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Reaction to The Wizard's Post - THe Growler
I do understand and respect the views of those who would prefer this forum to be more strictly technically/legally motoring-related. But please bear in mind some of us are not able to speak so learnedly because we don't have the knowledge. For us the forum is a useful resource in a wider sense. I for one have learnt heaps, some practical and useful, some educational, some mind-opening to issues I hadn't thought of before, or was confused about. We mechanical ingenues, social commentators, Blimp-ish reactionaries, humorists manques, armchair quarter-backs, you name it, come here to learn too, y'know. Pissed-Off of Peckham and Gatsoed-Out of Guildford need their escape valves also.

To paraphrase Tomo, if I just wanted an Internet Haynes Manual, I wouldn't bother.

There's more: there are definite "characters" here projecting all sorts of persona in a motoring context. I like that, I find it entertaining and it sustains my interest in the other postings on the forum which are perhaps more in line with the "purity" of theme some would like to see more of.

I would also like to think I know some of you guys a bit already and we would hit it off tolerably well over a pint or three if ever we chanced to meet. I wouldn't like to lose that. I enjoy the good-natured (as long as it remains well-mannered) sparring and points-scoring. If I just want to know what's the right oil (although that info is very useful) I can get that from my service mechanic.

Folks, let's not have a Back Room "PC" policy! Certainly I think patently nonsensical and gratuitously offensive postings and those by impostors and mischief-makers (no names no pack drill) are beyond the pale, but I'm willing to listen and consider all views. It's up to each poster to behave with responsibility and in keeping with the site's "culture" as it has developed. And bear in mind that, whatever the site's stated mission or vision, ultimately it will belong to its contributors, who will determine via their input the actual flavor and content. That's why we need to listen to everyone. If things get too out of hand, well that's why the Moderator exists.

For my part, yes I live overseas. Two posters I think implied obliquely that somehow disqualifies me and others like me. But I am a Brit and I still take a keen interest in what goes on in my mother country. The Back Room is part of my resources for doing so, because it has so many motoring-related thoughts which are extremely pertinent to, and indicative of, the socio-political climate prevalent today in Britain. If my own anecdotes about motoring life in the tropics or the golden days of yore etc bother a large enough number, hell, just tell me and I'll shut up. I just try to express contrast and the often comic nature of motoring elsewhere in the world. Humor is good for the blood pressure. The same thing gives me perspective too: reminds me of how lucky we are in many ways (pound a gallon gas, no GATSOS) and how lucky YOU are -- despite what you think you do not know REAL traffic congestion till you've seen Manila during a typical workday! Not to mention 12" high unannounced speed-bumps, unmarked unlit holes dug in roads etc).

But surely, each reader is the ultimate censor, is he/she not? All you have to do is lighten up, grin and bear the carpal tunnel twinges and just mouse on by, if anything you see doesn't appeal. Don't even bother to put it in print, just carry on down to see whether anyone replied to your post about Morris Minor half-shafts. The internet is a democracy, just like in the papers you don't have to read what you don't want to! Democracy by its very nature irritates because not everyone agrees with everyone, but most of us prefer it to the alternatives! Put some basics in like registration and booting off the extreme stuff, but leave it at that!
Reaction to The Wizard's Post - David Lacey
Growler said "Put some basics in like registration and booting off the extreme stuff, but leave it at that!"

Totally agree....
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - Ian Cook

Agree. I treat this backroom as a "virtual pub". I don't care what nationality or residence anyone has - we all share a motoring interest, if sometimes obscure. The overseas contributors have an advantage in that they can comment on Blighty without necessarily being personnaly wound up in our issues.

As for the distructive off-topic posters - what do you think would happen if they turned up in my local, wearing balaclava masks and spouting the sort of "fascinating" twaddle that they do. I suggest that:

1. no one would talk to them
2. the landlord wouldn't serve them
3. people would find somewhere else to drink

I would prefer options 1 and 2.

Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - Matt Kelly
I may have been one of the people who "implied obliquely that somehow disqualifies me". If so, sorry about that.

Just to clarify - I don't mean to suggest that living outside the UK should disqualify anyone from this forum at all, I was just exasperated at the tone of more than one of the non UK contributors telling us AGAIN how terribly we allow this country to be run and that we should rise up & do something about it.
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - Tomo
But we should, just the same!
Re: If that's what you think, be my guest - Matt Kelly
just don't expect that because I share this forum with you that I'll join you & agree with you.
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - THe Growler
Fair point; I'll watch that.
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - James
Agree totally. The grousers (but not growlers) do remind me of those who complain about TV programmes that they have watched right through to the end, just to make sure they were completely outraged...

Given the opinions we have to put up with from our elected representatives in the UK, there's not too much to complain about here, IMHO.
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - Alwyn

I agree totally with you sentiments and I wish I had your writing skills.

Take care and watch the earthquakes.
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - mike harvey
I like all of the views whether from Brazil, Manilla or Timbuctoo. The diversity is great. Not too keen on 'factual advice' which is incorrect, as is often the case on legal questions. Growler can growl at me anytime!
Re: Reaction to The Wizard's Post - El Dingo (Martin)
As with all the above..... yes, I like the diversity and don't come here for a Haynes Internet Manual.

I like the overseas angle too - you live in a crazy place! - keep it up Growler!
