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Arrogant Cyclist! - Armitage Shanks {p}
Letter in today's ST Motoring section headed "Cycle of Despair". Writer says "So what if you let rip while the lights are red? Cycling is one of the last great freedoms isn't it? Not any more! Teams on expensive lightweight bikes with combat shorts and Nike trainers are nabbing cyclists on fixed penalties at £30 a pop" The man got a Fixed penalty and complained that he had to wait 20 minutes for the officers to check if there were any outstanding warrants on his name. That is the sort of arrogance that makes cyclists unpopular - the writer was 52 years old BTW!. What an idiot!
Arrogant Cyclist! - Pugugly {P}
It's a theory based on the proposotopn that if a person ignors basic rules they are likely to ignore big ones as well hence the Warrants Check. If the cyclist is accurate and says he was detained for 20 minutes he may have apoint, there's plenty of caselaw on unlawful detention. Agree with the principle though.
Arrogant Cyclist! - David Horn
Hmm... so now there's a challenge element involved. Wonder if I could outrun them... ;)
Arrogant Cyclist! - artful dodger {P}
>>Wonder if I could outrun them...

Not if they called in assistance with powered 2 or 4 wheels. Might find an extra charge of not stopping for a Police Officer.

I read frequently, but only post when I have something useful to say.
Arrogant Cyclist! - nortones2
Its about time the rules were enforced! The unruly element give cyclists a bad name.
Arrogant Cyclist! - bell boy
so long as innocent cyclists arent "framed" as its a longhill struggle to get the spokes of justice in gear and drop the handle bar charges,on reflection (if they have any)nick em and and put them in chains
Arrogant Cyclist! - mare
so long as innocent cyclists arent "framed" as its a longhill
struggle to get the spokes of justice in gear and drop
the handle bar charges,on reflection (if they have any)nick em and
and put them in chains

Glad no one talks in forked tongues in the cogs of justice
Arrogant Cyclist! - mss1tw
I think this thread has been derailled.
Arrogant Cyclist! - Chuffer Dandridge
Except of course there are 1000's of cars and vans also driving through red lights every day, and getting away with it.

I could show you a spot not 1/2 mile from my home, where 2-3 cars shoot the red light on every change, rather than wait a few minutes for the next change.

Might be better to get our own house in order before having a go at cyclists
Arrogant Cyclist! - bell boy
no red lights near my house.......its a non red light district......... ;)
Arrogant Cyclist! - Pugugly {P}
Red lights at Temporary Traffic Lights - my pet hate. The red has now become an option only to stop around here, with the world and his dog streaming through on red genuine users only have a small window in which to operate.
735310 - Total sense in an upside down world.
Arrogant Cyclist! - piggy
I think this thread has been derailled.

Or even Derailleur-ed

Arrogant Cyclist! - Zippy123
Cycling is very dangerous nowdays.

I try to give them a very wide berth (better safe then sorry).

However, on Friday night on the way home one was riding along the middle of the road (an A road btw), making it almost impossible to pass him safely.