a 98 2ltr GSI, as repairable. The speedo stopped working, garage diagnosed duff wheel sensors. While waiting on the ordered replacement parts the alarm went off one night and the owner found that there was an eletrical fire at the ABS.
I gather that the car needs an abs module, wheel sensors and some wiring to put right.
However it doesn't seem to explain why the car continues to run after you've turned off the ignition and removed the key. Not a rough idle like run on. Actually continues to purr away. If you remove a battery lead, it stops and once the lead is replaced, it runs okay again.
Anyone aware of ignition wiring that runs through the ABS loom?
They may be a switched live that goes to all the ECU's etc.. When the fire melted the plastic insulation you got a 'hot' feed shorting to this switched live - thus effectively shorting out the ignition switch.
If handling fire damaged electrics take care to wear gloves - they can produce nasty chemicals (like hydrogen fluoride) that attack the skin and so forth.
If handling fire damaged electrics take care to wear gloves - they can produce nasty chemicals (like hydrogen fluoride) that attack the skin and so forth.
Worse still-hydrofluoric acid-penetrates the skin and attacks bone,in extreme cases the only 'cure'is amputation.
Sounds like gloves are a good idea then, thanks.
I picked this car up at the begininng of the week and ran it down the road, by time I got home it was stopping on the key okay, so presumably the shorted wires have vibrated away from each other.
Not a solution but that's the conclusion to this problem.