I was wanting to change my engine coolant today but theres a slight problem.
One of the jubilee clips clasping the hose on the raditor is really badly corroded...so bad that when I tried to unscrew it the thread jsut went all "Mushy".
Now how am I supposed to get this off. I have tried to pull of the hose but the clip is on so tightly that it just wont shift.
Any suggestions?
Saw through the side of the screw housing on the clip, then get a new stainlee steel clip.
or a good pair of molies and a twist
Destroy the old clip, but take care not to damage the hose too much unless you are meaning to change it too.
Best to change the hose in any case (all of them in fact), especially as you may have inadvertently damaged it whilst trying to get the jubilee clip off.
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Destroy the old clip, but take care not to damage the hose ........
More importantly, take care not to damage the pipe stubs onto which the hose is fitted. A new hose is relatively cheap compared to the bit that the hose attaches to.
If it's that rusted chances are the hose is ancient. It's false economy to try to re-use it - they can be flaking inside even though they look OK on the outside.
how much does a new hose cost approx?
are they generic items or are they car specific?
Either, but the correct ones are naturally easier to fit.