chipped 2.0 Jaguar/Ford turbo diesel - Westpig
Anyone chipped (or know someone who has) the 130 bhp 2 litre ford diesel engine and if so willing to give me some decent feedback. I'm considering doing wifey's X type estate, cos we use it for long journey's with 2 dogs.

I suppose i'm trying to have my cake and eat it i.e. diesel economy and some poke. I know there's a 2.2 out now....which is on the shopping list, but Mrs W will only allow it to be just that at the moment, i.e on the list.

What I don't want to do is spend some £300 and then find i've got an arm wrenching, narrow power band where I don't need it or even a good deal more top speed, as i don't need that necessarily either. I'd like a bit more oomph 50-70 etc, for those overtakes...... (that seemingly you can only do in Scotland or Cornwall nowadays...or even France, where they seem to expect you to do it and help you on your way).

Please don't tell me we should have bought the 3.0 litre petrol 'cos i already know that... trouble is, my S type 3.0 on a long journey will return 27 mpg driven fairly hard, the X type diesel does 38 or 39mpg in the same circs and this committed petrol head has finally succumbed to the diesel (after severe persuasion from the Ubergruppenfuhrer) so that Mr Brown doesn't get all of my salary, instead of just most of it.

thankyou in advance.
chipped 2.0 Jaguar/Ford turbo diesel - George Porge
Can't give you specifics about the Jag, but I've had a chipped Golf tdi for 5 years and it does exactly as you ask, more power for overtaking and more economical too. Some VW tuners give a 5 hour demonstation trial, I would imagine that you could find limilar companies to do the same for you.

Go for it
2 Dirty VW diesels and a Honda with an 18 inch blade
chipped 2.0 Jaguar/Ford turbo diesel - cheddar
Please don't tell me we should have bought the 3.0 litre
petrol 'cos i already know that... trouble is, my S type
3.0 on a long journey will return 27 mpg driven fairly
hard, the X type diesel does 38 or 39mpg in the
same circs

The 2.0d already has a lot more torque than the 3.0 however it should be doing more than 38/39mpg under any circumstances, might be worth getting it checked out, if there is a fault then curing it may well relaese a slug of performance you did not know you were missing.

Look up Bluefin, good reputation, the standard Mondeo 130's 147 bhp is increased to 164 with a hike in torque as well, around 500 quid.

chipped 2.0 Jaguar/Ford turbo diesel - Martin Devon
Anyone chipped (or know someone who has) the 130 bhp 2
litre ford diesel engine and if so willing to give me
some decent feedback. I'm considering doing wifey's X type estate, cos
we use it for long journey's with 2 dogs.
What's it got to do with 'er anyway??

Call Simon Coe of Believe me, you need nothing else.
