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Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - Alwyn
The Sunday Times has a report that Ministers could save over £6000 in personal tax because their gas guzzlers will not be liable to the new tax regime which penalises users of bigger cars.

Nothing new there, then.
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - Flat in Fifth

Like my comment on the stretched 75 with V6 engine and auto, don't do what we do but do what we tell you.

Then you read about MP's pensions and their treatment of the annuities scandal, and people wonder why some have absolutely no respect at all for politicians.

Looking at the pension thing what about starting a motorists party and putting up at the next election? Whose up for it?

Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - THe Growler
I thought everyone knew that the prime purpose the world over of anyone aspiring to a gov't position was fits and foremost to leverage the personal advantages. Anything about serving the public is way down the list. And no, I don't mean to be cynical: the UK press is bursting with examples. Iny the good old Philippines it's expected so the shock horror element is a bit worn by now.
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - alvin booth
Regretfully you are quite right growler. I think some of them particularly the old socialists actually believed all their claptrap about putting the world right when they first started but it probably only lasted until they saw the trough and then enthusiastically joined in. A woman socialist in local council who I knew as a girl has made a well paid career out of it. Last time we met I asked her how her frequent trips to the twinned town abroad benefitted the local taxpayer. "fact finding" somewhat indignantly she said. "what facts do you find which benefits the community and why don't you just ring and ask them" I ask. Conversation terminated very quickly.
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - martin
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (see Field Marshal TBlair for prime example)
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - Sherwood
You don't expect them to join the Proletariat do you?They have now left the working class,thats if they were ever in it in the first place.
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - martin
back in the good old days, perhaps there was some truth to the idear of ultruistic motives for wanting to rule the country, certainly some people like Keynes did really want to see everyone benefit from incresing wealth and fair-trade rules. However, that was 50 yrs ago, so back to rip-off Britain and us paying for 750 mp's to have a great life style free from legal prosecution!
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - pugugly
Sorry to be pedantic but these New Labour types were never working class, they are champange socialists of the worst type. At least the Tories were honestly corrupt (IYKWIM).
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - Kev
Its your fault for believing their lies, hands up who saw their idealistic views Tony's beaming smile and said sod of to the Tories?
Ditto pugugly, Tories were rank, but at least everyone knew it. How much do you think you would know, if it wasnt for gutterpress? How much do you think would be covered up, if it wasnt leaked?
Even though crime got worse, the health service has got worse, public transport has got worse, there are thousands more money [sorry asylum] seekers flooding into our country, everyone still loved Tony too much, so we are stuck with him for 5 more years.
Everybody, raise hand above head. Now up and down, and up and down. Well done.
Isnt it ironic how Blairs outraged about Mugabe, yet he is from the same mould. If we aint careful, he'll try to abolish elections and bring back capital punishment, but only for those uttering 'The tories were better'

You made your bed..........

Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - martin
Could'nt agree more, Tony is the very worst as his sneering hypocrisy does actually fool some people. but as they say, you can't fool all of the people all of the time. I am counting down the days to when Blair gets stabbed in the back, you can only go so far (as Maggie found out) then even your own will turn on you. Viva the Poll Tax Demo, if parliament can't act as the people's will then the people can!

Heard a great quote today,'new labour goes around stiring up apathy' you wonder why!
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - alvin booth
I think your'e going to be disappointed if you think a change of government will make things better.
I have little regard for either of them and personally find that we just change one bad lot for another. As you get older I think you get more cynical but also more realistic. lets not forget that many of our ills commenced with the last lot such as selling off railways hence todays fiasco.
In fact Tony's crew have simply followed the old ideolgy of the tories with even more enthusiasm leaving the tories nowhere to go but left.
Maggie & John let our industry go to the wall and sold off the crown jewels.
But its always nice to dream on and imagine that if only we could change this lot everything would be hunky dory and we would prosper.
And Martin and Kev don't forget with regard to turning on their own which party turned on Enoch for stating "the people's will" and banishing him to the wilderness for the rest of his days....
Re: Report in Sunday Times on Ministers tax breaks - Sherwood
Parliament did someone mention Parliament,Whats that!