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I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
Picture the scene - motorway, quiet, dusk - I'm heading down it at a moderate pace until I near the end of it when I slow down a little...then a little more.....then a little more and happen upon an 06 plate Honda Jazz going too slow - so I deftly overtake him and pull back in perfectly, even if I do say so myself. Exit the motorway onto the roundabout and then up the sliproad to a busy (ish) road.

The sllproad in question (I'm not entirely sure it's technically a sliproad as it's two way but has the motorway restrictions on so we'll call it one for now) terminates (and begins - depending on which way you're driving), with a traffic light controlled junction onto the main road. Two lanes to exit the sliproad - left only and right only controlled by the same traffic light.

So I pull up to turn right just as the lights turn to red. I then begin whistling a tune I've been working on - I'll show you someone if ever I see you - and guess who's pulling up alongside to turn left - our friend Mr Slow Jazz. Anyway - he just about draws level with me just as the lights for traffic using the main road have turned to red but he doesn't stop, doesn't look, and just plows on turning left...indicating. About 5 seconds later, our lights turn green which should show you how much of a risk he took.

Madness! He wasn't an old gent - around late fifties - early sixties - and probably the most curteous red light jumper I've ever seen but it still amazes me at what you see on the roads.

Sorry if this post was something of an anticlimax but I had to tell someone so why not you?


(P.S. Award for most brackets used in a single post must surely go to me. The next post will have the biggest use of commas ever.)
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
There weren't that many brackets at all - it felt like there were when I was typing it.

Sorry for misleading you.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Citroënian {P}
Yeah, you talk big brackets Adam.... :-)

Not surprising in some ways that this is happening more - ridiculous delays on junctions that are completely clear and no traffic police. Inevitable really.

There's a complex junction on my way into work that has something like 8 separate green phases for all the roads that meet. Always long delays when you hit it, regardless of the time of day. Lights failed last week and there we no queues, everyone just taking care going over and being curteous. Nice, really.

)()()()()()())()())))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))) whoooo-hoo

-- You know, it\'s not like changing toothpaste
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
You can't beat me Lee! ()()())()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(()()()()()()()()()
Try that on for size!

Anyway - the thing is, around here, you can't really complain about the light delays because not so much in busy traffic, but when it's dead, you barely have to approach them and they'll turn to green for you.

Of course, I could name you at least 2 incredibly complex junctions close to my house - needlessly complex junctions!
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Citroënian {P}
Adam, verily you are the king of the brackets, I stand beaten. I should know when to keep my big mouth shut.

Would be a big help around here if the lights had sensors to detect traffic - they don't in the main, keeping to the same schedule whether it's 3pm or 3am. Grrrrrrr

-- You know, it\'s not like changing toothpaste
I've just seen the craziest thing... - tack
Funny you should mention this, because I swear I met his brother today. An Auntie Rover 75 in front of me stopped at the red light on a crossing, after the pedestrian crossed the road, Auntie Rover just poodled off whilst lights were still red. No fuss, no bother, no dramatic screech of rubber, just a gentle and controlled acceleration up to ........oooooh.....27.5 mph?

I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
Mad isn't it? I think I'd prefer someone who just nipped through on a late amber.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Pezzer
Probably one of those backroomers who likes to see how far they can go without using their brakes................. only kidding :-) .
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
I should have sung ELO.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Avant
For his next trick watch Mr Slow Jazz (Louis Armstrong?) drive slowly and calmly off Wigan Pier.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
I was going to make a Jazz joke; asking myself "Would that be taking it too far?"

I wish I had now.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Pete M
Saw something similar on the way to work this morning. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing to let someone cross. A small 4WD coming the other way just merrily drove straight through, just missing the pedestrian. Driver was an older man wearing those huge wrap-around fly's-eye sunglasses (a warning in itself). The next car stopped, letting the pedestrian across the next half of the road, but then nearly took his heels off, starting before he had reached the footpath. As the rule here in New Zealand is now that you must let pedestrians clear the whole road, not just your half, I had the time to observe this. Sometimes I think I am the only person in the country that follows this rule. As I continued, I wondered what I would have done as the pedestrian. Would I have just stopped and waited as he did, or would I have had a go at his wing mirror, like I would love to have done?
I've just seen the craziest thing... - daveyjp
I was sat in two lanes of traffic at lights yesterday, second in queue. Car simply overtook both lanes and went through a red light on the wrong side of the road. Actions were totally pre-meditated.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - mfarrow
Maybe his clutch disengagement had failed and couldn't stop! was stuck in oh, say, second gear and literally couldn't drive any faster on the motorway?

Mike Farrow
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Adam {P}
And maybe the magic fairies sprinkled him in pixie dust and took over his mind!
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Bill Payer
..perhaps he was American? It's standard practice to turn right (so left here) on red in the US (unless specifically signed not to) and it works perfectly well.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - mfarrow
And maybe the magic fairies sprinkled him in pixie dust and
took over his mind!

Don't be so ridiculous.

Why would fairies be hanging around motorways and main road junctions when we all know they live at the bottom of the garden?

Mike Farrow
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Round The Bend
Why would fairies be hanging around motorways and main road junctions when we all know they live at the bottom of the garden?>>

They get everywhere these days..........
I've just seen the craziest thing... - No FM2R
>>>> Why would fairies be hanging around......main road junctions

I guess you've not been to San Francisco or Sao Paulo then.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - AngryJonny
Maybe his clutch disengagement had failed and couldn't stop!
was stuck in oh, say, second gear and literally couldn't drive any faster on the motorway?

I broke my left wrist once when I was 20 miles from home and obviously lost my ability to change gear. I briefly toyed with the idea of doing exactly that - sticking it in 2nd with my right arm before setting off and driving all the way home without changing gear. In the end I decided it was probably a bad idea.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Wally Zebon
I once drove from Chester to Wilmslow and back with only 3rd and 4th gear in my old company Rover 214. The linkage broke so I couldn't get anything other that 3rd or 4th.
Worked OK on the motorway, although pulling away from traffic lights was a bit of a problem. I had to push it out of its parking space in Wilmslow before heading home to find a garage.

I had to make the trip as I was repairing a laser printer and had promised that it would be done at 9am! There was no time to arrange an alternative fix.

Sorry to digress.

Every morning I sit waiting for the lights to change at the bottom of our road. Every morning I see at least 3 cars go through red lights! One day there will be a major accident. I just hope it doesn't involve me!

I've just seen the craziest thing... - No FM2R
>>One day there will be a major accident. I just hope it doesn't involve me!

Most morning I sit at the M40 J9 roundabout where I am comin from Bicester. Artics regularily come up the slip road from the M40 Southbound and go through these lights long after they've gone red. If you had anticipated the change, if you had alreayd been rolling as you arrived at the lights as they changed, or for some other reason came off the line a bit rapidly, then you will get got.

It is just a question of time. Oh, and I've been watching, its usually UK lorries.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Altea Ego
I once drove back from exeter to west london with no clutch cable. Stopping and starting was obviously the weak link in my travel plan, so I left late at night. There was the odd traffic light or 30 in the way so approaching them was done thus

change down throught the box using brakes and revs and approach traffic light in second or first slowly. If the lights changed - all well and good, if they didnt then creep across at tickover in first keeping a good weather eye out.

Worked a treat and before the days of Traffic light cameras,.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
I've just seen the craziest thing... - cheddar
I once drove back from exeter to west london with no
clutch cable.

Once did that in a Dolomite Sprint, not quite as far, at lights etc I turned it off then put it in second and turned the key, it lurched forward initialy on the starter before the engine caught, I got into third easily by matching the revs and overdrive third was only a flick of a switch and gave about 80 mph at 4000 rpm.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - bell boy
many years ago i had to drive a car from sheffield with only three wheels on it,the hardest part was going round tight bends as it felt like it was going to roll over,i did find it very frightening and anything bigger that overtook me made the whole car shake.

never driven a reliant robin since....
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Altea Ego
The old ones are the best ones eh old timer?

They certainly dont come any older, and believe me that joke has not matured well with age,.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
I've just seen the craziest thing... - wotspur
Had once to drive a van from Haslemere to Farnham, it had no 1st gear or hand brake and had to take it to the garage to be repaired- not the easiest drive I've ever had.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - Altea Ego
Haslemere to Farnham? NOOOOOOOOOOO problem - its all down hill.............;)
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
I've just seen the craziest thing... - stevied
NOFM2R, I agree about the lorries. If we DARE to criticise them, no doubt loads of lorry drivers will tell us how courteous they are etc. etc., but IMHO their standards are dropping. It's like this stupid thing about not stopping at junctions. How can it be OK to compromise other people's safety and trying to justify it with "but if we stop it's hard to get going again bleat"? If you don't like the limitations of the vehicle you're driving then there's a simple solution. Don't have a job where you spend your time driving that vehicle. Idiots.

I've mentioned it before and I'll mention it again, the A41 Shropshire to Wales is an accident waiting to happen. Lorries overtaking each other as dual carriegeways run out, lack of mirror use, indication etc. etc.

I am not saying car drivers are perfect, but these people are supposed to be professionals. It's another example of the all-pervasive macho culture endemic to such old-fashioned, childish industries. "What we do is important, if I am late delivering this then my ass is on the line" etc.

I can't consume the products you're distributing if I am dead, can I?
I've just seen the craziest thing... - No FM2R
stevied, you are my hero.

Totally agree.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - stevied
Why thank you! I don't often rant (OK, I do!!) but it really gets my goat. And I did the A41 run last night so it's fresh in my head!

What I will say is: I drove through a place called Albrighton in Shropshire last night, the one near Wolverhampton not the one near Shrewsbury.

The world's politest drivers live there. Signalling, letting you out, thanking you, a lady even spoke pleasantly to me in a shop after I'd stopped to let her park.

Very refreshing! Some nice cars there too, saw a DB7, a Continental GT and two Porsches on the High Street.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - rtj70
On the M60 yesterday, a lorry started tailgating a car when we reached a speed camera enforced 40mph zone (SPECS cameras). There can only have been about 2 feet at most in it. Then he moved behind me and did the same. When I moved in he proceeded to speed through several SPECS cameras. I can only hope he gets too many points from totting up if that is how he drives.
I've just seen the craziest thing... - glowplug
The tales of people driving cars got me reminiscing about the clutch failure in my old mini - 1275GT clubman.I was just 19. It had a loud stereo (I fitted it), bucket seats, 1310 engine, freeflow exhaust and K&N with a stub stack. After dyno tuning it went like hell and boy did I enjoy it. But I got a job with a van that meant I was away from home more and more, so when driving it one weekend and the clutch wouldn't disengage, my then girlfriend ended up pushing it to start it then jumping in whilst moving (in a very short skirt and heels!) I decided it had to go. The chump I sold it to wrote it off in 2 weeks... Even more extraordinary was that this was at a roundabout junction on the A61 in Chesterfield at the start of the bypass.

Maybe it's the image of the ex not car that's got me thinking....

Xantia HDi.

Buy a Citroen and get to know the local GSF staff better...